Exam II Flashcards
An agreed-upon body of works that has stood the test of time and provides the basis or foundation for something is a ___________
Corbett’s definition of Inventio - ___________
Inventio has to do with everything related to where we go for______________. The fact that it includes _________ indicates that there are arguments “out there”
ideas “discovery”
SOURCE???: Inventio is Transformation of our perceptions of the world into something available for discourse
LaRusso -
SOURCE???: the Trinity Of Creative Information:
Dorothy Sayers
What are the Three parts of Dorothy Sayers “Trinity Of Creative Information?” 1. ____ - [You need to make this whole so you must go through the work of making it available for _______] 2. ______- [Then get ready to say it to someone] and 3. ____– [the rhetorical moment of expression]
Idea……discourse Energy Power
There are different levels of ______ and by claiming that we have more knowledge than we do we inhibit _____
“knowing” (or knowledge) learning
To ADMIT TO NOT KNOWING something you NEED TO CARE MORE ABOUT the ___ THAN _______ _____
Intellectual stereotyping is?
To know only a piece of information about someone or something which colors, implies or creates your complete picture of the subject
The phrase “Familiarity breeds contempt” is usually used to identify how people are more careless treating the people they know best. In the rhetorical context, however, it suggests that ______________
if you only know a little about something, you may be more likely to have a contempt for something because of broader ignorance, particularly if all that you know is negative
The “U” in WUKFA (the five levels of knowledge) is for “Understanding.” “Understanding” as a level of knowledge means ______
Being able to paraphrase in your own words leads to being able to teach or verbalize something
SOURCE???: “Nothing is more common than to think that because you are familiar with words, you understand the meaning that they stand for”
John Henry Newman:
The “W” in WUKFA (the five levels of knowledge) is for “Wisdom.” “Wisdom” as a level of knowledge is ______
The moral application of Understanding
EPISTEMIC means __________ When Irving Scott and Carol Arnold said that “Rhetoric is EPISTEMIC” they meant that “Rhetoric is a way of ____ about something
coming to know coming to know a truth
SOURCE???: said that “Rhetoric is a way of coming to the truth”
Irving Scott and Carol Arnold –
The “older” belief accepted about Rhetoric was that that “You KNOW the truth and rhetoric is A WAY OF COMMUNICATING that truth to others” but Scott and Arnold proposed a new idea that “Rhetoric is about the ______of ideas (and truth), NOT just a way of ____ others.”
DISCOVERY persuading
Ways to move up the levels of KNOWLEDGE: 1. __________ (reference _________) 2. __________ (reference _________) 3. __________ (reference _________)
- Fear of the Lord (1 John) 2. Learning Broadly (Lipton & Bernstein) 3. Habit (Langer, Jones)- applied
SOURCE???: “Fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom” Looking in cotext, see that the wise person wants to be ______ because they recognize the larger implications of ____ ________
Proverbs 9:10 corrected not knowing.
SOURCE???: My son, if you accept my words and store up my commands within you, turning your ear to wisdom and applying your heart to understanding– indeed, if you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding, and if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the LORD and find the knowledge of God. (The important parts of this are the ______, some of which are:_____________)
Proverbs 2:5 (2:1 - 5) Verbs TURNING [your ear] , APPLYING [your heart] , CALL OUT, CRY ALOUD, LOOK
Part of the background requirement for Inventio is having ____ (that is the “________” part)
sufficient knowledge…..the “WUKFA” part
4 ways that fear (Fear of the Lord ) can help with increasing your level of knowledge toward wisdom: 1._________ 2._________ 3._________ 4._________
- can motivate you when nothing else does 2. encourages humility about what we know 3. can put bad fear in it’s place 4. Fear builds receptivity and Teachability
Fear of the Lord can put bad fear in it’s place: o If we only worship Acceptance, we will fear ________ o If we only worship Popularity, we will fear ________ o If we only worship Success, we will fear ________ So if you worship and fear _______, the other fears will be _________
Rejection Loneliness Failure God more…………put in their place
SOURCE???: “The Lost Princess: A Double Story” - Wise old woman tutors 2 different girls – one a spoiled princess. The woman takes the princess. The woman’s “severe” (or harsh, firm) character torwards the princess is effective over _______. The woman sees that the girl can ONLY be motivated by______
George MacDonald kindness.. …fear
_______ (like HUMILITY), is an intellectual virtue. A wise person is ______ and willing to accept ______
Receptivity receptive…..criticism
Spencer said to “take a chance and____ ______ _____ for feedback and criticism”
“place your work in the public square” before others
After you “place your work in the public square,” then _______ your idea and get ready for the NEXT ______ – this makes you ________
refine criticism better
SOURCE???: “Perfect love drives out fear” - i.e. Perfect Love is the ______ of wisdom and understanding…Fear of the Lord is the _________
1 John 4:18 END ……BEGINNING
perfect love drives out _______ Lewis says “Poetry replaces _______” Likewise, Gospel replaces ______!
