Week 2 M2 Flashcards
Since 2010 Viktor Orbán has served as Prime Minister of which country that joined the EU in 2004?
Which village in Nottinghamshire whose name is Old English for ‘goat home’ shares its name with the fictional city where Batman lives?
Gotham City
The term of which painting technique practiced among others by Rembrandt comes from the Italian for ‘light-dark’? It described by Merriam-Webster as“pictorial representation in terms of light and shade without regard to color”.
Located in the Andes what is the highest mountain in South America?
Rapper William Drayton Jr. has what alliterative stage name? He is best known for his work with hip hop group Public Enemy.
Flavor Flav
In cockney rhyming slang what type of alcoholic beverage are you ordering if you ask for a ‘Dame Vera’?
Which element is the most abundant in the universe? It has atomic number 1 is vital to human hydration and is found in compounds such as ammonia.
Which British athlete who had finished last in the final at the Rio Olympics won gold in the men’s 400 metres the 2018 European Championships?
Matt Hudson-Smith
In cricket what is the method of a batsman’s dismissal if the commentatordescribes them as having ‘nicked off’?
In medicine obstetricians deal with the before during and after of whatcondition?
Pregnancy (allowchildbirth etc.)
Mostly set in Hoboken New Jersey which 1954 film directed by Elia Kazan andstarring Marlon Brando was rated eighth on the AFI’s 1998 list of the 100Greatest American Films?
On The Waterfront
Who was the Labour Chancellor of the Exchequer at the time of the 1929 StockMarket crash?
Philip Snowden
Located on the river Rhône and for three years home to Chris Waddle whichsouthern port is France’s second most populous city?
Which prolific author of children’s books created the character Noddy?
Enid Blyton
What does the word ‘oneiric’ [oh-NIGH-rik] refer to? ‘Oneiromancy’ is predictingthe future on the basis of these things.
Which Sheffield bands albums of the 1990s included His n Hers Different Classwhich won the Mercury Prize and This is Hardcore?
Bryce Canyon and Canyonlands are two of five national parks in which land-locked state of the western USA?
Popularised by an 1859 English translation by Edward Fitzgerald which Persianpoet and astronomer (1048-1131) is credited with writing the Rubaiyat?
Omar Khayyam
Big Ben chimed an unusual 30 times on 27th July 2012 to mark the start of whichmajor event?
London 2012Olympics (30thOlympiad)
C17H21NO4 is the molecular formula for which narcotic also the name of a songpopularised in 1977 by Eric Clapton?
Which Geordie footballer started his career at Southampton with a full head ofhair and ended it - bald as a coot - at Newcastle United? He was the first toscore 200 Premier League goals.
Alan Shearer
In the Linnaean classification system bush babies and tarsiers belong to whatOrder of mammals?
Bruno Tonioli missed episode five of the sixteenth season of Strictly ComeDancing meaning which man is Strictly’s only ever-present judge?
Craig Revel-Horwood
Which wife of Henry VIII was the mother of Edward VI? She is the only one ofHenry’s wives who doesn’t share her Christian name with another wife of his.
Jane Seymour
What section of an orchestra does a trombone belong in?
Micro-blading is a beauty procedure in which a handheld tool containing severaltiny needles tattoos semi-permanent pigment onto the skin. On what specificparts of the body is micro-blading most commonly used?
Which 8-9th century Persian mathematician and astronomer is considered thefather of algebra the word itself deriving from the Arabic title of his CompendiousBook on Calculation by Completion and Balancing?
Gran Turismo and Need for Speed are video game series focusing on what typeof sporting competition?
Motor racing
On this day in 1882 Charles Guiteau was hanged for the murder the previousyear of which US President?
James Garfield
In Only Fools and Horses which revered real-life figure does Trigger suggestwas only famous for fifteen minutes because “He made one great film then younever saw him again”?
Mohandas K. Gandhi
Osamu Tezuka is considered the modern ‘father’ of which Japanese art formwhich involves drawing cartoons and creating comics and graphic novels?
Kimchi and Bulgogi are parts of which Asian cuisine?
Rapper Clifford Smith Jr. has what alliterative stage name? He is best known for his work with hip hop group Wu-Tang Clan.
Method Man
In cockney rhyming slang what type of alcoholic beverage are you ordering if you ask for ‘a round of Britneys’?
