Functionalist View On Stratification Flashcards
What does Durkheim argue
- Conflict was associated with the early stages of industrialisation and the difficult transition that had to be negotiated from traditional to modern society
- Movement from one type of social solidarity “ mechanical solidarity “ => mainly based on strong religious beliefs
to “ organic solidarity “ => interdependence on each other as the division of labour grew more specialised - different occupations being differently rewarded would not undermine social solidarity so long as if everyone has equal opportunity
- This would require meritocracy
- Risk of class conflict would be lessened by the development of occupational associations ( regulate conflicts of interest between employers and workers )
- Class conflict would disappear as industrialisation became established
- Division of labour is something we should just accept
- Not possible for social life to be without conflicts
- Risk of class conflict would be reduced by occupational associations such as trade union which would help to regulate conflict between employers and workers
What does Parsons argue
- Class conflict is universal in our modern industrial type of society .
Reasons for this include :
• Competition for occupational prestige produces winners and losers
• Organisation of division of labour requires discipline and authority and these do not exist without generating some resistance
• A “ general tendency for the powerful to exploit the weak” - Parsons does not believe that class conflict is the dominant feature of every society and its dynamic development . => Class conflict was no more than an unfortunate by-product of stratification.
- Parsons saw stratification as a ranking system based on moral evaluation => based on respect , prestige , social honour , social approval and disapproval.
- Stratification was inevitable because people would be differently evaluated in terms of the degree to which they exemplified society’s value system.
- Stratification was functional because it helped in the “ stabilisation of social system “
What do Davis and Moore argue
- All societies have to ensure their positions are filled with the most talented people . => need to offer people high rewards in order to motivate them.
- Class societies are meritocracies => Stratification system ( educational qualifications) function to allocate all individuals to a role that suits their abilities.
- Claim that most people agree that stratification is necessary because they accept the meritocracy principle on which society is based
- Encourages all members of society to work to the best of their ability
- Ensures that the functional prerequisite of effective role allocation and performance is satisfied
- Stratification is necessary and functional
What does Saunders argue
- Economic growth has raised the standard of living for all members of society , social inequality is a small price to pay.
- Influencer by Hayek ( neoliberalist) => argued that capitalist societies offer incentives to those with talent in the form of material wealth .
- Saunders argues that if these incentives didnt exist , then many of the consumer goods that we take granted for today , would not exist because talented people would not be motivated to create them.
- Stratification is not the only way to ensure effective role allocation , but the only alternative would be the threat or use of physical force .
- Stratification systems are therefore not inevitable, but they’re desirable because alternatives would be far worse
what’s evaluation for durkheim
ignores the fact that class societies are not meritocratic
what’s evaluation for parsons
- power is not necessarily used in the interests of all members of society
what’s evaluation for davis and moore
Tumin :
Not everyone in society has an equal chance
Not all jobs get the reward they deserve ( nurses)
Some highly paid jobs might not be important to society ( professional footballers )
• dysfunction of stratification are neglected for example poverty has negative impact on life
what’s evaluation for saunders
Marxist view of society - Althusser - critiques how the system serves to maintain class structure and propagate ideology of ruling class