Week 1 Anesthesia for Eye Surgery Flashcards
The eye resides in the _________ bony structure.
What are the three layers of the eye?
- Sclera
- Uveal tract (middle layer)
- Retina
Where does the eye get most of its focusing power?
Curvature of the cornea
Name the three layers of the uveal tract (middle layer)?
- Choroid
- Ciliary body
- Iris
What are the features of the choroid layer in the eye? (Uveal layer)
- Layer of blood vessels
- Located posterior
What are the features of the ciliary body of the eye? (Uveal Layer)
- Resides behind the iris
- produces the aqueous humor
- adjust the focus on the lens by reducing the tension on suspension fibers or zonules of the lens
What are the feature of the Iris? (Uveal layer)
- Pigmented
- Controls the light entry
What occurs within the iris during sympathetic response in the eye?
-Iris DILATOR muscle contracts
dilitation or MYDRIASIS
What occurs within the iris during a parasympathetic response in the eye?
-iris SPINCTER muscles contracts
pupillary constriction or MYIOSIS
The retina ends __ mm behind the iris.
Where is the Pars plana located?
-Area between limbus (edge) of cornea and end of retina
T/F: The Pars plana is the safe entry point for vitectomy procedures?
How does ocular cardiac reflex (OCR) manifest?
- bradycardia
- AV block
- ventricular ectopy
- asystole (rarely)
Ocular cardiac reflex is seen especially with traction on this muscle?
Medial rectus
What nerve is primarily responsible for the ocular cardiac reflex?
T/F: The ocular cardiac reflex will improve with hypoxemia and hypercarbia.
How would ocular cardiac reflex be treated?
- Ask surgeon to stop
- Assess ventilation
- Lidocaine localization or deepen anesthetic
- Atropine
T/F: Ocular cardiac response fatigues with repeated stimulation.
What regulate the intraocular pressure (IOP)?
- aqueous fluid
- blood volume
What is normal intraocular pressure (IOP)?
10 to 22 mmHg
If intraocular pressure rises above __ mmHg it is considered _______.
> 22
Aqueous fluid production is constant and facilitated by _________.
carbonic anhydrase
Increase intraocular pressure leads to ocular HTN and structural changes causing?
- atrophy of optic disc
- atrophy of nerve fibers
- optic artery occlusion
Decreased intraocular pressure leads to:
-fluid accumulation in the eye
An increase to CVP increases intraocular pressure more than the increase of ___________.
blood pressure
How much could coughing increase intraocular pressure?
40 mmHg
What will occur to intraocular pressure if PaCO2 drops suddenly?
-FAST drop in IOP due to choroidial vasoconstriction
What will occur to intraocular pressure if PaCO2 increases?
-SLOW increase in IOP
Metabolic acidosis _______ the choroid vessel volume and therefore IOP.
Metabolic alkalosis ________ the choroid volume and the IOP.
What will most anesthetic drugs do to the IOP.
Decrease the IOP
What two anesthetic drugs would be avoided if elevated IOP was a concern
- Etomidate
- Ketamine
Non depolarizing NMR do not alter IOP with exception of curare which ______ it.
Azetazolamide (Diamox) is used to ________ aqueous production by carbonic anhydrase inhibitor.
Osmotic diuretic will ______ IOP and will have a max effect at 30 to 45 minutes and return to normal after ____.
- decrease
- 5-6 hours
Echothipate opth. is used to treat glaucoma and is a ___________ drug. This could prolong muscle paralysis after __________.
- anticholinesterase
- succinylcholine
Flomax ( Tamsulosin) is selective alpha antagonistic. It binds to the dilator muscle causing dilation and complicates cataract surgery. This could last for up to ______ off therapy.
7 - 28 days
Facial nerve block causes what block to the eye muscle?
orbicular oculi muscle
What are the three facial nerve blocks?
- Van Lint.
- Atkinson
- O’Brian
What is the major complication of a facial nerve block?
subcutaneous hemorrhage
What will the Nadbath Rehman block and effect.
-Entire tunk of facial nerve
- lower facial droop postop for several hour
- vocal cord paralysis,laryngospasm, dysphasia and respiratory distress (close to the vagus and glossopharyngeal nerve)
What muscle may not be blocked by a retrobulbar block?
-Superior rectus muscle
Retrobulbar hemorrhage is the most common complication of the block and observation of _____ must be monitored.
ocular cardiac reflex (OCR)
Injection of the block in the optic sheath could cause what complications?
- contralateral amaurosis (lack of vision)
- obtundation
- respiratory arrest (within 20 minute and last for up to an hour)
- vascular collapse form depressant effect on the medulla (total spinal)
If sulfur hexaflouride is used as an air bubble in eye surgery then N2O should be d/c’d __ minutes before placement of bubble and avoided ______ days after surgery.
- 15
- 7 to 15
If Perfluoropropane is used as the air bubble in eye surgery then avoid N2O for up to ___ month after instillation.
Ketamine in eye surgery is usually avoided due to __________.