Week 1-Electrical Activity Flashcards
far field
extra-cranial recordings
*cannot give full access to electrical activity, but sampling the response at various levels gives idea about integrity or sensitivity of the aud system
fixed number of vertical lines at fixed time at equal intervals
analysis window
recording epoch or time ensemble
stimulus repetitions/epoch/ sweeps
number of epochs in the average AEP
time locked
electric signal concurrent with the onset of the electric response
digitizer triggers
when to start the digitization process/the capture of a signal at some specified moment in time (1ms, 5ms, etc)
digital computer
- changes analog to discrete, uses binary numbers (aka bits)
- –uses base 2 if not binary?
three types of processing needed to find the evoked response in noise and EEG
1) differential amplification
2) filtering
3) averaging
what are the 2 steps to A-D conversion
1) quantization= chopping a continuous signal into amplitude units (steps)
2) sampling= chopping a continuous signal into a limited number of units (samples) of equal duration/time
what is the typical time window and number of samples in an ABR?
10ms time window and normally 256 sampling points?
what happens at each address for signal averaging
1) A-D conversion (digitization)
- –in each address, the analog EEG activity is digitized (+ or -) and then the value is stored at the address and then all the digital values are added algebraically at each address
2) D-A conversion
- –digital values converted to analog values meaning a continuous trace on an oscilloscope (the waveform is seen)
how does averaging affect noise?
reduction in the overall amplitude because random signals (noise) are cancelled out
2 things that the fidelity of A-D and D-A conversions depend on
- amplitude resolution
* temporal resolution
amplitude resolution
- set by binary word length of conversion
- no problem with low frequency
- problem with high freq= no digitization=high freq filtering
- fine resolution= accurate reproduction of the EP
temporal resolution (of sweep)
is dwell time= separation between 2 successive addresses
- set by rate of sampling
- at least to points/cycle are sufficient resolution to reproduce the freq.
period (T)
the reciprocal of frequency (F)
nyquist freq
the highest freq that can be reproduced
–sampling rate should be at least 2x the highest frequency in the signal of interest