Week 1 CV and A&P Flashcards
Thoracic cavity
12 sets of ribs
thoracic vertebrae
houses abdominal organs
maintains negative pressure for lunch function
covers vital organs of the thoracic cavity including the heart, lungs, and esophagus
What is the floor of the thoracic cavity?
Where is the mediastinum located?
btw pleurae of the lungs
What does the mediastinum contain?
non-pulmonary thoracic viscera: heart, vessels/vasculature, esophagus, trachea, thymus, thoracic duct, associated lymph nodes, neural structures (phrenic nerve)
What are the borders of the mediastinum?
chest wall, lungs, spine, diaphram
The heart pumps blood the the body via
vascular system
fluid-filled sac surrounding the heart; 2 layers including parietal (fibrous) and visceral (serous) pericardium
What are the three layers of the heart
endocardium - innermost layer
myocardium - muscular layer
epicardium - visceral pericardium
comprised of myocytes and intercalated disc
Can the Myocardium replenish itself if cell death occurs?
Myocardium the key function
containing actin, myosin, large # of mitochondria for ATP production
intercalated disk
syncytium - desmosomes and connexin
simple squamous and areolar tissue; line chambers, vales, blood vessels
Visural pericardium, with some adipose mixed in; arteries, lymphatic, veins run underneath this layer
Two-walled layer surrounding the heart and its vessels
Pericardium parietal layer
outer; dense connective tissue
Pericardium visceral layer
thinner layer continuous with epicardium
Pericardium contains 10 - 20 mL of pericardial fluid btw the 2 layers that serves to
decrease the amount of friction that occurs during contraction of the heart
Right atrium
contains pectinate muscles attached to anterior and lateral walls + auricles for increasing avail volume/capacity for blood
Left atrium
also has auricles; thicker walls as it receives higher pressures than R atrium; pectinate muscles into pulm veins to eliminate backflow
Right atrium receives
deoxygenated blood from superior and inferior vena cave, coronary sinus
Atrial kick
refers to the 15-20% of cardiac output that results from pectinate muscle contraction
Atria contains auricles to increase
available volume
Left atrium receives
oxygenated blood via pulmonary vein
Left atrium contains thicker walls than the right because
it receives higher pressures of blood from pulmonary circulation
The atriums are seperation by
interatrial septum
Right ventricle receives
deoxygenated blood from right atrium
Left ventricle
sends oxygenated blood through aorta and into systemic circulation
The left ventricle is the thickest walls of all chambers due to
volumes of blood and need for force/contraction
Ventricles are separated by
interventricular septum
Which ventricle is triangular shaped?
Right ventricle allowing large volume of blood to be ejected into narrow valve against low pressure gradient
Which ventricle is cone-shaped
left ventricle
Why does pressures matter?
Blood flow from high to low pressure gradient. Shapes of different chambers, wall thicknesses, valve size, appendages/extra structures all matter with regards to pathway and volume of blood flow.
Diastolic of R atrium
0-8 mmHg
Diastolic of L atrium
4-12 mmHg
Diastolic of R ventricle 0-8 mmHg
Diastolic of L ventricle 4-12 mmHg
Systolic of R ventricle
15-30 mmHg
Systolic of L ventricle
80-120 mmHg
only allow for unidirectional flow due to leaflets that are attached to the papillary muscle of the myocardium via chordae tendinae
eliminate backflow of blood during ventricular systole
Valve between R atrium and ventricle
Valve between left atrium and ventricle
eliminate backflow of blood during ventricular diastole
Pulmonary valve
btw right ventricle and pulmonary artery
Aortic valve
btw left ventricle and aorta
Superior vena cava
collects blood from head and UE
inferior vena cava
collects blood from LE and trunk
Coronary arteries
receive blood during diastole when aortic valve is closed
Right coronary artery
from aorta
Pulmonary veins
valveless; travel to L atrium
R coronary artery branches
posterior descending
SA nodal artery
Marginal artery
Posterior descending supplies
posterior 1/3 of interventricular septum
SA nodal artery supplies
SA node
Marginal artery supplies
Lateral R ventricle
Left coronary artery branches to
Left anterior descending (LAD)
Left circumflex
Left anterior descending supplies
anterior 2/3 of interventricular septum, anterior L ventricle
Left circumflex supplies
L atrium and posterolateral L ventricle
point of maximal impulses
Apex landmark
5th intercoastal space at midclavicular line
Erb’s point landmark
L 3rd intercostal space
Aortic landmark
R 2nd intercostal space
Pulmonic Landmark
L 2nd intercostal space
Tricuspid landmark
L 4th intercostal space
Mitral Landmark
L 5th intercostal space on midclavicular line
Blood is pumped from the R side of the heart to the machine, CO2 removed, O2-filled blood returns to body
Allows bypass of cardiopulmonary system, which contributes to healing
ECMO indications
Critical illness with heart and lung involvement, awaiting heart/lung transplant, COVID