fear grammar Law
AUTHOR????: part of the rhetorical perspective is to learn BROADLY. Do not sacrifice _____ for _____
Cicero breadth for depth
SOURCE???: “The art of discourse may be as broad as the whole of life civilized man” – Note the ________ in this statement
Norland: comprehensiveness
SOURCE???: What it means to be an educated person- “The man who: is able to express himself ______ manages the every day business of life well, shows good _______ in his decisions and can foresee their consequences is _____ and _______in his relations with others can control the urge to __________ is not defeated by misfortune nor corrupted by good luck esteems the favor of fortune no higher than the rewards of merit above all can give sound advice __ ___ _____.”
Isocrates elegantly judgment just and tolerant pleasure to the state
SOURCE???: “Approach learning as you may approach a whiteboard” covered in paint. You begin to scratch off the paint in one area and reveal _____ ______. Then do in another area. Eventually you begin to see it as a window, poke your head through and realize that ____ _____ _ _______
Spencer some knowledge ALL KNOWLEDGE IS ONE
SOURCE???: Tests discipline us to study BUT low standards of achievement and losing the focus on and importance of educational fundamentals results in education having little substance
SOURCE???: A particular kind of learning for a particular type of exam was argued against
habits that KEEP us from ___________
moving up the levels of learning
SOURCE???: book on Mindfulness (vs. mindlessness) ________is what we get from habits and inheritance _______is what we want to practice
Langer Mindlessness Mindfulness
Langer: What drives us to mindless behavior?____ __ _______ which is the inability to see something as anything other than what its “name” says that it is. For example, a “door” is a door…not a piece of wood.
Entrapment in Category
SOURCE???: “The Attractions of Stupidity” Romans portrayed as copying, not original; Greeks the learners – creative
Mumford Jones
Mumford Jones: “In general, the ______ win and the ________ lose – such are the attractions of _______”
stupid clever people stupidity
Problems with habits – 1. 2. 3.
- Often mindless 2. As compulsive behavior keep us from doing other things 3. Dulls us to learning
SOURCE???: What makes an educated person (resonates with ______) . Includes: Respect a man’s personality Compassionate Respect another’s property Pure in heart Fear a lie Learn – respect education
Ueland Isocrates
SOURCE???: “imagiation needs moodling” Moodling is _____________ The author discusses people rushing, ideas fleeting, etc. “[imagiation of what you are working on] must come from your true self, not your theoretical self….. from what you truly love & believe, not to make an impression.”
Ueland long, inefficient, happy idling, dawdling and puttering
Two ways to BREAK HABITS 1. __________. 2. __________. In this discussion, the word “ILLUSION” is used to mean a feeling or emotion that you felt in that situation
SOURCE???: began book “Orthodoxy” in this way “Often had a fancy of writing of an English yachtsman who makes a wrong turn and lands on England thinking he discovered a new island in south seas. So the JOY OF _________ - Making the familiar __________.
Chesterton DISCOVERY Unfamiliar
SOURCE???: When we mature we put away the childish desire to grow up [“When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.”]
