Week 228 Fungal Disease Flashcards
Reduced albumin levels can mean what?
- liver damage
- kidney disease
- severe inflammation / shock
What is a CD4 test used to measure?
1) used to measure baseline viral load on first diagnosis of HIV
2) used to monitor the progress of HIV (CD4 as a % of total WBC)
3) used as an absolute measure of the body’s ability of fight opportunistic infection
According to WHO what CD4 result requires treatment?
200 and below
What is parainfluenza?
A group of 5 viruses causing respiratory illness including: Croup (in children) Bronchiolitis Bronchitis Pneumonia
What does Coxiella burnetii cause and how?
Q Fever
Involves a hardy spore that can acquired from sheep/cattle and can live I skimmed milk for 40months!
Human infection via inhalation, proliferating in lungs & bacteraemia follows (can also present as self-limiting febrile illness similar to pneumonia)
What commonly passes on Psittacosis?
Budgies / Pigeons
What is Brucellosis?
G-ve, nonmotile, non-spore-forming, rodshaped bacterial infection
They function as intracellular parasites causing chronic disease
Assoc with unpasteurised milk and soft cheeses (goats)
What does HAART stand for in relation to HIV treatment?
Highly Active AntiRetroviral Therapy
A combination of drugs that treat HIV and AIDS
What classes of drug does HAART include?
- Nucleoside (-tide) reverse transcriptase inhibitors
- Non-Nucleoside (-tide) reverse transcriptase inhibitors
- Protease inhibitors
- Fusion / Entry inhibitors
- Integrase inhibitors
How do non-nucleoside & nucleoside (-tide) reverse transcriptase inhibitors work?
Attach to reverse transcriptase enzyme on HIV virus (necessary to convert RNA to DNA in order to infect CD4 cells) so that the conversion is prevented thereby preventing viral replication within CD4 cells
How do protease inhibitors work?
Block proteolytic cleavage thereby preventing HIV viral replication
Besides HIV what else are protease inhibitors used to treat?
Hep C
How do fusion/entry inhibitors work?
They prevent HIV virus entering CD4 cells by preventing the surface proteins from binding
How do Integrase inhibitors work?
Prevent HIV’s DNA being incorporated into CD4 cells DNA - useful in cases where resistance to other drugs exists
What organism causes Pityriasis Versicolour and what are the key features?
Malassezia furfur
Areas of hyper- or depigmented skin mainly on trunk or proximal limbs (may have flaky skin also) usually during hot spells in weather
What are the principle treatments for Pityriasis Versicolour?
Topical ketoconazole
Oral itraconazole or fluconazole
What are the 3 principle Dermatopytosis organisms?
Microsporum (hair and skin)
Epidermophyton (skin and nails)
Trichophyton (skin, hair and nails)
What is the clinical manifestation of a skin dermatopytosis infection?
Circular, itchy, scaly, erythematous lesions
What species of Candida is most commonly connected with Candidiasis infection?
Candida albicans (80-90% of cases)