Week 2 Lecture 2-3 Flashcards
Purpose of the clavicle
braces that hold the scapulae and the arms out laterally from the throax
- transmit compression force from the upper limbs to the axial skeleton
Parts of the Upper Limb
Hand, Forearm, Arm
Parts of the Lower Limb
Foot, Leg, Thigh
Sternal Ends meaning
On the clavical, the part that attaches to the sternum
Manubrium Meaning
Part on the sternum that attaches to the clavical
List the Rotator Cuff Muscles
1) subscapularis, 2)
supraspinatus, 3) infraspinatus, and the 4) teres minor
Rotator Cuff Muscles Attachment Points
Supraspinatus, Teres Minor, Infraspinatus ALL insert into the GREATER
tubercle of humerus but Subscapularis, inserts into the LESSER tubercle.
Protraction Meaning
Pushing forward, making the scapular blades apart
Retraction meaning
Pulling back, making the scapula closer
Three angles on the scapula
Inferior angle, Superior angle, Lateral Angle
What is the notch where the nerves coming from the brachial plexus go through?
Suprascapular notch
Where does the subscapularis origin?
Subscapular fossa
Where does the Supraspinatus attach?
the supraspinous fossa
where does the infraspinatus orgin
the infraspinous fossa
What is the thing above the glenoid cavity called?
Supraglenoid tubercle
What is the thing under
the glenoid fossa called
Infraglenoid tubercle
Which distal end of the humerus attach to the radius?
What distal end of the humerus articulates with the ulna?
What is the thing between the Greater Tubercle and Lesser Tubercle called?
Intertubercular groove
What is the wearing away of the articular cartilage?
Dislocation reason?
Most dislocations are in the anterior plane
Head of humerus will slip out of the glenoid fossa
- no bones below
- someone comes down on you
what is the muscle with the main action called?
Primer mover, agonist, major action
What is the opposite muscle?
Antagonist, which opposes the action
what is the muscle that helps
Muscles on posterior Thorax
Trapezius (considered 3 muscles)
Levator Scapulae
Rhomboids (Minor and major, considered as one muscle)
Anterior Thorax
Pectoralis Minor
Serratus Anterior
Movements of the Scapula?
- Elevation (shrugging shoulder) and Depression
- Protraction (like a punching movement) and Retraction (standing at attention)
- Upward and Downward Rotation
Trapezius function (4)
- posterior
- stabilizes, raises, retracts and rotates scapulae
Levator Scapulae Functions
- Posterior
- Elevates and retracts Scapula
- Elevates scapula and tilts
glenoid fossa inferiorly by rotating
Rhomboids Function
Stabilizes and helps retracts the scapula
Pectoralis Minor Function
- Anterior
- stabilizes scapula by drawing it
inferiorly and anteriorly against the
thoracic wall - forward
Serratus anterior Function
- Anterior
- rotates scapula lateral and upward; important role in raising the arm and horizontal arm movements (pushing and punching)
- protracts and stabilizes scapula,
assists with upward rotation
Subclavius Function
Helps stabilize and depress pectoral girdle
Levator Scapulae Origin
Neck: transverse process of vertebrae C1-C4
Levator Scapulae Insertion
Superior Part of the Medial Scapula
Levator Scapulae Action
Elevates scapula and tilts glenoid fossa interiorly by rotating scapula
Levator Scapulae Innervation:
Dorsal scapular (C5) and cervical nerves (C3-C4)
Trapezius Origin
Medial 1/3 of superior nuchal line, external occiptal protuverance; nuchal ligament and spinous process of C7-T12
Trapezius Insertion
Lateral 1/3 of clavicle, acromion and spine of scapula
Trapezius Action
Elevates, retracts and rotates
scapula; superior fibers elevate, medial
fibers retract and inferior fibers depress