Week 0 Special Test Flashcards
Yergason’s Test
Integrity of transverse ligament (shd)
Speed’s Test
Identify bicipital tendinosis/ tendinopathy
Neer’s Impingement Test
For impingement of supraspinatus and
biceps tendon
Empty Can/ Jobe Test
Identify tear/ impingement of supraspinatus
tendon or suprascapular nerve neuropathy
Dop Arm Test
Also known as Codman’s test. Identify tear/
full rupture of rotator cuff
Posterior Internal Impingement Test
To identify impingement between rotator
cuff and greater tuberosity or posterior glenoid and labrum
Hawkins-Kennedy Impingement Test
Identify sub-acromial impingement
Horn Blower’s Sign
rotator cuff tear involving the teres minor
Active Compression Test of O’Brien
To detect SLAP or superior Labral lesion
Biceps Load Test
To check the integrity of the superior labrum
Lateral Rotation Lag Sign
To test the teres minor and infraspinatus
Abdominal Compression Test
check the subscapularis Muscle (belly press)
Lift Off Sign
lesion of the subscapularis muscle
Jerk Test
To test recurrent posterior instability
Sulcus Sign
to test for inferior shoulder instability
Pectoralis Major Contracture Test
identify tightness of pectoralis major
Halstead Maneuver
identify pathology of structures that pass through thoracic inlet
Clunk Test
Identifies glenoid labrum tear
Anterior Apprehension/ Crank Test
identify past anterior dislocation of shoulder
Posterior Apprehension Sign
To identify past history of posterior shoulder dislocation
Acromioclavicular Shear Test
Identify dysfunction of AC joint such as arthritis, separation
Adson’s Test
Identify pathology of structures that pass through thoracic inlet
Costoclavicular Syndrome Test
Identify pathology of structures that pass through thoracic inlet
Wright (Hyperabduction) Test
Identify pathology of structures that pass through thoracic inlet
Roos Test
Identify pathology of structures that pass through thoracic inlet
Ligament Instability Test
identify ligament laxity or restriction
Lateral Epicondylitis Test
identify lateral epicondylopathy (tennis elbow test)
Mill’s Test
Identify lateral epicondylopathy
Maudsley’s Test
Identify lateral epicondylopathy
Elbow flexion Test
Identify cubital tunnel syndrome
Medial Epicondylitis Test
Identify medial epicondylopathy (golfer’s elbow test)
Tinel”s Sign
identifies dysfunction of ulnar nerve at olecranon
Pronator Teres Syndrome Test
Identify median nerve entrapment within pronator teres
Finkelstein’s Test
determine the presence of de Quervain disease, a paratenonitis in the thumb
Bunnel-Littler Test
Identifies tightness in structures surrounding the MCP joint
Tight Retinacular Test
Identify tightness around PIP joint
Froment’s Sign
Identify ulnar nerve dysfunction
Wartenberg Sign
identify ulnar nerve neuropathy
Hoffman’s Sign
Indicate upper motor neuron dysfunction
Thumb Grind Test
Identify degenerative joint disease in the metacarpophalangeal or meatacarpotrapezial joint
Murphy’s Sign
Identify lunate dislocation
Phalen’s Test
Identify carpal tunnel compression of median nerve
Two Point Discrimination Test
To identify of sensory innervation in hand
Allen’s Test
To identify vascular compromise
Patrick’s (FABER) Test
identify hip dysfunction, such as mobility restriction
Grind (Scouring) Test
Identify DJD of joint
Trendelenburg Sign
To identify weakness of gluteus medius or unstable hip joint
Thomas Test
Identifies tightness of hip flexors
Ober’s Test
to identify tightness of TFL/ IT band
Ely’s Test
to identify tightness of rectus femoris
90-90 Hamstring Test
Identify hamstring tightness
Tripod Sign
identifies tightness of hamstring muscle
Piriformis Test
identifies piriformis syndrome
Leg Length Test
Identifies true leg length discrepancy
Craig’s Test
It used to identify abnormal femoral anteversion
Lachman’s Stress Test
