Week 1-3 Flashcards
Define “Rhetoric” (Corbett)
Tthe art or discipline, spoken or written, pertaining to use of discourse that is used to inform or persuade (or motivate)
Define “Rhetoric” according to Don Clark
The art of discourse, teaching students to think well and live well while teaching them to SPEAK well
(Electra, Sophocles 414 BC)
It is terrible to speak well and be wrong
Theory of Man
Theory of Man is no less than theory of speaking creature
Define “Rhetoric” (McWhorter)
Rhetoric 1
Positive, Moral View
Rhetoric 2
Neutral View (Descriptive)
Rhetoric 3
Negative, Critical View
Rhetoric can be…
- Invitational (audience oriented)
- Intentional (spkr oriented)
- Symbolic (message is central)
Rhet. 1 Definitions
- Quintilian (would argue that Hitler was therefore NOT a good speaker)
- Richard Weaver
- Greg Spencer
- a good man speaking well
- giving effectiveness to the truth
- loving appropriately through speech
Rhet. 2 Definitions
- Corbett
- Kenneth Burke
- Aristotle **
- the art or discipline that deals with the use of discourse, either spoken or written, to inform or persuade or move an audience
- the use of language as a symbolic means of persuasion in a given situation
- the faculty of discovering all of the available means of persuasion in a given situation
Rhet. 3 Definitions
- Plato
- John Locke
- Immanuel Kant
- a flattery and of an ignoble sort, because it aims at pleasure without any thought of the best
- a powerful instrument of error and deceit
- the art of playing for one’s own purpose upon the weakness of men
Name and explain the most common form of persuasion
The most common, ubiquitous form of persuasion discourse (rhetoric) in our society today is advertising
What type of discourse can be found in The Odyssey?
Deliberative discourse
1) Name and 2) Define the 3 Kinds of Oratory
A. Deliberative
A. Concerned with future times (the means used are exhortation and dissuasion)
is concerned with future time (the means are used are exhortation and dissuasion) and that the special topics most prominent are worthy and worthless, or advantageous and injurious
What do all definitions of rhetoric have in common?
implication of manipulation of words
Name and explain the 4 Forms of Discourse
- ) Argumentation
- ) Exposition
- ) Description
- ) Narration