Week 2 - intro to phonetics Flashcards
What is a Phone?
Sound produced by a speaker
What is a Phoneme?
Phoneme is what is decoded by the listener is their brain - what is heard, discriminated and interpreted
What is Phonology?
Study of patterns and rules of phonemes
What are Phonetics?
Study of the sounds of phones make in their vocal tracts - just the sound not the rules
What is Acoustic Phonetics?
Concerned with the physical properties of the sounds produced
What is Articulatory Phonetics?
Concerned with how the organs of speech are involved in the production of sounds
What is Irregular Language?
- No close letter-sound relationship as some letters unpredictable - G can be gee soft or hard sound
The International Alphabet - symbols representing phones of spoken language
How many consonants, vowels and diphthongs in UK English?
24 Consonants
12 Vowels
8 Diphtongs
3 way description of Consonants?
Voice, Place, Manner
- More/less vocal fold vibration
- where in the mouth the airway is obstructed
e.g. bilabial
- how in the mouth the airway is obstructed
e.g. plosive