WEEK 11: layers of analysis Flashcards
What is discourse analysis?
= systematic analysis and interpretation of a discourse (structures and fuctions)
What are text characteristics?
1) intentionality - intention to communicate message
2) feasibility - easy to process
3) appropriateness - bring about reference, force, effect
4) conventionality - conformity to usage conventions
What is the difference btw meaning and sense?
Meaning - explicit, objective, one meaning (semantics)
Sense - implicit, subjective, multiple meanings (pragmatics)
What is the difference between connotative and denotative meaning?
Denotative = main meaning, explicit, less changeable, influenced by linguistic factors (historical circumstances)
Connotative - additional meaning, implicit, more changeable, influenced by extralinguistiv factors (specific dog)
What are the types of connotative meaning?
- Stylistic
- emotive - emotive and sense perception (anger, love)
- evaluative - rational and evaluative perception (perfect citizen)
- expressive - sense and image perception (bully, log when talking about people) - Functional-stylistic component
- constant associtations with its usual application in certain speech situations of communication (words reflect its style - twin rotor engine - polytechnic)
What is metaphor?
Compare 2 distinctively different, yet similar things (my love is a rose)
What is epithet?
Describes person or thing in imaginative manner
(Golden hands, blood-red sky)
What is hyperbole?
= deliberate overstatement/exaggeration to intensify the feature in question
(He is rotting in jail)
What is meiosis?
= opposite of hyperbole, deliberate understatement, helps to make speech more expressive
(theehugger X environmentalist)
What is metonymy?
=referent is substituted by sth which is closely related to it
(Wood for forest, aspirin for any painkiller)
What is synecdoche?
= variety of metonymy, uses parts of something to represent the whole
(new car —> new wheels)
What is antithesis?
= 2 contrasting ideas presented together to stress the contrast
(chaos X order)
What is oxymoron?
= combination of words opposite in their meanings (genuine fake watches)
What is pun?
= wordplay to achieve humorous effect
What are the Halliday’s metafunctions?
- Ideational - natural world including ones consciousness
- Interpersonal - social world, the relationship between speaker/hearer
- Textual - verbal world, flow of information in text
What is stylistic device?
= conscious intentional intensification of some typical structural/semantic property of language unit
- SDs display application of 2 meanings:
1) referential (in language as a system)
2) contextual (what it means in context - swallowed —-> disappear)
What is textual metafunction?
= ability to show clear links btw new clause and the discourse that precedes it
What is theme and rheme?
Theme = point of departure, first linguistic element in a sentence
Rheme = the rest of the sentence
What are the types of themes?
- Topical theme - mandatory, relate to content of the text
- Textual theme - optional, form of conjuntion between clauses (next, then)
- Interpersonal theme - clause is related to listeners or readers (vocatives which relates to person or people)
What are the patterns of organization (thematic development)?
- Fan pattern - repetition of theme of previous clause (I saw I counquered)
- Zig zag pattern - rheme becomes a theme in the next clause (im from ottawa, ottawa is…)
What is a discourse marker?
= signal transitions in converstion, index relation of utterance to the preceding context
What are the types of discourse markers?
1) Interpersonal
- relationship btw speaker & listener
- look, exactly, you know
2) Referential
- now, then, because, and
3) Structural
- states the importance and nonimportance
- first of all, so, in the end
4) Cognitive
- speakers though process
- uhh, oh!, I mean