Week 2 + 3 Flashcards
a state of complete physical, mental, and social weel being and not merely the absence of disease
the probability that a specific event will occurs in a given time frame
health promotion
any combination of health education and a related organization, economic, and environmental supports for the behavior of individuals, groups, or communities conducive to health
SDOH effects on health
will impact a patient’s health of the individual groups and communities
List health behaviors for health promotion and disease prevention
smoking, alcohol, diet, physical activity, and sleep
Health belief model
used to example behavior change, maintainable of behavior change and guide health promotion activities
Transtheoretical theory
Assumes behavior change takes place over time; change is difficult and people resist change
Perceived susceptibility
one belief regarding the chance of getting sick
Perceived severity
one’s belief of how seriousness getting a condition is
Perceived benefits
one’s belief in the ability of an advised action to reduced the risk of condtion
perceived barriers
one’s belief regarding the tangible of psychological costs of advised action ->cost of treatment or seeking help
Cues to actions
strategies or conditions in one’s environment that activate readiness to take action
one’s confidence in one’s ability to take action to educate health risks
the individual has no intention of taking action towards behavior change in the next 6 months
the individual has some intention to take action toward behavior change in the next 6 months
the individual intends to take action within the next month and had taken steps towards behavior change
Action (TTM)
the individual has changed over behavior for less than 6 months
the individual has changed over the behavior
steps of TTM
how long is the TTM process?
6 months