Week 2: Recorded Music c 1999-2010 Flashcards
What were music revenues like in 2010?
music revenues were half of what they were in 1999
What caused the massive drop in music revenue?
Popular audio form in the 80s
Sony Walkman
*poor quality
Popular audio form in the 90s
released in 1999 and was a way to pirate mP3s on the internet
Explain how piracy wasn’t the only problem that drove down sale
-unit sales of recorded music increased during this time while revenues dropped (indicates that piracy wasn’t the sole problem)
-studios switched from albums (which are bundles) to single digital sales for $1
-people began just buying the few songs from the album that they actually liked
-this became especially popular with the release of digital downloads in the iTunes store
*piracy indirectly hurt the recording industry by making them abandon bundling