Week 10-Intergroup Relations and Social Groups Flashcards
What are the explanations for prejudice?
Frustration-Aggression Theory
Right-wing authoritarianism
Social Identity Theory
When teachers’ low expectations of students from poorer socioeconomic backgrounds affect those students’ achievements, this could be an example of:
Sexism that encompasses subjectively positive attitudes towards women in traditional roles, and antagonism and hostility towards women in non-traditional roles is called:
Ambivalent Sexism
Define Stereotype
Association of a social group with specific characteristics.
E.g. Elderly being slow. Children adopting gender stereotypes.
Stereotypes slow to change
Stereotype Content Model/BIAS Map- positive, negative, mixed.
Trigger different emotions
Type of schema- widely shared.
Define Prejudice
Unfavourable ATTITUDE towards a social group and its members E.g. negativity-unfavourable negative ATTITUDE.
3 different components to prejudice: Cognitive (a belief we have of a particular social group); Affective (strong negative feelings); Conative (intentions to behave a certain way)
Define Discrimination
Take subtle or overt forms.
Individual (1 person individual act towards another individual) vs institutional (ingrained within different society’s and cultures e.g. institutionalised ageism homework cards. Educational attainment)
Failure to help(actively or passively don’t help a social group like people with disabilities); Tokenism(engage in a small public act of assisting but don’t go onto a larger scale, helping just for show, gay pride pin); reverse discrimination (outward expression different to what is on the inside)
Define stigma?
Crocker, Major & Steele (1998): Stigmatised individuals possess (or are believed to possess) “some attribute or characteristic that conveys a social identity that is devalued in a particular social context”
Controllability(weight is it genetic or can it be controlled); visibility (race, disability or religious beliefs and sexual orientation)
What are the consequences of stigma?
Low Self Esteem,
Low self-worth in self-efficacy- devalued
Physical and mental wellbeing.
Feel like they are the target of stigma.
INTERNALISED STIGMA-most damaging forms of stigma (self-fulfilling prophecy)
What is Stereotype Threat?
The fear that you’ll confirm a negative stereotype about a group that you belong to. (Steele & Aronson, 1995). (self-fulfilling prophecy) E.g. Women not as good as Math as men.
A situational phenomenon- Certain situations trigger can confirm stereotype threats. Don’t perform as well
-Anxiety or arousal of certain emotions.
-Reduced effort to fit in with label/belief.
How to overcome Stereotype threat?
Strategic and motivational use identities
What is dehumanisation?
When we see someone/social group less than human.
E.g. Immigration; Genocide (Holocaust) Associating people as animals/ animal characteristics; parasites
Two forms of dehumanization
- Animalistic dehumanization: denied intellect self-awareness
- Mechanistic dehumanization: robotic; machines; cold and robotic; lacking in warmth and curiosity
What is Infra-humanization?
Effect of dehumanization.
Impacts different emotions. The distinction between primary and secondary emotions.
Outgroups denied the ability to feel complex emotions
Secondary emotions are more unique to humans than primary emotions.
Implicit (IIT) and explicit measures (rating scales).
Where does prejudice come from?
1920-1950: Prejudice as psychopathology
1950-1990: Normal processes fuel prejudice. Contemporary forms developed because of social norms.
Mid 1990- Present: Prejudice is multidimensional; new methods to compare implicit and explicit attitudes; new conceptual perspectives.
Shift from individual to more complex.
Social Norms and Internalization for prejudice
Group Norm Study-correlational and experimental evidence. Different perceptions of showing prejudice. Different range of acceptability.
Crandall et al (2002) social norms of evaluation of groups correlated to prejudice.