Week 2 Acute Stroke Management and Perceptual Deficits Flashcards
A medical complication during post-acute rehab for stroke patients which affects 2/3 of patients, increases risk of death by 3x, Increase LOS (length of stay), and increase NH placement.
Chest Infection
Another medical complication which affects 1/3 of patients. Something to be aware of especially with swallowing.
Aspiration Pneumonia
This is a salvageable part of the brain when someone has a stroke, it is located near the core and time is of the essence.
Ischemic penumbra
This is a helpful acronym if someone is having or is currently experiencing stroke.
F - face (drooping?)
A - arms (can the lift both)
S - speech (slurred? and can they understand you?)
T - time
This is given to stroke patients to re-canalise blocked vessels, restore blood supply to the region within the therapeutic time frame (<5 hours), rescue ischaemic but retrievable penumbral tissues, and this is not given when there is bleeding (haemorrhage).
- Licensed: tPA - tissue plasminogen activator
- on trial - tenectoplase and desmotoplase
What is the primary exclusion criteria for tPA?
- previous head trauma or stroke in the previous 3 months
- history of haemorrhage, intracranial neoplasm, AVM or aneurysm
- High BP (Systolic > 185, and diastolic >110)
- had seizure
- uncontrolled blood glycaemia
- > 85 yrs old
- Pregnancy
- recent major surgery
A hemisphere in the brain which controls R sided voluntary movements and is responsible for the verbal-analytical activities. (also when you are right handed)
Left Hemisphere (Dominant hemisphere)
A hemisphere in the brain which controls the L sided voluntary movements and the visuo-spatial functions. (also when you are left handed)
Right Hemisphere (Non-dominant)
It is the failure to respond, report, or orient to stimuli presented to the contralesional side of the body or space and this failure can not be attributed to either sensory or motor defects.
Unilateral Spatial Neglect
Type of Unilateral Neglect wherein there is unawareness of sensory stimuli in the contralesional side. Can be visual - eg. may not see door or person, auditory eg. may not acknowledge info in one side, somatosensory.
Sensory (inattentive, attentional neglect)
Type of unilateral neglect wherein there is a failure to generate movement responses to a stimulus even though person is aware of the stimulus and can not be explained by weakness.
Motor (output, intentional neglect)
Three types of neglect in relation to where in space
- Personal space: one’s own bubble, eg. dressing, shaving, etc…
- Peri-personal space: within reaching distance
- Extra-personal space: beyond arm’s reach
Another type of unilateral neglect where the person ignores contralesionally half of internally generated images - visualization of task, environment, and action
Representational Neglect
Type of unilateral neglect wherein there is a failure to respond to stimulus on affected side, when simultaneous stimuli are presented on both sides of the body in the same area.
- patient can only report one stimuli at a time but when there are two stimulus at once - they can only report ipsilesional item
Extinction (Inattention) - sensory or visual
what is egocentric neglect? (Space versus object)
- ignores items on the left side of a display