Week 1 M2 Flashcards
One of the toughest races in the world which six-day 156 mile ultramarathon is heldevery year in southern Morocco in the Sahara desert?
Marathon des Sables
Waney-edged hazel hurdle heras and picket are types of what structure often used tomark a boundary around gardens?
Fence or fencing
The first international success for architect Daniel Libeskind was the design of a museumin Berlin dedicated to which religion? Permanent installations there include the workShalekhet – Fallen Leaves.
Judaism [acceptJewish]
What surname is shared by a three-time tennis Grand Slam winner in men’s singles andhis brother Jamie who is a multiple Grand Slam winner in men’s doubles and mixeddoubles?
Signed in a porcelain factory in France which 1920 treaty aimed to partition the territoryof the Ottoman Empire but ended up proving ineffective and aiding the growth of theTurkish National Movement?
Treaty of Sèvres
Which indigenous people share their name with a 1938 jazz standard that is the first offive movements in Ray Noble’s Indian Suite? Saxophonist Charlie Parker used this songas the basis for his composition Ko-Ko.
The Michael Jordan docuseries The Last Dance has a fantastic selection of talking headsdropped casually into the mix with little fanfare. Which US president during Jordan’speriod of dominance in the 1990s is introduced simply as a “former Arkansas governor”?
Bill Clinton
What metal that has almost doubled in value in the last year is a popular alternative toplatinum as a wedding ring choice due to being similarly resistant to scratches andcorrosion while weighing less? It is part of the so-called “platinum group” of metalsnamed for their proximity in the periodic table.
The epidemiological S-I-R model which has featured in a number of recent Covid-19papers models the spread of a disease by placing people into three possible states. If theI represents Infected and the R represents Recovered what S represents the group ofpeople who can still catch the disease? The word in question means liable to be harmedby a particular thing.
Dubbed “Nasty Nick” by the British tabloids what is the surname of the contestant fromthe first series of Big Brother who was asked to leave by the show’s producers afterplaying housemates off against each other during the voting process?
Winner of the 2011 Car of the Year what is the botanical name of Nissan’s all-electriccar?
Beginning with C which chase is an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty adjacent toSalisbury Plain that straddles Dorset Hampshire and Wiltshire? It is featured in Tess ofthe D’Urbervilles.
Added Time The Man in the Middle and Seeing Red are all books by members of whichsporting profession?
Football referee [prompton referee for the sport]
Both the Shakespearean and the Petrarchan form of what type of 14-line poem aretraditionally written in iambic pentameter?
Which singer unusually released two albums on the same day in 1992. Lucky Townreached number 2 in the UK but its companion Human Touch went one better and hit thetop spot.
Bruce Springsteen
Caused by centuries of ecclesiastical differences The Great Schism of 1054 between theCatholic and Eastern Orthodox churches was formalised when pope Leo IX of Rome andpatriarch Michael Cerularius of which city excommunicated each other? The FourthCrusade was later diverted to attack and capture this city.
Originating from the game Carcassone what portmanteau word is now used forthe stylised human playing pieces found in some board games?
A pioneer of large genre painting particularly relating to the lives and activities ofthe titular people which Dutch Renaissance artist painted The Peasant Weddingin 1567?
Pieter Brueghel theElder
The UK number one with the longest single word title is Congratulations a hit forwhich tennis-loving singer who was backed by The Shadows?
Cliff Richard
A noted enemy of Rome Pyrrhus was the King of which ancient Greek state inthe western Balkans?
Along with auxins and cytokinins what is the third main group of growthpromoters in plants stimulating the growth of shoots and leaves and promotingcell elongation.
The Battles of Scarif Yavin Endor and Hoth take place in the universe of whatfilm franchise?
Star Wars
The name of which tube station one stop from Canary Wharf on the Jubilee Linebroadly describes the Yukon river the Great Bear Lake or the Great Slave Lake?
Canada Water
The largest non-capital city to straddle the Greenwich meridian is which Frenchcity the fifth largest in its country whose wider region is associated with wine andwhose inhabitants are known as Bordelais?
According to an ITV interview in 2017 the naughtiest thing that Theresa May hasever done was to run through fields of what popular grain when she was a child?This grain is shredded in the name of a breakfast cereal.
What nationality were the composers Hildegard of Bingen Clara Schumann andFanny Mendelssohn?
Julia Roberts and Richard Gere starred together in 1990’s Pretty Woman thenrenewed their on-screen partnership nine years later in which wedding-themedromantic comedy?
Runaway Bride