Week 2 review Dose Limits for Exposure to IOnizing Radiation Flashcards
Provides the most recent guidance on radiation protection
NCRP Report No. 116 (limitation of Exposure to Ionizing Radiation)
Set of numeric dose limits that are based on calculations of the various risks of cancer and genetic effects to tissues or organs exposed to radiation
EFD limiting system
A quantity that is used for radiation protection purposes to provide a measure of the overall risk of exposure to ionizing radiation. This quantity takes into account the dose of all types of ionizing radiation to irradiated organs or tissues in the human body. By including a specific weighting factor for each irradiated body part, EfD takes into account the chance of each part for developing a radiation induced cancer
Leading international organization responsible for providing clear, consistent radiation guidance through its recommendations on occupational and public dose limits
Normally a medical physicist, health physicist, radiologist or other individual qualified through adequate training and experience who is designated by a health care facility and approved by the NRC and the state to ensure that a facility follows internationally accepted guidelines for radiation protection
evaluates human and environmental exposure to ionizing radiation from a variety of sources, including radioactive materials radiation-producing machines and radiation accidents
An annual EfD that provides a low-exposure cutoff level so that regulatory agencies may dismiss a level of individual risk as negligible
Negligible individual dose (NID)
An upper boundary limit for radiation workers for yearly whole body exposure of 50 mSv
annual occupational EfD limit
optimization for radiation protection
ALARA concept
Describes the level of radiation exposures of a population or group from low doses of different sources of ionizing radiation
Scientific journals published by the ICRP
Annals of ICRP
Established by health care facilities to trigger an investigation to uncover the reasons for any unusual high exposure received by individual staff members
action limit
Strictly an equipment performance standard
Radiation Control for Health and Safety Act of 1968
Responsible for regulations concerning employees right to know about hazards that may be present in the workplace
Publications that list studies of biologic effects and associated risk of groups of people who were either routinely or accidentally exposed to ionizing radiation
BEIR reports
An annual EfD that provides a low-exposure cutoff level so that regulatory agencies may dismiss a level of individual risk as negligible
EfD recommended as an upper boundary dose of ionizing radiation that results in a negligible risk of bodily injury or genetic damage
EfD limit
Agency that has the power to enforce radiation protection standards
Lifetime EfD
cumulative effective dose (CUmEfD) limit
A radiation quantity used for radiation protection purposes when a person receives exposure from various types of ionizing radiation. This quantity attempts to numerically specify the differences in biologic harm that are produced by different types of radiation. This quantity is the product of the average absorbed dose in a tissue or organ in the human body and the associated radiation weighting factor chosen for the type of radiation in question
EqD limit
Indicates the ratio of the risk of stochastic effects attributed to irradiation of a given organ or tissue to the total risk when the whole body is uniformly irradiated
Tissue weighting factor (Wt)
cancerous neoplasm caused by exposure to ionizing radiation
radiation induced malignancy
Federal legislation requiring the establishment of minimal standards for the accreditation of educational programs for personnel who perform radiologic procedures and the certification of such individuals
consumer-patient Radiation Health and Safety Act (Title IX of Public Law 97-35)
Applies to complete x-ray systems and major components manufactured after August 1, 1974
Code of standards for diagnostic x-ray equipment