What does the word ‘sunny’ mean?
It means ‘soleado’.
What does the word ‘rainy’ mean?
It means ‘lluvioso’.
What does the word ‘cloudy’ mean?
It means ‘nublado’.
What does the word ‘stormy’ mean?
It means ‘tormentoso’.
What does the word ‘snowy’ mean?
It means ‘nevado’.
What does the word ‘windy’ mean?
It means ‘ventoso’.
What does the word ‘foggy’ mean?
It means ‘neblinoso’.
What does the word ‘humid’ mean?
It means ‘húmedo’.
What does the word ‘hot’ mean?
It means ‘caliente’.
What does the word ‘cold’ mean?
It means ‘frío’.
What does the word ‘warm’ mean?
It means ‘cálido’.
What does the word ‘chilly’ mean?
It means ‘fresco’.
What does the word ‘freezing’ mean?
It means ‘helado’.
What does the word ‘drizzle’ mean?
It means ‘llovizna’.
What does the word ‘hail’ mean?
It means ‘granizo’.
What does the word ‘thunder’ mean?
It means ‘trueno’.
What does the word ‘lightning’ mean?
It means ‘relámpago’.
What does the word ‘tornado’ mean?
It means ‘tornado’.
What does the word ‘hurricane’ mean?
It means ‘huracán’.
What does the word ‘drought’ mean?
It means ‘sequía’.
What does the word ‘flood’ mean?
It means ‘inundación’.
What does the word ‘blizzard’ mean?
It means ‘tormenta de nieve’.
What does the word ‘heatwave’ mean?
It means ‘ola de calor’.
What does the word ‘dew’ mean?
It means ‘rocío’.
What does the word ‘mist’ mean?
It means ‘neblina’.
What does the word ‘overcast’ mean?
It means ‘cubierto’.
What does the word ‘gale’ mean?
It means ‘vendaval’.
What does the word ‘breeze’ mean?
It means ‘brisa’.
What does the word ‘rainbow’ mean?
It means ‘arcoíris’.
What does the word ‘temperature’ mean?
It means ‘temperatura’.
What does the word ‘forecast’ mean?
It means ‘pronóstico’.
What does the word ‘season’ mean?
It means ‘estación’.
What does the word ‘autumn’ mean?
It means ‘otoño’.
What does the word ‘winter’ mean?
It means ‘invierno’.
What does the word ‘spring’ mean?
It means ‘primavera’.
What does the word ‘summer’ mean?
It means ‘verano’.
What does the word ‘atmosphere’ mean?
It means ‘atmósfera’.
What does the word ‘climate’ mean?
It means ‘clima’.
What does the word ‘weather’ mean?
It means ‘tiempo (climático)’.
What does the word ‘storm’ mean?
It means ‘tormenta’.
What does the word ‘cyclone’ mean?
It means ‘ciclón’.
What does the word ‘tropical’ mean?
It means ‘tropical’.
What does the word ‘polar’ mean?
It means ‘polar’.
What does the word ‘monsoon’ mean?
It means ‘monzón’.