Week 2 Flashcards
The study of the laws of chance
Primary Prevention
preventing disease before it occurs
Secondary Prevention
Screening and diagnosis of disease
Tertiary Prevention
Interventions to facilitate rehabilitation or return to highest level of functioning while addressing risk factors that could cause deterioration in patient condition.
Natural History of Disease
Nature of disease and how it progresses
True positive
Occurs when the test correctly reports disease presence when the disease is in fact present
False Positive
Occurs when the test incorrectly reports disease presence when disease is in fact absent
False Negative
Occurs when the test incorrectly reports disease is not present when in fact it is present
Internal Validity
Whether the study measures what it was supposed to measure
External Validity
The generalizability of results to other populations
The ability of test results being replicated if the study is repeated
The ability of the test to correctly identify those that do have the disease, disorder or condition
The ability to the test to correctly identify those that do not have the disease, disorder or condition.
Gold standard
Tests with 100% specificity and sensitivity
Positive predictive value
The probability of a person actually having the disease when the screening or diagnostic test is positive