Lewis [Of Other Worlds: Essays and Stories “On Writing for Children” C.S. Lewis]
SOURCE???: “use your eyes as if you would be stricken blind tomorrow and your ears in the same manner.” of all senses, “sight must be the most delightful.”
Helen Keller
SOURCE???: 2 primary ways that we choose to live our life before God: 1. “The Way of ________” [To say “Yes” and see God in everything] and 2. “The Way of _________” [To “Say No” to many things and focus on God like a monk - The monastic Tradition - as celebrated in the church]
Charles Williams Affirmation Rejection
SOURCE???: “This also is ‘thou’” BUT “Neither is this ‘thou.’” Use both constantly. Spencer sees this as a parallel to the illusions of __________
Charles Williams First & last time
SOURCE???: Novel “The second Coming” – story of a man (Barret) contemplating suicide by gun and observes a cat who he notes to be %100 cat, no more, no less as opposed to humans – he suddenly realizers - who are often only ________ and can often be more of someone or something else.
Walker Percy 2% self
Inventio: Phase 1 (of the Rhetorical Process): is?______
Rhetoric is a ________ prompted by a ________ __________
anything that invites a situational urgency (that is, something needs to be done to respond)
A situational urgency that requires a RHETORICAL response.
A rhetorical exigence may be silence or an action; _______ is not required as a rhetorical exigence.
SOURCE???: “A situation is rhetorical if: - it invites discourse AND - that discourse can make a _____ in the situation
Bitzer difference
PROPITIOUS MOMENT – This is the instant when the ___ ____ ___ are presented for a _____ _____ _____. That is, the ideal amount of time had passed since the exigence….but not too much time!
most favorable circumstances response to the exigence
A rhetorical situation both matures and _____. That is, following an exigence, the conditions improve or ripen for the ideal response moment but if you wait longer, it is too late for the response to be effective.
Every Canon has a larger context – The larger context of of inventio (the first canon) is “_______”
learning (that is, acquiring or improving knowledge - moving up the knowledge levels that is)
The root of the word “propitious” is also found in the word “Propitiation.” Propitiation means “an act of appeasement.” Used in a Theological application, Propitiation implies that “God’s wrath is ___ ___ ___” (of our salvation) and that ____ ___ is the appeasement - which is the answer to God’s wrath.
in the way Jesus’ death
In contrast to the concept of Propitiation which says that God’s wrath is in the way, the concept of _________ says that the “Problem” is human guilt is in the way (of our salvation) and that Jesus got HUMAN GUILT out of the way
propitiation is “_______”- oriented and expiation is “_____”-oriented
other self
Bitzer: A rhetorical situation invites a _______ response.
FITTING (appropriate for the situation)
When you receive an exigence, must determine the HEART OF THE MATTER – the __________
Spencer book: Uses ________ (Bible Verse) for discernment
Deuteronomy 30:19
SOURCE???: NOW CHOOSE ____, so that you and your children may _____. This supports Spencer’s concept of _______ which says that after distinguishing between ______ and ______ you choose ________
Deuteronomy 30:19 LIFE live Discernment life……death……life
Spencer categorizes things as: A. ______or B. _______ SO, MUST DISCERN BETWEEN THEM
Life Giving Death Nurturing
Spencer: Discernment = _______________
“The WISDOM to identify the difference between life and death – with the MOTIVTION to choose LIFE”
SOURCE???: Education = “Teaching the student to _________” or “teaching the student to like and dislike what you ought” (i.e. like the things that are good and right, despise the others)
Aristotle (“Aristotle ought to taught all”) make wise choices
SOURCE???: “The wise in heart are called_______ : and sweetness of speech encourages _________”
Proverbs 16:21 (it was a discerning year after the pilgrims were persuaded to land in Plymouth) discerning persuasiveness
SOURCE???: We have much to say about this, but it is hard to make it clear to you because you no longer try to understand. In fact, though by this time you ought to be ______. Anyone who lives on ____, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about_______. But ____ ____ is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish ____ __ ______. POINT: If you are _______, you should eventually get to the point that you can begin to ____ _____ ____ ___ ____!
