Weberian and neo- weberian view on Stratification Flashcards
what does Goldthorpe say
- developed webers ideas to devise ways of measuring social class :
• employment relationships
• conditions of work
• life chances into his classifications of class
what do barron and norris say
concept of the dual labour market
• suggests there are 2 forms of labour
• middle and ruling class people = primary market ( high pay , good conditions)
• secondary labour market ( low status , lack power )
• women and ethnic minorities = secondary labour market
• white and male = primary market
• hold stereotypical and racist beliefs and have the power to withhold responsibility and promotion
what does giddens say
• middle class have recognised skills based on education , professional and social qualifications that advantage them in the workforce
• W/C can only sell their labour
• W/C are vulnerable to technological change which means that their skills are not valued and their jobs are insecure
• Link to the “glass ceiling “
what do Rex And Tomlinson say
- marxism fails to account for racial inequality , but we erona accounts of inequality make analyses of racial disadvantages easier to develop
• Argue that ethnic minorities experience low class and status in society
• this is compounded by racism so ethnic minorities lack power
• feel frustrated and alienated from society
what does Weber say
- disagrees with marx on the inevitability of class conflict in capitalist societies
- believed it was possible but not inevitable
Power has three elements :
• Class :
The unequal access to possessions of wealth e.g. business owners have more power over employees
Party ( political power) : - Being able to influence decision making
- Ruling class has a higher party over decisions due to dominating society .
Status :
Respect - who we give attention - Social closure :
Status does not equal wealth e.g religious leader - Adapted 4 social classes :
• propertied class , petty bourgeoisie , white collar workers and technicians , manual workers
• did more research , found 7 social classes
how can we evaluate weber
- difficult to measure some forms of power as status is subjective
- people can belong to a number of different status groups based on job , gender age etc. Not clear which has the most impact on their power
How can we evaluate goldthorpe and the idea of fragmentation
- society is not as fragmented as Weber claims , people identify and are proud of being in a certain status group
• identities are not always fragmentary as people may identify with specific small groups e.g. being Acottsih
• Postmodernists - society is fragmented so people belong to more than one youth culture or identity
how can we evaluate rex and tomlinson
fuller :
black girls rejecting negative labels ( education)
weberian analysis of class and gender are problematic