Week 2 Lecture 2 - memory Flashcards
What is episodic memory?
memory for specific events located at at specific moment in time
What is sematic memory?
facts about the world
How are episodic memory and semantic memory functionally different?
they hold different types of information
they hold different experiences
In the case of 147 cases on amnesia, what was found?
- substantial loss of episodic but semantic loss generally smaller
- damage to hippocampus affects episodic more than semantic BUT hippocampal amnesia my affect acquisition of new semantic memories more than retrieval of old ones
What do semantic dementia patients suffer from? Where is the brain damaged?
- severe loss of concept knowledge but intact episodic memory
- damage to anterior frontal and anterior temporal lobes
Are episodic and semantic memories independent?
Yes but many LTM are a mix of episodic and semantic memories
they dynamically interact and affect each other
What was Bartlett’s approach to meaning and schemas?
- recall of complex material
- examined recall errors
- stressed ppts effort after meaning (unlike Ebbinghaus)
What is a Schema?
- structured representations of knowledge
- can be used to make sense of new material
- influenced/determined by social and cultural factors
How might schematic knowledge affect memory?
may affect memory, especially after longer intervals
What does ascribing meaning to stimuli affect?
encoding and storage
How do related words in a list tend to be recalled?
as a cluster/ together
When given the opportunity to organise info in a meaningful way, what is memory guided by?
What is Paivio’s Dual-coding hypothesis?
more imageable words are more memorable
What can words be encoded in terms of?
visual appearance
verbal meaning
What do multiple encoding routes lead to?
increased rate of successful recall