Week 2 M1 Flashcards
In computing terminology the letter M in the initialism RAM stands for memory. What twowords do the letters RA stand for?
Random accessmemory
What dish common to Lusophone countries is a stew made from black beans with freshpork or beef? It is the national dish of Brazil and of Macau.
Which West African nation has a flag that is a horizontal tricolour of red yellow and greenbands with a single black star in the centre?
The crowning achievement of the temperance movement the 18th Amendment wasresponsible for the Prohibition era in the United States. It was ratified in January 1919under which mans Presidency?
Woodrow Wilson
A blue tick indicates that an account of public interest is authentic - or verified - on whatmicro-blogging website? The site in question raised the limit on message length from 140characters to 280 in November 2017.
The first movement in Gustav Holsts Planets suite is named The Bringer of War and afterwhich planet of the solar system which shares its name with the Roman god of war?
Which British author wrote the non-fiction book Why Im No Longer Talking To WhitePeople About Race in which she discussed the links between gender class and raceand specifically focused on Britain?
Reni Eddo-Lodge
Which British city is the home of the sports stadia Old Trafford and the Etihad home ofthe red-clad United and blue-garbed City football teams respectively?
In the world of professional wrestling what surname was shared by the late Dusty and hissons Dustin and Cody? Outside professional wrestling this is also the surname of Cecilwho set up his eponymous scholarship that allows postgraduate students to study at theUniversity of Oxford.
Ostensible author of the tie-in Profanisaurus what is the name of the violent crude andmisogynistic TV presenter in the Viz comics nicknamed The Man on the Telly? Amongthe august shows he works on are Blind Shag; Call My Muff; and The Bollock NakedChef.
Roger Mellie
The town of Middleton in Wisconsin is home to the National Museum of what foodstuff?It contains almost 6000 varieties of the foodstuff from all across the world so its likelythat there are a few pots of Colmans in the collection.
What common minor medical malady is formally known as epistaxis? Despite what manyof us would have been told in our youth the correct thing to do when suffering fromepistaxis is to tilt your head forward rather than lean back.
According to legend the Japanese nobility are descended and claim their divine right torule from which mythological figure the sun goddess and central figure in the Shintoreligion?
Amaterasu [AMM-ah-ter-ahs-oo]
Named after a Scottish economist to whom the idea was attributed by Alfred Marshallwhat type of good is a product that people counterintuitively consume more of as theprice rises and vice-versa?
Giffen goods
What colour links Taylor Swifts fourth studio album released in 2012; the Right Hand inNick Cave & the Bad Seeds 1994 single; and the Hot Chili Peppers fronted by AnthonyKiedis [key-diss]?
Concluding amid the tears of many in January 2020 The Good Place was a hit TV serieson Netflix. Who played the protagonist Eleanor Shellstrop? Among her previous roleswere the titular PI in Veronica Mars and voicing Anna in Frozen.
Kristen Bell
Coming to power in a 1066 battle weve probably all heard about and ruling until 1087who was the first Norman King of England?
William the Conqueror(accept William theFirst prompt on Williamalone)
Zeitgeist literally translating as the spirit of the time and wunderkind [vun-der-kint]meaning wonder child are loanwords used in English taken from what Europeanlanguage?
Taken from the chorus what three words follow the lines Dont want to be a fool for you /Just another player in your game for two / You may hate me but it aint no lie baby togive the name of a 2000 hit single by N-SYNC?
Bye Bye Bye
The version of The Mummy released in 1999 is rightly venerated as a masterpiece oftrash cinema. It was followed by the 2001 sequel The Mummy Returns which featuredwhat pro wrestler turned actor as villain the Scorpion King?
Dwayne Johnson(accept The Rock)
What sporting nickname links Sheffields ice hockey team with Pittsburghs Americanfootball team? In both cases it refers to the citys history as a producer of a particularmetal.
Born in Romania but living and working in France which sculptor is famous for hisgeometric and abstract designs in particular his series of marble and bronze sculpturesentitled Bird in Space?
Constantin Brancusi
Similar to the concept of synecdoche what seven-letter word is a figure of speechwherein a concept is referred to by the name of something closely associated with thatconcept? Examples of this include the press to refer to the media or Downing Street torefer to the office of Prime Minister.
