week 13 Flashcards
ovulation fossa
indentation on medial border of the ovary
what is the largest part of the broad ligament and supports the uterus
what are the attachments of the mesometrium
sublumbar region and leateral pelvic wall to the dorsal border of the uterine horns and lateral margin of the body of the uterus
sites of placental atatchment
caruncles and fetal cotyledons
cervix is composed of
thick spirally arranged
cranial preputial muscles present in the
cranial preputial muscle attachment
from xiphoid region to prepuce near preputial orifice
what is the function of the cranial preputial muscle
draws the prepuce cranially and dorsally and help constrict the preputial orifice
superficial inguinal lymph nodes recieve lymph from (in horse)
external reproductive organs, skin, and structures of the ventral trunk
lymph is carried to
medial iliac lymph nodes
superficial inguinal lymph nodes in ruminants receive lymph from
from scrotum is carried to these lymph nodes
from superficial inguinal lymph nodes, lymph travels to
deep inguinal lymph nodes
cremaster muscle
courses superficially on the spermatic fascia parallel to the spermatic cord
genital fold contains
ductus deferens with ampullary glands
uterus masculinis
fetal remnant of the paramesonephric ducts and is the homologue of the uterus and vagina
bulbospongiosus muscle
on th emidline and covers the bulb of the penis caudally
ischiovavernosus muscle
lateral to bulbospongiosus and covers the crura of the penis caudally
retractor penis muscle
from the caudal vertebrae and courses along the caudal and ventral aspects of the penis before inserting on the free part of the penis
bulbospongiosus m. in stallino
covers the caudal and ventral portion of the body of the penis as well
retractor penis muscle of ruminants
inserts at the second bend of the flexure
in the horse, what courses through the lesser obturator foramen
tendon of internal obturator
in ruminants, what passes through the lesser obturator
caudal gluteal artery and vein