Week 10 Flashcards
Aboriginal or First Peoples
Refers to ALL original peoples in North America and their descendants
Refers to the legal identity of a first nations person who is registered under the Indian act
First Nations
Refers to all those people called “indian”
Indigenous people
used interchangeably with first nations
Refers to people of aboriginal and mixed European ancestry
Replaces the term “Eskimo” and refers to aboriginal people who live primarily in Arctic Canada
Indian Act
federal government obligations and regulates the management of Indian reserve lands, Indian moneys, and other resources. the act defines an Indian as a” person who is registered as an Indian or is entitled to be registered as an Indian”
Infant Mortality
Refers to the number of infants who die in the first year after birth per 1000 births
What are some health inequities seen in Aboriginal communities?
lower life expectancy
higher infant mortality
higher rate of diabetes, tuberculosis, HIV, CVD, violence, cancer, High blood pressure
Economic and social conditions of Aboriginal peoples
Higher poverty and unemployment rates
Lower levels of education
4X more likely to commit suicide
Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples
Created by the Canadian Gov. in 1991 to address economic, social and political issues related to First nations, Metis and Inuit people in Canada. They came up with hundreds of ideas to address the inequities faced by the Aboriginal People
A process by which one nation imposes itself economically, politically and socially upon another
Social Determinants of health due to Colonialism of Aboriginal Peoples
Relocation of communities loss of land and resources creation of the reserve system forced removal of children and subsequent placement into residential schools racist attitudes forced assimilation
Royal Proclamation of 1763
Recognized Aboriginals as autonomous political entities with a right to have their own land and govern their own affairs
Expectation that Aboriginal People and Immigrants will give up their culture and become indistinguishable from the dominant Canadian majority