Week 1 M3 Flashcards
What was the most ancient of the title events in Edward Shepherd Creasys 1851 work Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World? Fought between the Athenians and thePersians in 490 BC it also names a long-distance running event.
Battle of Marathon
In 1997 the number 42 was retired across Major League Baseball in honour of which Brooklyn Dodgers player who broke the colour barrier by becoming the first African-American to play in MLB?
Jackie Robinson
The Tortoises movement of The Carnival of the Animals by Camille Saint-Saëns in thequotes at a comically slow speed the melody of the Galop infernal from which UnderworldJacques Offenbach operetta?
In financial derivatives what type of option can only be exercised at the expiry of the contract?
European option
Which actor whose other roles include those in Not Another Teen Movie and Sunshine played the Human Torch in the 2000s Fantastic Four films and CaptainAmerica in the Marvel Cinematic Universe?
Chris Evans
Theravada and Mahayana are two of the major schools of which religion?
What specific metabolic disorder is characterised by an inability of the pancreas to produce insulin caused by autoimmune destruction of pancreatic beta cells? It is alsoknown as the insulin-dependent form in contrast to another type of this disorder.
Diabetes mellitus type1[prompt on diabetesdo not accept answersmentioning Type 2 ordiabetes insipidus]
A meme commonly used to represent embarrassment depicts what character shown moving slowly backwards and disappearing into bushes?
Homer Simpson
What German-American entrepreneur who became the first outside investor inFacebook is a co-founder of the companies PayPal Palantir Technologies andFounders Fund?
Peter Thiel
Visited by the spacecraft Mariner 10 and MESSENGER which rocky planet is theclosest to the Sun?
Also known as Doctor Robotnik Doctor Eggman is the main antagonist of whichseries of video games developed by Sega named for a blue spiny mammal?
Sonic the Hedgehog
Zheng was the first emperor of a unified China and was the founder of what Imperialdynasty in 221 BCE of which he had previously been merely king? It was replacedby the Han dynasty just 15 years later.
Qin (do not acceptQing)
Despite being the largest city in the country Santa Cruz de la Sierra is neither of thetwo official capital cities of what South American country?
Plurinational State ofBolivia
Including the songs Happy Talk There Is Nothin Like A Dame and Some EnchantedEvening the soundtrack to what Rodgers and Hammerstein musical has spent mostweeks at No. 1 in the UK albums chart with 115 weeks in total?
South Pacific
In the Odyssey Odysseus is held captive on Ogygia [oh-jy-jee-ah] for seven years bywhat nymph generally said to be the daughter of Atlas and Pleione?
Often disguised as a chicken what sinister penguin is the antagonist of the 1993stop-motion short film The Wrong Trousers the second in Aardman Animationsseries featuring the characters Wallace and Gromit?
Feathers McGraw(accept either part)
What hydroelectric gravity dam on the Yangtze River in Hubei Province has been the worlds largest power station in terms of capacity since 2012 and generatedthe second-most energy in a calendar year in 2018 with 101.6 terrawatt-hours?
Three Gorges Dam
What fictional character is the credited artist of the No. 1 single Chocolate Salty Balls (P.S. I Love You) technically a one-hit wonder although the vocalist who is also the voice actor for the character has had several hits under their ownname?
Chef (do not acceptIsaac Hayes)
Dating from the 1480s what Italian artist painted The Birth of Venus?
Sandro Botticelli
In the context of the British public service broadcaster what does the C standfor in the initialism BBC?
(British Broadcasting) Corporation
What gastronomic author and television presenter whose works have included How to Cook and How To Cheat At Cooking is a joint majority shareholder atNorwich City FC? They memorably attempted to rally that clubs supporters athalf-time in one match with “Where are you? Lets be avin you”?
Delia Smith
What form of spectroscopy provides information about the chemical bonds present in a sample by using radiation from the namesake section of the electromagnetic spectrum to excite certain vibrational and rotational modes of thebonds and measuring the corresponding absoprtion?
Infrared or IRspectroscopy
Later winning a gold medal at the same Games who lit the stadium cauldron at the opening ceremony of the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney?
Cathy Freeman
The first of two Presidents with the surname who became President of the United States upon the assassination of Abraham Lincoln? Both names required.
Andrew Johnson
Robert Donat won the Academy Award for Best Actor for films released in 1939the only one of the Big Five that was not won by what film that stars Vivien Leighand Clark Gable?
Gone with the Wind
Which one of the Canterbury Tales tells of a monk who borrows one hundredfranks from a merchant to cover the debts of the merchants wife?
Shipmans Tale[accept Sailors Tale]
Hackberries and hops are members of which family of plants whose namederives from another member of the family that is best known as the source of apsychoactive controlled substance?
Cannabaceae orcannabis
Hermitage and Châteauneuf-du-Pape are areas of which French wine regionnamed after a major river whose primary appellation is that named after theCotes du?
An MP since 1975 who became Father of the House of Commons following the2019 general election? His wife a former MP has been raised to the peerage.
Peter Bottomley
The Serie A football club Atalanta B.C. are based in what Italian city?
Themselves part of a larger set the four violin concertos titled The Four Seasonswere written by what Italian composer?
Antonio Vivaldi
Abolished when made unitary in 2019 Purbeck and Weymouth & Portland areformer local government districts of which southern English county?
