Week 11: Understanding Addictive Behaviours Flashcards
What are the 3 categories of drug groupings?
CNS depressants
CNS stimulants
Alcohol, opiods, heroin, codeine etc are examples of…
CNS depressants
Amphetamine, caffeine, cocaine and nicotine are examples of…
CNS stimulants
LSD, cannabis, ecstasy are examples of…
Most drug and alcohol use begins in…
The most common approach to treating problem drinking is…
One standard drink contains how much alcohol?
The AUDIT is…
Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test
Another treatment approach to problem drinking, as successful as CBT is…
Motivational Interviewing
What are the stages of change, which provides a model of the process for stopping drug use
Precontemplation Contemplation Preparation Action Maintenance Relapse - high likelihood at all stages, sends the person back to precontemplation or contemplation
The steps in treating alcohol dependance are…
- comprehensive assessment
- Abstinence (or reduction) for 12 weeks
- Adjunct anti-craving meds
and. ..
- Examine triggers (cues, social situations, emotional states)
How is opiate withdrawal treated?
Pharmacologically (replace with a synthetic opiate like methadone)
Counselling, CBT, Cue exposure
A clear link exists between psychomotor stimulants and…
In people who are vulnerable to developing schitzophrenia or who have already had a psychotic episode, cannabis appears to…
exacerbate psychotic symptoms
Drug users who use multiple types of drugs are called…
poly drug users
Psychoactive substances do what in the brain?
pass the blood-brain barrier
Intoxication literally means…
The speed in which a substance reaches half of its original concentration in the plasma is called its…
Taking enough drugs to avoid withdrawal symptoms is called a …
physical dependence
the anticipation of and taking enough drugs to make you ‘high’ is called a…
physiological dependance
A repeated or large doze on one occasion is called…
substance abuse, or bingeing