Week 1 Flashcards
Define key terms
The cause of disease. Idiopathic means we don’t know.
Path= pathology genesis= beginning How does the disease start? Develop?
Chances for complete recovery. Predict permanent loss of function. Probability of survival.
Treatments designed to relieve and manage symptoms. Often used for terminal illnesses.
Number of new cases at a given time
Non surgical: Technique of examining interior of body with flexible tube with a light
Surgical: technique to examine structures within peritoneal cavity. (Small incision made in abdominal wall, often naval)
Functional disease
No morphological abnormalities yet body functions are disturbed
Structural changes can cause functional changes.
Easier to find structural disease that lead to functional changes: Cancer, arthritis. Sometimes disease doesn’t fit into one of the other (Depression). Hard to tell what causes it.
Health is a _____
continuum. Good healthSerious illness
Terminal meaning
Disease will end with death
Difference between prevalence and incidence
Incidence is the number of new cases, which is small than the prevalence which includes existing cases.
The study of the occurrence, transmission, distribution, and control of disease.
Accuracy of a diagnostic test
Are the results of the tests an indication for what’s being measured
Precision of a diagnostic test
Ability of a test to provide the same result every time it’s used
Sensitivity of a diagnostic test
Ability of a test to be positive in the presence of disease
Specificity of a diagnostic test
Ability of a test ti be negative in the absence of disease
Why do they take BP a lot?
screening for early signs of disease. PAP screens for cervical cancer. Mammogram, colonoscopy, etc.
Sometimes we screen for ____ diseases because parents are carriers
Screening tests should be
inexpensive and non-invasive
Computed tomography (CT) scan
3d x-ray good for imaging internal organs. Ie lung cancer. Cons: high dose radiation
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
Uses movement of hydrogen atoms to generate image within magnet: pros: does not use x-rays, sensitive cons: expensive, uncomfortable and long
Uses sound waves to view soft tissue: pros: no radiation Cons: Needs to be superficial
Positron emission tomography (PET)
Radioactive material is injected into the patient, and then the patient is scanned to determine where the material has settled
Cytology examines what
examining cells
histology examines what
examining tissue
Why are some disease not curable?
don’t know cause Can’t get at cause (nervous tissue encased in bone)
Any disturbance of structure or function of the body
Characteristic structural changes in organs and tissues (functional and organic)
Study of structural and functional changes in body as a result of disease.
Associated with structural changes: Heart disease is a good example. You can see these changes.
Organic (structural) disease
The cause of disease. Idiopathic means we don’t know.
Path= pathology genesis= beginning How does the disease start? Develop?
Symptoms: Reported by patient. Subjective. Most of a sore throat or a headache is a symptom, because you can’t see the signs. Signs: Measurable and objective. If the throat was red and swollen it could be a sign of a sore throat.
Chances for complete recovery. Predict permanent loss of function. Probability of survival.
How uncomfortable it makes you feel. Cold vs pneumonia.
Rates of death
Treatments designed to relieve and manage symptoms. Often used for terminal illnesses.
Number of total cases at a given time
Number of new cases at a given time
Non surgical: Technique of examining interior of body with flexible tube with a light
Surgical: technique to examine structures within peritoneal cavity. (Small incision made in abdominal wall, often naval)
No morphological abnormalities yet body functions are disturbed
Functional disease
Easier to find structural disease that lead to functional changes: Cancer, arthritis. Sometimes disease doesn’t fit into one of the other (Depression). Hard to tell what causes it.
Structural changes can cause functional changes.
Organism causing disease: BActeria
Collection of clinical signs and symptoms
continuum. Good healthSerious illness
Health is a _____
Disease will end with death
Terminal meaning
Incidence is the number of new cases, which is small than the prevalence which includes existing cases.
Difference between prevalence and incidence
The study of the occurrence, transmission, distribution, and control of disease.
Are the results of the tests an indication for what’s being measured
Accuracy of a diagnostic test
Ability of a test to provide the same result every time it’s used
Precision of a diagnostic test
Ability of a test to be positive in the presence of disease
Sensitivity of a diagnostic test
Ability of a test ti be negative in the absence of disease
Specificity of a diagnostic test
screening for early signs of disease. PAP screens for cervical cancer. Mammogram, colonoscopy, etc.
Why do they take BP a lot?
Sometimes we screen for ____ diseases because parents are carriers
inexpensive and non-invasive
Screening tests should be
3d x-ray good for imaging internal organs. Ie lung cancer. Cons: high dose radiation
Computed tomography (CT) scan
Uses movement of hydrogen atoms to generate image within magnet: pros: does not use x-rays, sensitive cons: expensive, uncomfortable and long
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
Uses sound waves to view soft tissue: pros: no radiation Cons: Needs to be superficial
Radioactive material is injected into the patient, and then the patient is scanned to determine where the material has settled
Positron emission tomography (PET)
examining cells
Cytology examines what
examining tissue
histology examines what
don’t know cause Can’t get at cause (nervous tissue encased in bone)
Why are some disease not curable?