Contrasted with diurnal and nocturnal what word describes animals who are primarilyactive during the twilight hours?
Major Bloodnok; Hercules Grytpype-Thynne [grit-pipe-thin]; and William Mate Cobblersare all characters voiced by which British actor during his time on The Goon Show?
Peter Sellers
Formed by rhythm guitarist Scott Ian in 1981 and seen as one of the Big Four of ThrashMetal which heavy metal band name was taken when Ian saw the word in a biologytextbook and thought it sounded sufficiently evil?
Romance Of The Three Kingdoms and Journey To The West are two of the Four GreatClassical Novels of what countrys literary tradition? Sun Tzu author of The Art of Warwas a general in this countrys military.
Its name meaning full force or all force in Greek what classical sport was acombination between wrestling and boxing first introduced into the ancient OlympicGames in 648 BCE?
Defined as current over voltage - the reciprocal of the ohm - which German scientist lendshis name to the SI derived unit for electrical conductance?
Ernst Werner Siemens
What name connects a gargantuan German wrestler introduced in Street Fighter III; anaward for science fiction literature won by N.K. Jemisin three times; and the surname ofVictor the author of works featuring Quasimodo and Jean Valjean?
Following Loch Lomond and the Trossachs in 2002 what area of Scotland became thecountrys second national park in 2003? The largest in the UK at nearly double the size ofthe Lake District it also contains its namesake mountain range.
The Cairngorms
Albano Luciani and Karol Wojtyla [VOY-tee-luh] are the two men to take what Papalname on their elections to the office?
John Paul (ask them tobe less specific if theygive a number)
Juventus and Portugal forward Cristiano Ronaldo is at time of writing the person whoseaccount has the most followers - more than 220 million - on what photo and video-sharingsocial platform owned by Facebook since 2012?
The seventh and final movement in Gustav Holsts Planets suite is named The Mystic andafter which planet of the solar system the furthest one from the Sun following thedeclassification of Pluto as a planet in 2006?
Notable for her outspoken criticism of the American justice system and being a pioneeringfigure in the prison abolition movement which American author wrote the 2004 book ArePrisons Obsolete?
Angela Davis
In which British city are the sports stadia Celtic Park the home stadium for Celtic F.Cand Ibrox home of Rangers?
In computing terminology the letter M in the initialism ROM stands for memory. What twowords do the letters RO stand for?
Read-only memory
What dish the national foodstuff of the Philippines is also a cooking process that typicallyinvolves meat or seafood marinated in a mixture of vinegar soy sauce garlic and blackpepper?
Which East African nation located within the Horn of Africa has a flag that is a solid lightblue field with a single white star in the centre?
Although proposed during Herbert Hoovers Presidency who was President of the USwhen the 21st Amendment repealing Prohibition came into full effect in December1933?
Franklin D. Roosevelt(accept FDR prompt onRoosevelt alone)
The Aztec god Huitzilopochtli [WEE-tsee-luh-potch-lee] was a deity of war humansacrifice the city of Tenochtitlan and of the sun and was commonly depicted in works ofart as what type of bird scientific name Trochilidae [Trok-ILL-ee-die]?
What type of good typically a luxury product is one where the demand increases as theprice increases? They are named after the American economist who discussed the ideaof conspicuous consumption in The Theory of the Leisure Class.
Veblen goods
What colour connects the particularly small swimsuit sung about by Bombalurina in 1990;the underwater vehicle the Beatles travelled in in their 1966 single; and the Brick Roadthat Elton John said Goodbye to in his 1973 album?
Although not quite as good as the British version House of Cards was a hit TV series onNetflix. Who played Claire Underwood a major character throughout and the protagonistof the final series? Among her previous roles was Buttercup the titular Princess Bride inthe 1987 film.
Robin Wright
Back to professional wrestling - what surname is shared by current CEO of the WWEVince his wife Linda and his children Shane and Stephanie? Outside wrestling this isalso the surname of Ed the American television personality best known for his longassociation with Johnny Carson.
Noted for his distinctly unenlightened attitudes towards women by what three-wordappellation is the Viz character Sidney Aloysius Smutt more commonly known? Despitehis vigorous sexual appetite the unfortunate Sidney has no social skills to achieve hisgoals.