Hebrews 5:11-14 (This quote is in a chastising style - “Paul’s” style in the epistles …and Paul’s native language was….. HEBREW(s)!) teachers milk righteousness solid food good from evil learning teach others what you have learned
Spencer: The art of _____ _____ is getting at the _____ of the matter SO, Discerning STATUS is all about the ____ ____ __ ____.
asking questions heart questions that we ask.
SOURCE???: “To get at the status you need to ask 3 questions: 1. An sit – “__ __?” i.e. a question of ____, 2. Quid sit – “____ _____?” i.e. a question of ______ and 3. Quale sit – “____ ____?” i.e. a question of ______
Quintilian is it ….. FACT What is it ….. DEFINITION What kind is it …. VALUE
Example: Jesus death is _____ sit Example: Jesus’ Resurrection is ____ sit
Quale An
After you determine what the status is, then determine a tentative _____ _____
thesis statement
The ancients said “Where do we want to go for ideas for the argument?” You Go to _____ which are ______
TOPOI (categories to search) ………..PLACES to go
“Where” do we go to get the ideas? You can pull them from ______ or do _____to get them
memory (your brain naturally puts things into categories) research
3 types of TOPOI: A. _____Topoi – (Reference Corbett) - 5 - 1. _____ 2. _____ 3. _____ 4. _____ 5. _____ B. _____ Topoi – (4 general categories for knowledge) - Have been referred to as “The Four ____ ___ ___” 1. _____ 2. _____ 3. _____ 4. _____ C. _____ Topoi - in which you create ___________ for the topoi
Common (DefComRelCirT) 1. Definition 2. Comparison 3. Relationship 4. Circumstance 5. Testimony Universal Books of Life 1. God 2. Nature 3. Self 4. Other Special…………….sub-categories
SOURCE???: In Forward of “Knowing God” says: “ As clowns have yearned to ___ ____, so I have yearned to ___ __ ___ _____ ___”
Packer play Hamlet write a treatise on God
Done through 10/6/14
SOURCE???: “Nothing humbles the ______ more than trying to contemplate and think of ______.”
Spurgen mind God
Packer p 32: 4 directions: 1. Listening to God’s _________ 2. Noting God’s ____________ 3. Accepting His ________ and DOING what _________ 4. Recognizing and _____ in the ________
Word and Receiving It Nature and Character Invitation…..He commands rejoicing…..love He has shown (J)
SOURCE???: (“No Man is an Island”) – “It is better to find God on the threshold of despair than to risk our lives in complacency and never know forgiveness.”
SOURCE???: Speaks of a “Healthy Poverty,” cultivating it to appreciate “finding a penny,” seeing a ripple on the water or watching muskrat kits….a “Pearl of Great Price” which may be found but not sought
SOURCE???: (Poem) “The Tables Turned” o Line from poem “Let Nature be your teacher” o Learn what you can from the world around you
SOURCE???: poem “Spring”: o Nothing is a beautiful as Spring o “What is all this juice?”
SOURCE???: “The age of Misinformation” o “Nature teaches us a sense of limits” (e.g. crop rotation) o Nature teaches us that we are unessential to it –
SOURCE???: o the OWL (like Percy’s cat story) does what it does and what it will o you can’t make nature perform
Scott Sanders (Sandy owl)
When using Nature as a topos, o Do NOT ____________ seen in nature and o use of nature must be based on __________
personify actions observations
Lewis - “The four Loves”: Nature cannot TEACH you things but leads you to _______things
Jesus said that the 1st commandment is “Love the Lord your God and the second like it – love your neighbor as yourself.” Although this references and assumes that we love ourselves, the bible teaches us to be ________
SOURCE???’s book “Lost in the Cosmos: The last self-help book” Questions about how great and how bad we are and how can we be very positive about ourselves one moment then very negative the next. Spencer claims it is because these feelings are ______
Walker Percy’s BOTH the SAME basic thing
Spencer creates a 6-point scale of self-feelings: 1. _________ 2. _________ 3. _________ actually used to draw attention to yourself 4. _________ actually also used to draw attention to yourself 5. _________ (“woe-is-me”) 6. _________
- Self-worshiping 2. Self-Adoring 3. Self-oriented meekness 4. Self-depricating 5. Self-pity 6. Self-loathing (J)
SOURCE???: “Don’t think of yourselves more highly than you ought..”
