Week 1 Flashcards
scientific study of old age and the process of growing old
a speciality of medicine for treatment of diseases related to older age
By 2030, almost __% of Canadas population will be over the age of 65
What does intergenerational equity do?
It balances the support of older and younger people through public policy and public expenditures
What two things happen as populations age
- Theres an impact on social structure
- Theres a change in the health and status of the population
What are the three different changes in social structure
- Family structure
- Education and job market
- Health and social policies
What are the three possible changes in population health?
- more chronic disease and disability
2.more need for health care services - more cost
Aging is responsible for __ % of yearly increase in health care cost
In adults older 65+ __% have 2-3 chronic conditions
__% of adults 65+ have four or more chronic conditions
A widespread belief that is not well supported by evidence
How can myths harm us?
Can cause
stereotyping, prejudice, discrimination
What is the final result of stereotyping, prejudice, discrimination?
True or false: ageism is the third great ism in our Canadian society
What are some reasons why ageism comes about?
the young and middle-aged feel distaste for aging
they see old age as a time of weakness, sickness and dying
people know little about old age and what they do know is based on myth and fear
What are the best ways to fight ageism
demystifying the myths
In 2018, __ million people were 65+
In 2018 __% of pop is older Canadians which is expected to grow to __% by 2050
17%, 26%
More Canadians will live in / generation families and become grandparents while still active in their careers
Current systems favour __ illnesses while old people have more __ illnesses
acute, chronic
What two POVs does Gernotology look at aging from
- how aging affects the individual
- how an aging population will change society
What are the two goals of Gernotology
- produce accurate knowledge about aging
- apply knowledge to create a better life for aging clients
being biased against someone or something
unfair treatment based on prejudice rather than merit
True or false: people feel lost in retirement, they often get sick and die shortly after
false: few people feel sick or lost due to retirement
Over __% of seniors in a 10 year longitudinal study rated their health as good
True or false: people 60+ had higher life satisfaction than people 20-59
Life satisfaction forms a __ shaped curve
True or False: people 60+ have the lowest rate of violent victimization
People 20-24 had a victimization rate _x higher than seniors
What is the emergency scam
pretends to be a grandchild needing money
What are some conditions that create a higher risk for fraud among older people
lack of information
social isolation
lack of wariness in business relations
posting personal information online
What is seniorbusters?
program affiliated with Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre and project phoneBusters
What does s=Seniorbusters do?
Handles complaints of mass marketing fraud
Uses senior volunteers, relating personal experiences
provide support and establish rapport with victims
True or false Older people have the highest suicide rates in Canada
False, they have some of the lowest sucide rates
True or False: Baby boomers have had a higher suicide rate than older people in the past
True or false: Older men have higher suicide rates in every age group vs women
According to Alex comfort, why do old people give up sex, riding a bike theory.
people give up sex for the same reason they give up riding a bike being they
1. think it looks silly
2.have arthritis and cant get on
3. do not have a bike-lack of partner often ends sexual relations
a prejudiced and exaggerated view of a person/group
simplifies speech like baby talk used when speaking to older people, example (cutie, sweetie)
prejudice and discrimination against older people
Socially constructed way of thinking about older persons based on negative attitudes and stereotypes about aging and a tendency to structure society based on a assumption that everyone is young- Ontario Human rights commision
From the Revera study in 2012, / Canadians age 66+ were treated unfairly due to their age
/+ Canadians admit to ageist behaviours
__% agree older people are less valued in society
_ in _ Canadians (__%) say elderly are a burden on society
1 in 5, 21%
Less than / people 65+ had meaningful conversations with people under 30 in the last month
an attempt by a person in a devalued status to appear as a member of an in group (elderly getting a facelift)
endorsing the use of products and procedures to produce a “natural” look while aging
Third Age
lives in affluence, free of work or child-rearing duties, generally good health, engaged in fulfilling socially satisfying activity
Fourth age
lose autonomy, physical health, ability to care for themselves (past generation, 65+ now becomes 65+
Successful aging
promotion of health and activity later in life
Anti aging industry
multi billion $ worldwide market for products that claim to reduce or reverse the effects of aging
Moisturizers, hair dye, viagra, facelifts, hair removal
ageless self, obey no age norms-deny death
Only as old as you feel
Education is an ___ to ageism
fear of aging and old age
Intergeneration equity
call for balances support of older and younger people through public policy and public expenditures
Look beyond public exchanges of funds
Parent-child informal supports
Society for all ages
promotes well-being and contributions of older people in all aspects of life, recognizes their valuable contributions, and reflects the goals of elimination of ageism in all sectors
5 core principles of society for all ages
Canada is _ in ranking of how well global countries respond to aging populations