Which non-metallic element is the most abundant in the earth’s crust? It has atomic number 8 is vital to human respiration and has allotropes such as ozone.
Which British athlete who finished last in the final of the women’s 400 metres hurdles the Rio Olympics had won gold in that event at the 2014 EuropeanChampionships?
Eilidh Doyle / Child
Since 2010 Mark Rutte has served as Prime Minister of which country a founder member of the EEC?
Taking its name from a word that means ‘mother city’ in Greek in what fictional city do the Superman comics take place?
The term for which painting technique practiced by Leonardo Da Vinci comes from the Italian for ‘smoke’ and is described by Merriam-Webster as “thedefinition of form in painting without abrupt outline by the blending of one toneinto another”?
Located in the Alaska range what is the highest mountain in North America?
Denali (acceptMcKinley)
Located on the river Elbe and for three years home to Kevin Keegan whatnorthern port is Germany’s second most populous city?
Which prolific author of detective stories wrote the play The Mousetrap?
Agatha Christie
What does the word ‘sortition’ refer to? The Romans did this (among many otherthings) as a means of divining the future.
Drawing lots
Which Glasgow bands albums of the 2000s were a self-titled debut album thatwon the Mercury Prize You Could Have It So Much Better and Tonight?
Franz Ferdinand
In cricket what is the method of a batsman’s dismissal if the commentatordescribes them as having ‘nicked on’ or ‘played on’?
In medicine oncologists deal with the diagnosis and treatment of what generalclass of medical conditions?
Mostly set in San Francisco which 1958 film directed by Alfred Hitchcock andstarring James Stewart was rated ninth on the AFI’s 2007 revised list of the 100Greatest American Films?Who was the Tory Foreign Secretary at the time of the Suez Crisis?
Vertigo(John) Selwyn Lloyd
Who was the Tory Foreign Secretary at the time of the Suez Crisis?
(John) Selwyn Lloyd
Which Scouse footballer started his career almost as bald as a coot at Evertonand is ending it with a full head of hair at Derby County? He was the second toscore 200 Premier League goals.
Wayne Rooney
In the Linnaean classification system chinchillas and porcupines belong to whatOrder of mammals?
Simon Cowell missed the live auditions in series five of Britain’s Got Talentmeaning which presenter and actress is BGT’s only ever-present judge?
Amanda Holden
Which wife of Henry VIII was the mother of Mary I? She was previously marriedto Arthur Prince of Wales.
Catherine of Aragon
Black Canyon of Gunnison and Mesa Verde are two of the four national parks inwhich land-locked state of the western USA?
The 2014 Booker Prize winner The Narrow Road to the Deep North takes itstitle from the best known work of which 17th century Japanese master of thehaiku?
Matsuo Basho(accept either name)
On 17 April 2013 the chimes of Big Ben were silenced as a mark of respectduring whose ceremonial funeral?
Margaret Thatcher’s
C21H23NO5 is the molecular formula for which narcotic also the name of a songreleased in 1967 by the Velvet Underground?
On this day in 1921 Warren G. Harding appointed which former US President(1909-13) as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court?
William Howard Taft
In Only Fools and Horses Trigger says that if Del and Raquel have a son they’llname him “Rodney after …” who? This answer is just a forename and does notrefer to a real-life person.
Studio Ghibli are considered the leading film studio producing which type offeature films many of which are adaptations of manga?
Ph? and bánh mì are parts of which Asian cuisine?
What section of an orchestra does a clarinet belong in?
These grooming devices consist of a small portable lamp that emits ultra-violetlight within a cavity. They are most commonly used to dry something applied towhich specific parts of the body?
Fingernails (prompton fingers or handsaccept toenails)
Which 14-15th century Tunisian philosopher and historian who wrote theMuqaddimah or Proleogomena is sometimes considered the father of the socialsciences?
Ibn Khaldun
Top Spin and Power Smash are video game series focusing on which sport?
During the shiva period of mourning what item or items in the household doJewish families cover up?
Mirrors / Pictures(accept either or both)
Bujumbura is the most populous city and until last year was the capital of whichland-locked African country?
Also a film franchise what word in mathematics refers to an array of numbers orother data set out in rows and columns?
Which was the largest of the three Roman cites engulfed by the eruption ofVesuvius in 79 AD?