Week 1 Flashcards
What type of anemia is associated with vitamin B6 deficiency?
microcytic, hypochromic (due to slowed heme production as delta-ALA synthase requires pyroxidal phosphate)
What are porphyrias?
inherited disorders resulting from enzyme deficiencies in the heme biosynthesis pathway
What enzyme deficiency is associated with sideroblastic anemia?
ALA synthase deficiency
If you suspect a porphyria but urine PBG is negative, which enzyme may be deficient?
-ALA dehydratase
What is the enzyme deficiency in Acute Intermittent Porphyria?
-PBG deaminase
What are 2 lab values to differentiate Anemia of Chronic Disease from Iron Deficiency Anemia?
AOCD: reduced/normal transferrin; normal/ increased ferritin
IDA: increased transferrin; reduced ferritin
What gene is associated with type 1 Hereditary Hemochromatosis?
- C282Y, cysteine to tyrosine substitution at AA 282
- deficiency of hepcidin expression causes increased iron absorption
What is oncotic pressure? What is hydrostatic pressure?
- oncotic pressure: draw fluid back into capillaries at venous end from proteins in blood (ex: albumin)
- hydrostatic pressure: causes water to leave capillaries, P falls at venous end
What is the difference between a reticulocyte and a mature RBC? Where does it finish maturation?
- reticulocytes retain ribosomes and mRNA, capable of synthesizing hemoglobin
- mature in spleen
To bind oxygen, does iron of hemoglobin need to be in ferrous (+2) or ferric (+3) state?
- ferrous (+2)
- ROS can oxidize the iron to ferric (+3) state = methemoglobin
What is a CFU (colony forming unit)?
- an undifferentiated pluripotent stem cell that originates from mesenchymal cells
- CFU seeds liver, spleen, and bone marrow
What are the divisions of the lymph node cortex? What cells are found at each division?
- Superficial cortex (B-lymphocytes)
- Mid-cortex (germinal centers, majority B-lymphocytes)
- Deep cortex (between germinal centers and medullary cords, majority T-lymphocytes)
What types of cells are found in the lymph node sinuses?
macrophages, lymphocytes, and reticular cells
What kind of endothelium lines the outer cortex of blood flow through lymph node? deep cortex?
- outer cortex: lined by simple squamous endothelium
- deep cortex: lined by simple cuboidal endothelium (HEV’s= high endothelial venules)
EBV protein LMP-1 activates what transcription factors?
-LMP-1 mimics host cell’s CD40