Week 2 - documentation and legal issues Flashcards
What are the 5 foundations of legal and ethical responsibilities of the nurse?
- follow laws and guiding docs
- meet entry level compentencies and standards of practice
- gain competence in specific areas
- Maintain fitness to practice
- continuous learning
What are the three formal things nurses must follow in their practice?
- law
- regulation
- code of ethics
What is CRNM guided by?
the RHPA- regulated health professions act
What document do nurses follow for ethics?
CNA code of ethics for registered nurses
What is the RHPA?
-umbrella law
- statute law
- governs the practice of 21 diff health professions
- defines reserved acts
- only HCPs can perform acts under RHPA
- defines how a profession registers its members
- defines how professions are designated and governed
- title protection
- sets requirements for standards of practice, code of ethics, practice directions, PD, conduct and managing complaints
- how to become a regulated profession
What are reserved acts?
- need special training and show compentency
- not exclusive to any one health profession. encourages IPC
When did RNs come under RHPA?
May 31 2018
What CRNM regulations govern nursing practice and expand on the RHPA?
- practice of registered nursing regulation
- College of registered nurses of Manitoba general regulation
what is the practice of registered nursing regulation under CRNM?
- scope of practice- which reserved acts can be done by RN
What is the college of registered nurses of manitoba general regulation under CRNM?
- how to become an RN, title protection, reserved acts, standards of practice
What are CRNM practice directions?
-written statements about RN practice
- more detailed than regulations
- minimum nurses should practice
- manage public’s expectations
- legal reference to describe reasonable and prudent nursing practice
- compliance with practice directions is required
Which is more detailed, regulations or CRNM practice directions?
CRNM practice directions
What are the 10 CRNM practice expectations for RNs?
- professional practice
- competent practice
- ethical practice
- professional communication
- cultural safety, cultural humility and anti-racism
- Client centered practice
- collaborative practice
- Follow up to diagnosis and tests results
- practice environment
- client records
what 3 things does the CRNM do ?
- protect the public
- set standards for RN education and practice
- take action when standards are not met
what are the 5 components of the CCP (continuing compentency program)?
- self assessent
- learning goals and plan
- documentation of learning activities to meet goals
- jurisprudence learning module online
- report actual practice hours