What does the word ‘sunny’ mean?
It means ‘soleado’.
What does the word ‘rainy’ mean?
It means ‘lluvioso’.
What does the word ‘cloudy’ mean?
It means ‘nublado’.
What does the word ‘stormy’ mean?
It means ‘tormentoso’.
What does the word ‘snowy’ mean?
It means ‘nevado’.
What does the word ‘windy’ mean?
It means ‘ventoso’.
What does the word ‘foggy’ mean?
It means ‘neblinoso’.
What does the word ‘humid’ mean?
It means ‘húmedo’.
What does the word ‘hot’ mean?
It means ‘caliente’.
What does the word ‘cold’ mean?
It means ‘frío’.
What does the word ‘warm’ mean?
It means ‘cálido’.
What does the word ‘chilly’ mean?
It means ‘fresco’.
What does the word ‘freezing’ mean?
It means ‘helado’.
What does the word ‘drizzle’ mean?
It means ‘llovizna’.
What does the word ‘hail’ mean?
It means ‘granizo’.
What does the word ‘thunder’ mean?
It means ‘trueno’.
What does the word ‘lightning’ mean?
It means ‘relámpago’.