Sid the Sexist
The Welsh town of Port Talbot is home to the Museum of Excellence for what foodstuff?Its founder Barry Kirk has devoted his life to them possibly in the hope of beingsponsored by Heinz who famously sell this foodstuff in a trademark turquoise-colouredcan.
Baked beans
Frequently a source of much distress and the use of many boxes of snotty tissues forsufferers of hayfever what common minor medical malady is formally known asrhinorrhea?
Runny nose
What sporting nickname connects Nottinghams ice hockey team with CarolinasAmerican football team? In both cases the nicknames refers to a particular big cat whichalso lends its name to a famous native of Wakanda.
Born in Switzerland but living and working in France which sculptor is famous for hiselongated and stretched human forms as depicted in his LHomme Au Doigt [Lom OhDwah] and LHomme Qui Marche [Lom Key Marsh] pieces?
Alberto Giacometti
What eight-letter word is commonly used in zoology to refer to the scientific name of aspecies in which both parts of the name are identical such as the black rat - Rattus rattus- or the Manx shearwater - Puffinus puffinus?
Similar to but contrasted with hibernation what word describes the practice of animals togo into a state of dormancy in hot and dry months normally over the summer?
Aestivation [ESS-tea-vay-shun]
Claiming the English throne in 1485 after killing Richard III at the Battle of Bosworth Fieldwho was the first Tudor King of England?
Henry the Seventh(prompt on HenryTudor)
Aficionado; armada; and guerrilla are all loanwords used in English that come originallyfrom which European language?
Taken from the chorus what five words follow the lines Tell me why / Aint nothin but aheartache / Tell me why / Aint nothin but a mistake / Tell me why / I never want to hearyou say to give the title of a 1999 hit single by the Backstreet Boys?
I Want It That Way
The third film in the Mummy trilogy was Tomb of the Dragon Emperor set in China ratherthan the previous films Egypt. The villainous Dragon Emperor himself was played bywhich Chinese martial artist whose other films include Zhang Yimous Hero and SylvesterStallones Expendables trilogy?
Jet Li (acceptYangzhong; do notaccept Lianjie as that ishis forename)
Defined as electrical charge over voltage which English physicist lends his name to theSI derived unit for electrical capacitance?
Michael Faraday
What name connects a sophisticated British boxer introduced in Street Fighter III; thesurname of the 1st Earl of Leicester who was a favourite of Elizabeth I; and Mr. MoorePeter Cooks comedy partner on Not Only…But Also?
Established in 1951 as Britains third what national park was the first of the three nationalparks to be established in Wales? Later followed by the Brecon Beacons and thePembrokeshire Coast it contains Wales highest point.
Nicholas Breakspear is a relatively well-known name among quizzing circles as the onlyBritish person ever to be elected Pope. What Papal name did he take upon his election inDecember 1154? The regnal number is not necessary in this case.
Adrian the Fourth
Rambling Syd Rumpo was a folk singer character on the radio series Round The Horneplayed by which British actor a major part of the Carry On troupe?
Kenneth Williams
The name of which heavy metal band another of the Big Four of Thrash Metal comesfrom a term used in discussions of nuclear warfare? The name of the band is slightlymisspelled with band founder Dave Mustaine claiming it represented the annihilation ofpower.
The Tale of Genji written in the early 11th century by Murasaki Shikibu is sometimesconsidered as the worlds first novel. From which nation does it originate?
Meaning anything goes in Portuguese what full-contact combat sport became popularin Brazil in the 20th century and was among the precursor to modern mixed martial arts?
Vale Tudo
In which Texan city is the Alamo located?
San Antonio
Built on the orders of Ivan the Terrible how is the cathedral formally titled The Cathedralof Vasily The Blessed more commonly referred to?
St. Basil’s Cathedral
People have described your setter tonight as somewhat snippy in the past - fittinglybecause he was born on July 21st making him a member of what astrological star sign?
And you thought I’d write a quiz with no video game content in it at all? What first-personshooter series created by Gearbox Entertainment sees you play as one of four VaultHunters in all three of its iterations so far?