What does the word ‘apple’ mean?
It means ‘manzana’.
What does the word ‘banana’ mean?
It means ‘banano’.
What does the word ‘grapes’ mean?
It means ‘uvas’.
What does the word ‘orange’ mean?
It means ‘naranja’.
What does the word ‘pear’ mean?
It means ‘pera’.
What does the word ‘pineapple’ mean?
It means ‘piña’.
What does the word ‘strawberry’ mean?
It means ‘fresa’.
What does the word ‘blueberry’ mean?
It means ‘arándano’.
What does the word ‘watermelon’ mean?
It means ‘sandía’.
What does the word ‘peach’ mean?
It means ‘durazno’.
What does the word ‘carrot’ mean?
It means ‘zanahoria’.
What does the word ‘potato’ mean?
It means ‘papa’.
What does the word ‘tomato’ mean?
It means ‘tomate’.
What does the word ‘onion’ mean?
It means ‘cebolla’.
What does the word ‘lettuce’ mean?
It means ‘lechuga’.
What does the word ‘cucumber’ mean?
It means ‘pepino’.
What does the word ‘pepper’ mean?
It means ‘pimentón’.
What does the word ‘spinach’ mean?
It means ‘espinaca’.
What does the word ‘broccoli’ mean?
It means ‘brócoli’.
What does the word ‘corn’ mean?
It means ‘maíz’.
What does the word ‘bread’ mean?
It means ‘pan’.
What does the word ‘butter’ mean?
It means ‘mantequilla’.
What does the word ‘cheese’ mean?
It means ‘queso’.
What does the word ‘milk’ mean?
It means ‘leche’.
What does the word ‘yogurt’ mean?
It means ‘yogur’.
What does the word ‘egg’ mean?
It means ‘huevo’.
What does the word ‘chicken’ mean?
It means ‘pollo’.
What does the word ‘beef’ mean?
It means ‘carne de res’.
What does the word ‘pork’ mean?
It means ‘cerdo’.
What does the word ‘fish’ mean?
It means ‘pescado’.
What does the word ‘shrimp’ mean?
It means ‘camarón’.
What does the word ‘rice’ mean?
It means ‘arroz’.
What does the word ‘pasta’ mean?
It means ‘pasta’.
What does the word ‘pizza’ mean?
It means ‘pizza’.
What does the word ‘hamburger’ mean?
It means ‘hamburguesa’.
What does the word ‘cake’ mean?
It means ‘pastel’.
What does the word ‘ice cream’ mean?
It means ‘helado’.
What does the word ‘chocolate’ mean?
It means ‘chocolate’.
What does the word ‘sugar’ mean?
It means ‘azúcar’.
What does the word ‘salt’ mean?
It means ‘sal’.
What does the word ‘pepper (spice)’ mean?
It means ‘pimienta’.
What does the word ‘oil’ mean?
It means ‘aceite’.
What does the word ‘vinegar’ mean?
It means ‘vinagre’.
What does the word ‘juice’ mean?
It means ‘jugo’.
What does the word ‘tea’ mean?
It means ‘té’.
What does the word ‘coffee’ mean?
It means ‘café’.
What does the word ‘water’ mean?
It means ‘agua’.
What does the word ‘soup’ mean?
It means ‘sopa’.
What does the word ‘salad’ mean?
It means ‘ensalada’.