Week 1 Flashcards
Listening is the active process of receiving info. and examining one’s reactions to the messages received. What is the therapeutic value?
nonverbally communicates nurse’s interest in the patient
Silence is periods of no verbal communication among participants for therapeutic reasons, such as?
Gives patient time to think and gain insights, slows the pace of interaction, and encourages the patient to initiate conversation while conveying the nurse’s support, understanding, and acceptance
Restating is repeating to the patient what the nurse believes is the main thought or idea expressed. Therapeutic value:
Demonstrates the nurse is listening and validates, reinforces, or calls to attention to something important that has been said.
Reflection is directing back to the patient their feelings, ideas, questions, or content. What is the Therapeutic value?
Validates the nurse’s understanding of what the patient is saying and signifies empathy, interest, and respect for the patient.
Clarification is asking the patient to explain what they mean or attempting to verbalize vague ideas or unclear thoughts of the the patient to enhance the nurse’s understanding. What is the TV?
Clarifies the patient’s feelings, ideas, and perceptions and to provide an explicit correlation between them and the patient’s actions.
Focusing is questions or statements to help the patient develop, explore, or expand an idea or verbalize feelings. What is the TV?
Allows the patient to discuss central issues and keeps communication goal directed.
Broad openings are encouraging the patient to select topics for discussion. What is the TV?
Indicates acceptancy by the nurse and the value of the patient’s initiative.
Humor is the discharge of energy through the comic enjoyment of the imperfect. What is the TV?
Promotes insights by bringing repressed material to consciousness, resolving paradoxes, tempering aggression, and revealing new options; a socially acceptable form of sublimation
Informing is providing information. What is the TV?
Helpful in health teaching or patient education about relevant aspects of the patient’s well-being and self-care.
Sharing perceptions is asking the patient to verify the nurse’s understanding of what the patient is thinking or feeling. What is the TV?
Conveys the nurse’s understanding to the patient and has the potential to clarify confusing communication; may promote additional reflection.
Theme identification is underlying issues or problems experienced by the patient that emerge repeatedly during the course of the nurse-patient relationship. What is the TV?
Allows the nurse to best promote the patient’s exploration and understanding of important problems.
Suggesting is the presentation of alternative ideas for the patient’s consideration relative to problem solving. What is the TV?
Increases patient’s perceived options or choices.
The process that people use to exchange information, in which they simultaneously send and receive messages both verbally and nonverbally is:
—– is a planned method or series of methods used to help someone learn. The person using these methods is a teacher. “Helping another person learn”
—- the process of acquiring or increasing knowledge or changing behavior in a measurable way as a result of the experience. The patient usually takes this role.
—– is a routine that promotes health and healing.
Therapeutic regimen
What encourages people to adhere to their therapeutic regimen?
Patient education
When are rates of adherence particularly low?
When the regimen is complex or long-term: Ex: chronic inflammatory rheumatic diseases, hypertension, breast cancer, HIV, hemodialysis.
What are some examples of deterrent factors for nonadherence to prescribed therapy?
-Relief of symptoms afforded by therapy
-lack of support
-lack of understanding (education)
-uncomfortable side effects.
-beliefs about the health sys.
*** Lack of health literacy (how the body functions, influencing factors, and options)
—- is the capability of a person to obtain, communicate, process, and understand essential health information for the purpose of securing health care services and for making health care decisions.
Health literacy.
How can I, as a nurse, help to build up health literacy amongst others?
-Share accurate information
-Use plain language
*build community partnerships to support education and public health activities.
*Facilitate changes through health care policies.
Motivation to change is much more effective than the awareness of “needing to change”. What factors can help patient’s become motivated to adhere to their TR (therapeutic regimen)?
-Build a strong patient-provider relationship.
-Give options so the pt. feels they have some control over their own health.
-Establish reachable goals.
-Using a learning contract (realistic and positive) including goals and education.
*Schedule follow-ups
-Positive reinforcement.
Factors that also affect the gerontologic pop. that influences non-adherence.
-More than one illness requiring treatment (complex)
-increased sensitivity to medications and their side-effects
-difficulty adjusting to stress or change
-lack of support
-habits of self-treatment
-visual, hearing and mobility disabilities.
One of the most significant factors influencing learning is a person’s
Learning readiness “optimum time for learning to occur, corresponding with perceived need and desire to obtain specific knowledge.”
What is crucial in regards to cultural influence when it comes to learning readiness?
Make sure I understand the culture and personal values of the pt. before launching into educating. They must feel their opinions and beliefs are validated and respected. DO NOT make assumptions.
Physical ability to learn is clearly an important indicator for learning readiness. How about emotional factors that can deter learning?
-Denial of the illness or its threat.
-Unsure of how to accept the changes with their own lifestyle
*** Anxiety and stress
-Time of fatigue
-In front of others not involved in the pt. care.
-Quiet, focused env.
What helps to alleviate client stress and anxiety to better assist clients onto the path of learning readiness?
-Simple explanations/instructions, –opening up for questions, -seeking pt. understanding by asking them questions (teach-back technique)
7 Teaching Techniques:
- Lectures
- Group Teaching
- Demonstration and practice
- Reinforcement and follow-up
- Motivational interviewing
- Electronic, online, or Internet information
- Teaching Aids
—– are explanation methods of teaching and should be accompanied by discussion, because discussion affords learners opportunities to express their feelings and concerns, ask questions, and receive clarification.
—– —— is a teaching method that allows people to receive info, but to also feel secure as members of a group (promoting moral support). Assessment and follow-ups are imperative to ensure that each person has gained sufficient knowledge and skills. Does not work for all individuals.
Group teaching
—– —– —— is especially important when teaching skills. The nurse should demonstrate the skill and then give the learner ample opportunity to practice. When special equipment is involved, such as syringes or colostomy bags, it is important to teach with the same equipment the pt. will be using at home.
Demonstration and practice
Which hearing test measures electroencephalographic waves; electrodes placed on forehead, mastoid, and nape of neck; click stimulus delivered via earphones?
Automated auditory brainstem response (AABR)
Age automated auditory brainstem response hearing test is done (AABR)
newborn-6 months
Which hearing test is done with a machine that produces clicks that stimulate cilia in the cochlea and measures the response. (Does not detect neural hearing loss)
Otoacoustic emissions (OAEs)
Ages newborn - 6 months or developmentally delayed children at infant’s level of functioning (may be incorrect in first 24 hrs of life)