Week 2 - Scalp Acupuncture Flashcards
Scalp acupuncture is based on the __________
representative areas of the cerebral cortex
To treat diseases affecting one side of the body, scalp acupuncture site selection used is ________
To treat diseases affecting both sides of the body, scalp acupuncture site selection used is ________
To treat diseases affecting internal organs or systemic in nature, scalp acupuncture site selection used is ________
List needle insertion methods for scalp acupuncture
- prepare skin
- horizontal needle
- rapid twirling w/ wide amplitude
- no lifting and thrusting
- preventing bleeding when needle is withdrawn
- De Qi sensation obtained in the body is ideal
Scalp acupuncture is contraindicated in ________
scalp infection
tendency to faint
There are ___(#) basic lines in head acupuncture. They are __________
midline of the head: from glabella to external occipital protuberance
eyebrow-occiput line: from midpoint of eyebrow to external occipital protuberance
The location of the scalp acupuncture motor area is _______
a line starting from 0.5cm posterior to midpoint of midline and stretching diagonally across head to a point at the intersection of the zygomatic arch with the hairline at the temple
The location of the scalp acupuncture sensory area is __________
a line parallel and 1.5 cm posterior to motor line
The location of the scalp acupuncture leg motor and sensory area is _______
parallel with midline 1 cm beside midpoint bilaterally, about 3 cm long
The location of the scalp acupuncture chorea and tremor control area is _________
parallel with and 1.5 cm anterior to Motor area line
The location of the scalp acupuncture blood vessel dilations and constriction area is ______
parallel with and 1.5 cm anterior to chorea and tremor control area
The scalp acupuncture motor area is generally indicated for ____
The scalp acupuncture sensory area is generally indicated for ______
pain, numbness, paresthesia
The scalp acupuncture blood vessel dilations and constriction are is indicated for ______
superficial edema, hypertension
List location of scalp acupuncture motor areas for lower limb & trunk, upper limb, facial area ____________
upper 5th of motor area line
second and third 5ths of motor area line
lower two 5ths of motor area line
List location of scalp acupuncture sensory areas for lower limb & trunk, upper limb, facial area ____________
upper 5th of sensory area line
second and third 5ths of sensory area line
lower two 5ths of sensory area line
The location of the scalp acupuncture vertigo and hearing area is _________
horizontal line 1.5cm above and centered on the apex of ear, 4cm in length
The location of the scalp acupuncture speech #2 area is _________. This area is indicated for _________
- vertical line 2 cm beside tuber parietale on back of head, 3 cm in length
- nominal aphasia
The location of the scalp acupuncture speech #3 area is _________. This area is indicated for _________
- overlaps vertigo area at midpoint and continues 3 cm posteriorly
- receptive aphasia
The location of the scalp acupuncture voluntary movement area is _________. This area is indicated for _________
- with the tuber parietale origin, three needles can be inserted inferiorly, anteriorly and posteriorly to a length of 3 cm. Between them the 3 lines will form a 40 degree angle
- apraxia
The location of the scalp acupuncture vision area is _________. This area is indicated for _________
- 1 cm lateral to external occipital protuberance, parallel to midline of head, 4 m in length extending upward
- cortical blindness
The location of the scalp acupuncture balance area is _________. This area is indicated for _________
- 3 cm lateral to external occipital protuberance, parallel to midline of head, 4 cm in length, extending downward
- loss of balance due to cerebellar disorders
The location of the scalp acupuncture ST area is _________. This area is indicated for _________
- beginning at hairline directly above pupil of eye, parallel w/ midline of head, 2 cm in length extending posteriorly
- discomfort in upper abdomen
The location of the scalp acupuncture LV and GB area is _________. This area is indicated for _________
- a line 2 cm in length extending anteriorly from ST area
- pain in upper right quadrant of abdomen and/or right rib cage, chronic hepatitis
The location of the scalp acupuncture thoracic cavity area is _________. This area is indicated for _________
- midway between and parallel w/ ST area and midline of head, bilaterally, 2cm in length
- asthma, chest pain, intermittent supra-ventricular tachycardia
The location of the scalp acupuncture reproduction area is _________. This area is indicated for _________
- parallel and lateral to ST area at a distance equal to that between ST area and thoracic cavity area, 2 cm in length
- abnormal uterine bleeding, combined w/ leg motor area for prolapsed uterus
The scalp acupuncture leg motor and sensory area is indicated for __________
paralysis, pain or numbness of lower limb, acute lower back sprain, nocturnal urination, prolapsed uterus