indicates integrity of ACL
Pivot Shift Test
Indicates ACL integrity
Posterior Sag Test
Indicates PCL integrity
Slocum Test
To assess both anteromedial and anterolateral rotary instabilities
Posterior Drawer Test
Indicates integrity of PCL
Reverse Lachman Test
Test for the posterior cruciate ligament integrity
McMurray’s Test
Identifies meniscal tears
Apley Test
Help differentiate between meniscal tears and ligamentous lesion
Bounce Home Test
Indicates meniscal lesion
Thessaly Test
Indicate meniscal lesion
Hughston’s Plica Test
Identify dysfunction of plica
Patellar Apprehension Test
Indicate past history of patella dysfunction
Clarke’s Sign
Identify patellofemoral dysfunction
Ballotable Patella/ Patella Tap Test
Indicates infrapatellar effusion
Fluctuation Test
Indicates knee joint effusion
Noble Compression Test
Identifies distal IT band friction syndrome
Neutral Subtalar Positioning
Identifies abnormal rearfoot to forefoot positioning
Anterior Drawer Test of the ankle
talofibular ligament instability
Talar Tilt Test
Calcaneofibular ligament instability
External Rotation Stress Test (Ankle)
Evaluates syndesmosis injury and a tear of the deltoid ligament. Also
known as Kleiger test.
Squeeze Test of the Leg
To assess the syndesmosis integrity
Thompson’s Test
Evaluates integrity of achilles tendon
Morton’s Test
Identify stress fracture or neuroma in forefoot
Vertebral Artery Test
Assesses the integrity of vertebro-basilar vascular system
Hauntant’s Test
Differentiate dizziness or vertigo caused by articular problems from that
caused by vascular problems
Transverse ligament stress Test
to test integrity of transverse ligament
Sharp-Purser Test
To determine subluxation of the atlas on the axis
Anterior Shear Test
Test the integrity of the supporting ligamentous and capsular tissues of the cervical spine
Foraminal Compression (Spurling’s Test)
Identifies dysfunction (compression) of cervical nerve root
Maximum Cervical Compression Test
Identify compression of netural structures at intervertebral foramen or facet joint dysfunction
Distraction Test
identify compression of neutral structures at intervertebral foramen or facet joint dysfunction
Shoulder Abduction Test
To test for radicular symptoms, especially those involving the C4 or C5 nerve roots
Lhermitte Sign
Identifies dysfunction of spinal cord and upper motor neuron lesion
Rib Springing
Evaluates rib mobility
Thoracic Springing
Evaluates intervertebral joint mobility in thoracic spine
Slump test
identifies dysfunction of neurological structures supplying lower limb
Lasegue’s Test (SLR)
Identifies dysfunction of neurological structures supplying lower limb
Femoral Nerve Traction Test
Identify compression of femoral nerve
Valsalva Maneuver
Identify a space occupying lesion
Babinksi Test
Identifies UMN lesion
Quadrant Test
Identify compression of neural structures at the intervertebral foramen and facet dysfunction
Stork Standing Test
Identifies spondylolisthesis
Mckenzie’s Side Glide Test
Deifferentiates BTW scoliotic curvature versus neurological dysfunction causing abnormal curvature of trunk
Bicycle (Van Gelderen’s Test)
Differentiates between intermittent claudication and spinal stenosis
Prone Instability Test
Test for the likelihood of a patient with low back pain responding to a stabilization exercise program
Gillet’s Test
Assess posterior movement of the ilium relative to sacrum
Ipsilateral Anterior Rotation Test
assess anterior movement of ilium relative to sacrum
Gaeslen’s Test
Identifies SIJ dysfunction
Long Sitting (Supine to sit) Test
identifies SI joint dysfunction that may be the cause of leg length discrepancy
Goldthwait’s Test
differentiate between lumbar spine and SIJ dysfunction
TMJ Compression
evaluates for pain with compression of the retrodiscal tissues