Week 2: What Do You Have Exam Questions Flashcards
What is reliability?
The consistency of a measurement
What is inter-rater reliability in psychology?
the degree to which two independent observers agree on what they have observed
What is test-retest reliability?
the extent to which a test taken twice at separate time intervals receive similar results
What is Internal consistency reliability?
assesses whether the items on a test are related to one another
What is validity?
whether or not a measure measures what it is supposed to
What is content validity?
whether a measure adequately samples the domain of interest
What is construct validity
the extent to which items on an assessment instrument relate to other variables or behaviours
What is criterion validity?
determining whether a measure is associated in an expected way with another measure
What is concurrent validity?
the validity resulting from variables that are measured at the same point in time
What is a clinical interview?
a formal or informal conversation where the clinician obtains information about the client, paying attention to how they do and do not answer questions
What is the value of a diagnosis vs a formulation?
Diagnosis assists in formulating a treatment plan whereas formulation tells us more about a person and the context of their circumstances
What are the two broad types of personality assessments?
self-report personality inventories & projective personality tests
What is the WAIS and what constructs does it measure?
the Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale is an intelligence check to assess a persons current mental ability
What is a observational (behavioural) assessment?
Assessment methods that focus on direct observation of behaviour, self-observation and cognitive-style questionnaires
What is ecological momentary assessment?
the collection of data in real time regarding thoughts, moods, stressors (e.g., diaries)
What is the point cognitive-style questionnaires?
help plan targets for treatment and determine whether clinical interventions are helping
What strategies are used in neurobiological assessment
brain imaging, neurotransmitter assessment, neuropsychological assessment, psychophysiological assessment
What are techniques used in psychophysiological assessment
measures of electrical activity in the autonomic nervous system such as skin conductance
What are techniques used in neurotransmitter assessment
post mortem analysis of neurotransmitters and receptors, PET scans of neurotransmitter receptors
What are techniques used in neuropsychological assessment
behavioural tests to assess abilities such as motor speed, memory and spatial ability