Which actor whose other roles include those in The Goonies and No Country forOld Men played Cable in Deadpool 2 and the supervillain Thanos in the MarvelCinematic Universe?
Josh Brolin
Sunni and Shia are two of the major branches of which religion?
What disease is characterised by autoimmune destruction of the myelin sheaththat surrounds nerve cells or a failure to produce it at all and is often known bythe abbreviation MS?
Multiple sclerosis
Using an image of the films title character sitting in an office and lookingovercome while saying the line what film is the origin of the That escalatedquickly meme?
Anchorman: TheLegend of RonBurgundy
What was the most recent of the title events in Edward Shepherd Creasys 1851work Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World? Fought in 1815 between a British-ledcoalition and the French army of Napoleon it also gave its name to a Eurovision-winning song by ABBA.
In 2000 the number 99 was retired across the National Hockey League in honourof which Canadian player the all-time highest scorer and as of 2020 still theholder of 60 different records in the NHL?
Wayne Gretzky
Which movement of The Carnival of the Animals by Camille Saint-Saëns notnamed after a specific type of animal quotes his own work Danse Macabre bothnotably featuring the xylophone?
In financial derivatives what type of option gives the holder the right but not theobligation to buy the underlying asset at a set price?
Call option
Even though it is not among the countrys three official capital cities what is thelargest city in the Republic of South Africa?
What Simon & Garfunkel album their fifth and final release and whose hitsinclude Cecilia The Boxer and the much-covered title track has spent the mostweeks at No. 1 in the UK album charts excluding Rodgers and Hammersteinsoundtracks?
Bridge over TroubledWater
In Book IX of the Odyssey some members of the crew were abandoned as theyforgot about the voyage due to consuming the food of what people who werenamed after this dietary choice?
Belonging to Wendolene Ramsbottom what sinister dog that turns out to be arobot is the antagonist of the 1995 stop-motion short film A Close Shave the thirdin the Wallace and Gromit series?
What American entrepeneur who served as the first President of Facebook isalso a co-founder of the companies Plaxo Causes Airtime.com and mostfamously Napster?
Sean Parker
Which planet an ice giant that is blue due to the presence of methane is thefurthest from the Sun?
Also known as King Koopa Bowser is the main antagonist of which series ofvideo games developed by Nintendo named for an Italian plumber?
The first emperor of a unified Germany in 1871 Wilhelm I had been King ofPrussia for 10 years previously and came from what royal House that took itsname from a castle in Swabia?
Which gastronomic author and experimenter invented triple-cooked chips bacon and egg ice-cream and snail porridge? They are also known for an eponymousrange of products with Waitrose and as the owner of the restaurants The FatDuck and Dinner.
Heston Blumenthal
What form of spectroscopy provides information about the molecular structure of compounds present in a sample usually dissolved in a deuterated solvent by using radio waves in the presence of the namesake type of field to excite spin- active species?
Nuclear magneticresonance or NMR(prompt on partialanswers do notaccept magneticresonance imagingor MRI)
Which Chinese artistic gymnast who won six Olympic medals in the 1984 Games three of them gold lit the stadium cauldron at the opening ceremony of the 2008Olympic Games in Beijing?
Li Ning
The first of two Presidents with the surname who became President of the United States upon the assassination of William McKinley? Both names required.
Theodore Roosevelt
What hydroelectric dam located on the section of the Paraná River that forms theinternational border between Brazil and Paraguay holds the record for the mostenergy generated in a calendar year with 103.1 terrawatt-hours in 2016?
Itaipu Dam
Better known by several other names with which they had multiple hits under what appropriate alias did Bill Drummond and Jimmy Cauty release the No. 1single Doctorin The Tardis technically a one-hit wonder?
The Timelords (do not accept the KLF)
Dating from around 1650 which Spanish artist painted the work commonly known as The Rokeby Venus?
Diego Velázquez
In the context of the British television network what does the I stand for in the initialism ITV?
Independent (Television)
Peter Bottomley the current Father of the House of Commons has represented which alliterative Sussex constituency since 1997? The two-word constituencyname consists of a coastal town and a cardinal direction.
Worthing West
The Serie A football club U.C. Sampdoria are based in what Italian city?
Although not initially composed as a set the six concertos for various instrumentslater titled the Brandenburg Concertos were written by which German composer?
Johann Sebastian Bach
Abolished when made unitary in 2009 Alnwick [ann-ick] and Berwick-upon-Tweed are former local government districts of which northern English county?
Richard Dreyfuss won the Academy Award for Best Actor for films released in 1977 the only one of the Big Five not won by what film directed by and starringWoody Allen as well as Diane Keaton in the title role?
Annie Hall
Which one of the Canterbury Tales tells of three men who set out to kill Death only to kill each other after discovering treasure?
Pardoners Tale
Apples raspberries and pears are all members of which family of plants named after another member of the family best known for large and colourful flowers?
Rosaceae or rose
Margaux and Pomerol are areas of which French wine region named after a major city?
Who scored a hat-trick for England in the 1966 FIFA World Cup Final?
Geoff Hurst
What is the only opera composed by Ludwig van Beethoven?
Atahualpa defeated which brother of his in a civil war to become Sapa Inca afterthe death of their father and elder brother from smallpox?
Located within the Kalahari Desert what river delta is also the 1000th location tobe designated a World Heritage Site?