Week 2 Test- Flashcards
What urine test would be taken first thing in the morning?
Casts in a urine specimen develop in what part of the urinary tract?
What should be done if a urine specimen isn’t going to be analyzed within an hour?
Refrigerate the specimen
A cloudy urine specimen may be the result of:
The condition ___ could lead to a blue- green colored urine.
Pseudomas infection
Urine suspected of having high levels _____ should be stored in a dark place before testing.
The urine PH is alkaline if the pt has _____
How many antiseptic towelettes should be used for a clean- catch midstream?
A 24 hour urine sample is ordered to determine:
Creatine Clearance Rates
The value specific gravity 1.035 is considered to be:
Abnormally high
If urine has a fruity odor you would expect the ___ to be elevated
A female with a UTI would most likely have a positive ___ & ____ on a reagent strip.
nitrates, leukocyte
____ is one of the first detectable signs of renal disease.
____ is one of the first detectable signs of liver disease.
A small amount of ____ is always present in normal urine.
What is the normal range of PH in a urine specimen?
5.5- 8.0
In the microscopic observation of urine sediment, yeast resembles:
How soon can you detect hCG? hCG is to test for ?
1 week after implantation or 4 to 5 days before a missed period/ pregnancy.
____ are tubular structures found in the urine and composed mainly of mucoprotein produced in the kidney.
A child whose urine has a mousy smell most likely would be diagnosed with __
A ___ sample can be collected at any given time.
A turbid urine sample means that the specimen is ___
When ___ is found in the urine it may indicate kidney damage.
The ___ and the nephron filters the blood to create a filtrate.
Which urine specimens are used in diabetes screening and for home diabetes testing programs?
2 hr. Postprandial urine specimen
Name 3 things that may relate to abnormal urine color?
Diet, medication, disease
Polyuria is common in which of the following clinical situations?
An ammonia or putrid smell in urine can be caused by an ___
____ is commonly found in cystitis and in individuals passing kidney stone
The sugar most commonly found in urine is:
The pigment that is responsible for the color of urine is:
The study of poisonous substances and their effects on the body is:
____ are the end product of fat metabolism in the body.
The presence of casts in urine maybe caused by strenuous activity.
The Clinitest is performed to detect sugars in the urine.
Ovulation testing measures the level of hCG in the blood stream.
Ketones may not be present in a urine sample that is at room temperature.
Alcohol lasts in the body for ___ to ___ hours.
2 to 12
___ means damaging to the kidneys.
Oxycodone last in your body for ___ to ___ days
1, 4
_________ can lead to bright yellow urine.
Riboflavin, B vitamins, multivitamins
Cocaine can last in your body for ___ hrs to ___ days
12, 3
Which vitamin in a large amount can interfere with results of nitrite, glucose, and bilirubin urine results?
Vitamin C
How long should urine be centrifuged?
3-5 minutes
____ could lead to brown colored urine.
Old blood & methemoglobin
When urine is fresh and warm, trichomonads organisms may be motile and appear to be darting about rapidly when the specimen is examined under a microscope:
___ deposits are detected in urine after it has cooled.
Reagent strips of urine testing must be performed on a fresh specimen within 1 hour of collection.
____ is the presence of intact red blood cells in urine.
_____ the most accurate method of testing urine in pts with diabetes.
Second- voided specimen
How many liters of urine does the average person produce daily?
2 liters