Week 12- Whistleblowing Flashcards
What is whistleblowing?
The disclosure by organization members (former/current) of illegal, immoral, or illegitimate practices under the control of their employers, to persons or organizations that may be able to effect action.
What are the potential costs of WB?
Challenge to authority structure, threat to organizational viability, limits on control, unpredictability of organization member actions, Increase in litigation, lose your job/benefits
What are the potential benefits of WB?
Increase safety and well-being of organization members, support for code of ethics, reduction of mismanagement, improved morale
What are the potential costs & benefits of inaction?
Cost: jeopardizing citizens rights, privileges, safety; employee withdrawal; risk to long term organizational survival; escalation of wrongdoing
Benefits: smooth org functioning; avoidance of frivolous complaints; avoidance of damage claims