Week 1 Lab Flashcards
Which type of Precautions would be used for the following. Tuberculosis, Varicella, Rubeola (Measles)
Airborne Precautions
Which type of Precautions would be used for the following. Multidrug-resistant Organism (MDRO) & MRSA
Contact Precautions
types of infectious agents: Bacteria, Fungi, Prions, Viruses and ____
Portals of Exit (Ways in which infectious agents leave the reservior) Blood, Secretions, Excretions, and
Reservior of Infections are….
Where the virulent organsims live
Modes of Transmission of infectious agents can be direct or indirect. Give examples of both
Person-to-person contact.
Droplet spread. The spray of droplets during coughing and sneezing can spread an infectious disease.
Airborne transmission.
Fomites (Contaminated objects)
Food and drinking Water
Animal reservoirs
Insect bites (vector-borne disease)
Immune deficiency, Diabetes, Burns, Surgery, Age make which kind of host for a pathogen
Explain the difference between Droplet and Airborn Transmission, including size
Droplet comes in direct contact from one person to another with Bodily Fluid. Greater than 5 Microns
Airborn are tiny particles suspended in the air and are less than 5 Microns
3 lines of defense against pathogens
- Protective Barrier. (Give examples)
- Innate immune system: Natural Killer cells, Macrophages; Including Neutrophils
- Adaptive immune system: (Give Examples)
- Stomach Acid, skin & Mucous Membranes
- Antibodies, B-cells, T-cells
________: When a person gets an infection caused by a pathogen that is already colonizing a part of their body (e.g., S. aureus in their nose).
_______: When a person gets an infection from a germ that recently spread to them from another person or from a shared contaminated surface.
Endogenous / Exogenous
6 parts of the Chain of Infection
Infectious Agents, Reseviors, Portals of Exit, Modes of Transmisson, Portals of Entry, Susceptible Host.
In Rainy Paris, My Pretty Sunflowers Bloom”Mnemonic for Chain of infection.
Infectious Agents, Reseviors, Portals of Exit, Modes of Transmisson, Portals of Entry, Susceptible Host
Surgical Sepsis aka, used for
Sterile Technique, Dressing Changes, Catheterizations, Surgical Procedures, Injectable Medication
4 stages of an infection
- Prodromal- non descript, slight fever genral malaise
- Acute Illness- Disease Manifest and becomes Sever
- Decline: Manifestaciones begin to wane as the disease decreases
- _____Client returns to normal or New Normal
Convalescence- Client returns to normal or New Normal
HAI Healthcare Associated Infections. VAPs
Ventilator Associated Pneumonia
What is the mnemonic for Chain of infection?
In Rainy Paris, My Pretty Sunflowers Bloom”
Medical Asepsis aka (what is it used for)
Clean technique: Medications, Enemas, Tube Feedings, Daily Hygine
having an internal cause or origin.
“the expected rate of infection is _______ to the system”
induced in a patient by the treatment or comments of a physician.
HAI Healthcare Associated Infections. CAUTIs
Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection
HAI Healthcare Associated Infections. SSI
Surgical Site Infection
List ways to prevent healthcare associated infections.
Hand Hygiene
Isolation Precautions
Aseptic Techniques
Safe Injection Practices
Proper Handling of Contaminated Materials
Antibiotic Stewardship
Patient and Family Education
Surveillance and Reporting
Staff Education and Training
Collaboration and Communication
HAI Healthcare Associated Infections CLABSIs
Central Line Associated Blood Stream Infection
______ allow your body to create a defense against future invaders.
________ circulate in your body once created to identify, attack, and destroy the same type of antigens if they enter the body again
Antigens / Antibodies
______ regularly occurring within an area or community
Disease that results from an infection transmitted to humans and other animals by blood-feeding anthropods, such as mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas.
the severity or harmfulness of a disease or poison.
________ also referred to as healthcare-associated infections (HAI), are infection(s) acquired during the process of receiving health care that was not present during the time of admission.
Nosocomial infections
If a pathogen makes it past the Skin Barrier then past the normal flora inc. Stomach, which are the 2 types of responses that occur in the body?
Inflammatory 1st
Immune 2nd
Exudate comes in 3 varities describe
Serous, Sanguineous, Purulent
Serous (clear), Sanguineous (RBC), Purulent (Pus)
Which type of Precautions would be used for the following.
Rubella (German Measles), Diphtheria, Adenovirus
Droplet precautions
Does the Medical Asepsis technique kill all pathogens? How about Sterile asepsis
Medical No, spores survive. Surgical yes all pathogens are killed
Stuffy nose
3 varying levels of reaction to latex:
- Irritant Contact dermatitis, Not really an Allergy at all. True or False
- Allergic Contact Dermatitis: Type IV sensitivity, localized Pruritus (Itching), Erythema (reddness/ Rash), urticarial lesions always immediately after Contact. True or False
- True laxet allergy: type 1 hypersensitivity. Immediate systemic response that results in anaphylaxis. True or False
- True, 2. False can be immediately or after hours or days
Procedures that involve insertion of a urinary catheter, sterile dressing cjanges, preparing an injectable medication are examples of which type of asepsis technique?
______ organisms are either purple or blue in color, while ____ organisms are either pink or red in color.
Gram-positive / gram-negative
Antigen / Antibody reaction is know as this type of immunity
Disinfection kills all pathogenic orgs except
4 catagories that are responsible for a majority of HAIs
Catheter- Associated UTI (CAUTI)
Surgical Site Infection (SSI)
Central line-associated bloodstream Infection (CLABI)
Ventilator-associated Infection (VAI)
Not feverish
Sterilization kills all organisms including spores True or False
Cillia and stomach acid are which line of defense
Colonization of bacteria means…
Bacteria are present but no infection
The “Decline” in an infection means
The virus is declining
The patient is getting better
It is considered an HAI if someone develops an infection at home within 30 days of being in the hospital
True or False
Low this vitamin is associated with low immunity
C diff
Hand hygine (Soap & H²O or Alcohol Gel)
Type of Precautions
Soap & H²0
Contact: Gown & Gloves
Change gloves from Dirty Task to Clean Task
From moving a bed then emptying a catheter
Should gloves be changed?
No, because it is from clean to dirty
Who are standard precautions used for? When
Hand Hygiene:
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):
Respiratory Hygiene/Cough Etiquette:
Safe Injection Practices:
Environmental Cleaning:
Standard Precautions
Which type of Precautions is a negative pressure room