Week 12 Flashcards
- the eco-social aspect of aging involves the _____-system
- the life course aspect involves the ________-system
- macro system = attitudes and ideologies of the culture
- chrono system = socio historical conditions and time since life events
what are the 4 key considerations in aging?
- There is no typical older person
- A large proportion of differences in capacity in older age is due to the cumulative (life course) impact of advantage and disadvantage across people’s lives
- Intervention is possible
- Focus on improving quality of (remaining) life rather than only lengthening life
What is active aging? What must be considered?
Maintenance of positive subjective well-being, good health and continued involvement in social life throughout the aging process. Consider place person relationships and the needs of older adults
A healthy community make ________ healthy. This is the __________ effect
Healthy individuals make the ____________ healthy. This is the __________ effect
individuals, contextual
community, compositional
Public pension = (federal/provincial)
healthcare = (federal/provincial)
What are 4 public policy issues?
- reactive not proactive = wait until things happen to put in policies; treatment vs prevention
- equity = not accomodating to diff
- addressing rights AND needs
- individual responsibility
- How can legalization of same-sex marriage benefit older people?
- How can intergenerational programs can reduce ageism?
- Should old age benefits be available for ‘all’ or ‘only those in need’?
- Marriage helps with help outcomes - social support. Eligibility for different programs/ benefits. Provides equal rights
- Breaks the existing age barrier in society . Apart from ageism, contributes to social wellbeing. Financial benefits
- Giving to all would be proactive - preventing instead of treating. Giving only to those in need would save the system money. Giving to all provides a safety net
- What is research?
- research provides _________
- research involves ______ assessments
- Systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions.
- evidence
- needs assessments
Explain the demographic vs. epidemiological approach to aging
demography = study of size, structure, distribution of age in a pop, spatial or temporal
epidemiology = study of distribution and determinants of health. Wholistic approach
What are the 4 steps of scientific research?
- research question = generates hypothesis
- collect data = surveys/ epidemiological studies
- analyze data
- interpret findings
What are the 2 ways to collect data? Explain
- surveys = questions aimed to extract specific data, short questions, snapshot of health status
- epidemiological studies = clear aim and specific target pop, some relationships between x and Y
Explain longitudinal epidemiological studies
follow participants over time
changes in health or social status
life course exposures
- What do the centres for aging provide?
- What is the CIHR?
- What are the 3 functions of the CIHR?
- knowledge
- Canadian institute for health research = improve the quality of life and health of older Canadians by understanding and addressing the consequences of a wide range of factors associated with aging
- provide funding for research
- seek out partnerships with other agencies of similar interests
- stay connected to community
- provide funding for research
What is downloading?
Fiscal responsibility is transferred to a lower level of government and to the individual
What is retrenchment?
iIndividual must now pay for a service that might have been previously provided to them by the government
What are the 8 factors of consideration for the guiding principles of public policy?
- autonomy
- independence
- safety
- security
- dignity
- self-esteem
- privacy
- right to choose
Fill in the blanks about the 12 principles of public policy?
1. Not exclusively based on ____ as a criterion for access or eligibility
2. Developed by following _____ assessments are research reviews that facilitate ______-based decision making
3. ________ benefits
4. Based on ______ through user fees
5. _______centered
6. _________ and integrated - no gaps between formal and informal support systems
7. Based on ________ between ministries or agencies at all levels of government
8. Protective of legal and human _______
9. Designed to ensure that a minimum standard of living is _________ throughout the later life of all older citizens
10. Evaluated and ________ as necessary
11. ____________
12. ___________
- age
- needs, evidence
- inclusive
- sharing
- client
- coordinated
- cooperation
- rights
- maintained
- revised
- flexible
- sustainable