oxygen rich blood to the periphery
return deoxygenated blood to the heart
o2 and nutrient exchanges
Pulmonary vein is abnormal because
it does carry O2 blood from lungs to heart
Arteries and veins often travel together which allows
allows O2-rich warm blood in arteries to help warm blood in veins; often travel together in a sheath that moves as artery does during systole; this helps with venous return
Tunica intima
innermost lining; composed of epithelial cells and connective tissue
Tunica media
smooth muscle and elastin
Tunica adventita
outer layer of connective tissue (collagen, elastin)
Capillaries only have tunica intima
thinness allows for Co2/O2 exchange
Tunica media thickness determines
size of lumen (opening)
transport blood from high pressure (heart) to lower pressure areas in systemic circulation
connections btw varying branches of an artery
involved in BP management due to how they contract/relax and have adjustments in diameter that can increase or decrease blood flow to an area
Contain thinner walls than arteries
More numerous than arteries
Larger diameter
Contain more anastomoses
Less elastin
Contain 65% of resting blood volume
smallest vein
come from capillary beds and form plexuses
Medium veins
drains from plexus and travels with artery
have valves that restrict backflow
Large veins
contain smooth muscle
larger connective tissue layer
Sinoatrial node
the heart’s pacemaker; generally 60-100bpm; controlled by ANS; located in myocardium near superior vena cava in R atrium
Atrioventricular node
between interatrial and intraventricular septum; connects electrical pathway from SA node to ventricles; paces at 40-60 bpm in the event of SA node failure/electrical abnormality
Cardiac plexus
contains sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve fibers
increase in HR/contractility, vasodilation of coronary arteries to increase cardiac blood flow
vagus nerve; decreases HR/contractility
R vagus nerve
SA node
L vagus nerve
AV node
important for cardiovascular pharmacology
Sympathetic receptors
Adrenergic receptors
Adrenergic receptors
binds to epinephrine/norepinephrine
binding with B1-agonist can increase HR and contractility, SA and AV node activation -> increased cardiac output and stroke volume
smooth airway and cardiac muscle; can decrease bronchospasm
Parasympathetic receptors
in cardiac muscle; bind to acetylcholine
Cardiac Cycle
defined as one cycle of atrial and ventricular contraction
Cardiac cycle
Depolarization slowed at AV node due to calcium ions
Ventricular conduction system=fast moving Na+ ions
Then goes to Bundle of His and Bundle Branches
Depolarization of myocardium=ventricular contraction
P wave
atrial depolarization + contraction
PR segment
ventricular filling
QRS complex
ventricular depolarization and contraction
ST segment
plateau phase of ventricular repolarization
T wave
rapid phase of ventricular repolarization
QT interval
ventricular systole
Cardiac Conduction definition
beginning of one heartbeat to the beginning of the next
Cardiac conduction
SA node
R atrium and L atrium
AV node
Bundle of His
L and R bundle branches
Purkinje fibers
SA node
action potential generated
R and L atrium
impulse travels and muscles contract
AV node
Depolarization slows at AV node due to presence of calcium ions, which allows blood to pass from atria intro ventricles for ventricular filling
R/L bundle branches
depolarizes corresponding ventricle leading to ventricular contraction
Purkinje fibers
Electrical activity spreads from endocardium -> epicardium (outward)
heart rate
Positive chronotropy
increase HR
Negative chronotropy
decreased HR
Positive inotropy
increased contractility
Negative inotropy
decrease contractility
Positive dromotrophy
increased conduction velocity
Negative dromotropy
conduction velocity
pacemaking ability
Factors affecting stroke volume
muscular stretch, high HR, neurotransmitters
amount of blood returning to the heart
total peripheral resistance/peripheral force heart is required to pump against
Factors affecting HR
innervation, neurotransmitter
Frank starling Rule
Explains the relationship between the length/stretch on myocardial fibers based on amount of blood in ventricles prior to contraction (end diastolic volume) and force of muscle contraction
If myocardial fibers are too close together or too far apart
contraction strength is decreased
Ejection fraction
A ratio or percentage of the volume of blood ejected out of the ventricles relative to the volume of blood received by the ventricles prior to contraction
Normal ejection fraction
60-70 %
venous system
how blood returns from systemic circulation
Veins have low pressures compared to
arteries and the pressures are higher peripherally in small venules, which allows for a gradient of blood flow back to the heart
Complete heart block
bradycardia due to lack of electrical signal between atria and ventricles
Complete heart block symptoms
dizziness, syncope, hypotension, sudden cardiac death
Complete heart
block causes
myocardial infarction, meds, surgery
Complete heart block usually require
temporary pacemaker followed by permanent pacemaker