Paul in Romans
SOURCE???: _______ = “Gladly tempering expression of our fullness, but, with an understanding of our __________”
Spencer Book - Modesty emptiness (J)
SOURCE???: about “self” – we are BOTH Angel & Beast - so we must be able to see and recognize BOTH sides of ourself
SOURCE???: We are BOTH Man (humanity – in the image of God) and A Man (sinner)
SOURCE???: “The sole cause of man’s unhappiness is that he does not know how to sit quietly in his own room”
Rhetorical Benefits of knowing yourself o _________________ o _________________ o __________________ (To understand other people)
TO GAIN KNOWLEDGE! To be able to draw accurately from your past To learn of OTHER selves
SOURCE???: “The deeper I go into my self, the deep I can understand your self”
SOURCE???: “Levity of heart and neglect of our faults make us insensible to the proper sorrows of the soul, and we often engage in empty laughter when we should rightly weep.”
Thomas a Kempis
SOURCE???: “The real test of being in the presence of God is that you either forget to see yourself all together or see yourself as a small, dirty object”—-It is better to forget about yourself all together
Lewis: Mere Christianity (Pride) Chapter
As part of the discussion of “OTHERS” as a topos, _________ concludes that all learning by experience is not __________
LaRusso good learning
As part of the discussion of “OTHERS” it was discussed that ___________ and ________ is important - Rather than “learning by experience”
There are different levels of ____________ which is the tendency of like to follow or be with like
SOURCE???: “Make _______ your friends”…Reading is an example of learning with ________. This reflects a COMMITMENT TO OBSERVATION AND COMMITMENT TO STUDY.
Booth Authors others
“Never read, always study”
Ernest Dimnet
A rhetor pays attention and always wants to ________
When looking at the topos of other, GO ________AND GO ______
_________ is a way of thinking about all of the sub-categories for the other topoi
Special topoi
Think of topoi as the “__________ OF THE INTELLECT”
SOURCE???: “For the student of rhetoric in antiquity as today, the value of the places of argument (topoi) is that in endeavoring to find answers to the questions posed, the student begins to see relationships amongst the data of his knowledge and experience - that is, he begins to think.”
Donald Clark
Special topoi include: • _________ • _________ • The 3 – _________ 1. ______________ 2. ______________ 3. ______________
Canons History of rhetoric The 3 faces of rhetoric Deliberative Epidictic Forensic
_________ defines “Discernment” as “The ________ to identify the difference between life and death – with the __________ to choose _______
SOURCE???: said that fear guides to lead the right kind of life, the life that is according to God’s
SOURCE???: we INTENTIONALLY AVOID OF REFUSE SOME CATERGORIES (the unimportant trivia type stuff – Spencer says like celebrity weddings) if we are TO MOVE UP in levels of KNOWLWDGE
SOURCE???: in general, there are MANY questions in the book of Job (an example)
Book of Job
SOURCE???: “You do not have because you do not ask!”
James Fortu
SOURCE???: Our hearts are wrestles until they rest in you
SOURCE???: Holy the Firm – Use of Nature as a topos
Dillard refer to paper 2 for references
SOURCE???: poem (“Love 3”) speaks about realizing the love that God gives though we are totally undeserving (used in the topos of nature under the parables/metaphors category)
SOURCE???: Rhetoric and Civility – “Narcissism is the dependence on the attention and assurances of others – discussing “rhetorical mal-adaptation” so the _______ is NOT a good rhetor”
Barrett Narcissist
SOURCE???: speaks about trying to kill the animal self-love in people and make it a love for all – which was probably God’s intent
Lewis from Screwtape
SOURCE???: We exist to know God - He does not exist for us