fraces nesesarias avanzadas Flashcards
What does the phrase “By the way” mean?
It means “Por cierto”.
What does the phrase “Just in case” mean?
It means “Por si acaso”.
What does the phrase “As far as I know” mean?
It means “Hasta donde yo sé”.
What does the phrase “I’ll keep you posted” mean?
It means “Te mantendré informado/a”.
What does the phrase “Let me know” mean?
It means “Avísame”.
What does the phrase “It’s up to you” mean?
It means “Depende de ti”.
What does the phrase “I’ll get back to you” mean?
It means “Te responderé luego”.
What does the phrase “Take your time” mean?
It means “Tómate tu tiempo”.
What does the phrase “It doesn’t make sense” mean?
It means “No tiene sentido”.
What does the phrase “Long story short” mean?
It means “En resumen”.
What does the phrase “It’s not worth it” mean?
It means “No vale la pena”.
What does the phrase “For what it’s worth” mean?
It means “Por si sirve de algo”.
What does the phrase “Out of the blue” mean?
It means “De la nada”.
What does the phrase “Let’s call it a day” mean?
It means “Demos por terminado el día”.
What does the phrase “Better late than never” mean?
It means “Mejor tarde que nunca”.
What does the phrase “It’s not rocket science” mean?
It means “No es algo tan complicado”.
What does the phrase “I’m running late” mean?
It means “Voy tarde”.
What does the phrase “I’ll keep that in mind” mean?
It means “Lo tendré en cuenta”.
What does the phrase “Don’t take it personally” mean?
It means “No lo tomes personal”.
What does the phrase “I can’t help it” mean?
It means “No puedo evitarlo”.
What does the phrase “It’s a piece of cake” mean?
It means “Es pan comido”.
What does the phrase “I’ll give it a try” mean?
It means “Lo intentaré”.
What does the phrase “It’s not my cup of tea” mean?
It means “No es lo mío”.
What does the phrase “Let’s get to the point” mean?
It means “Vamos al grano”.
What does the phrase “I’m in a hurry” mean?
It means “Estoy apurado/a”.
What does the phrase “I can’t afford it” mean?
It means “No puedo permitírmelo”.
What does the phrase “You’re on the right track” mean?
It means “Vas por buen camino”.
What does the phrase “I’m in charge” mean?
It means “Estoy a cargo”.
What does the phrase “Let’s take it step by step” mean?
It means “Hagámoslo paso a paso”.
What does the phrase “Don’t push your luck” mean?
It means “No tientes a la suerte”.
What does the phrase “I can’t make it” mean?
It means “No puedo asistir”.
What does the phrase “It’s not a big deal” mean?
It means “No es gran cosa”.
What does the phrase “I couldn’t agree more” mean?
It means “Estoy totalmente de acuerdo”.
What does the phrase “It’s out of my hands” mean?
It means “Está fuera de mi control”.
What does the phrase “I’ll take care of it” mean?
It means “Me encargaré de eso”.
What does the phrase “Let’s sleep on it” mean?
It means “Pensemos en ello con calma”.
What does the phrase “I’m all ears” mean?
It means “Estoy todo oídos”.
What does the phrase “You’ve got a point” mean?
It means “Tienes razón”.
What does the phrase “It’s worth a shot” mean?
It means “Vale la pena intentarlo”.
What does the phrase “It’s a win-win situation” mean?
It means “Es una situación donde todos ganan”.
What does the phrase “I’ll play it by ear” mean?
It means “Improvisaré”.
What does the phrase “Let’s cross that bridge when we get there” mean?
It means “Crucemos ese puente cuando lleguemos allí”.
What does the phrase “I’ll take your word for it” mean?
It means “Te creeré en tu palabra”.
What does the phrase “I’m over it” mean?
It means “Ya lo superé”.
What does the phrase “Don’t get your hopes up” mean?
It means “No te hagas muchas ilusiones”.
What does the phrase “Let’s cut to the chase” mean?
It means “Vayamos al grano”.
What does the phrase “I’m under the weather” mean?
It means “No me siento bien”.
What does the phrase “Time flies” mean?
It means “El tiempo vuela”.
What does the phrase “You made my day” mean?
It means “Me alegraste el día”.
What does the phrase “I’m out of ideas” mean?
It means “Me quedé sin ideas”.
What does the phrase “It’s the last straw” mean?
It means “Es la gota que colmó el vaso”.
What does the phrase “Keep your chin up” mean?
It means “Mantén la cabeza en alto”.
What does the phrase “It’s easier said than done” mean?
It means “Es más fácil decirlo que hacerlo”.
What does the phrase “That’s the way it is” mean?
It means “Así son las cosas”.
What does the phrase “I’m on the same page” mean?
It means “Estoy de acuerdo contigo”.
What does the phrase “It’s out of the question” mean?
It means “Está fuera de discusión”.
What does the phrase “I’m lost for words” mean?
It means “Me quedé sin palabras”.
What does the phrase “That’s the last thing I need” mean?
It means “Eso es lo último que necesito”.
What does the phrase “Don’t hold your breath” mean?
It means “No te hagas ilusiones”.
What does the phrase “You win some, you lose some” mean?
It means “A veces se gana, a veces se pierde”.
What does the phrase “Don’t take it the wrong way” mean?
It means “No lo tomes a mal”.
What does the phrase “It’s a small world” mean?
It means “El mundo es un pañuelo”.
What does the phrase “Take it easy” mean?
It means “Tómalo con calma”.
What does the phrase “I’m just pulling your leg” mean?
It means “Te estoy tomando el pelo”.
What does the phrase “I’m not sure about that” mean?
It means “No estoy seguro/a de eso”.
What does the phrase “Let’s agree to disagree” mean?
It means “Acordemos en estar en desacuerdo”.
What does the phrase “I’m in two minds” mean?
It means “Estoy indeciso/a”.
What does the phrase “I don’t mind either way” mean?
It means “No me importa de ninguna manera”.
What does the phrase “It’s not the end of the world” mean?
It means “No es el fin del mundo”.
What does the phrase “It’s just what the doctor ordered” mean?
It means “Es justo lo que necesitaba”.
What does the phrase “A blessing in disguise” mean?
It means “Una bendición disfrazada”.
What does the phrase “The ball is in your court” mean?
It means “La pelota está en tu campo”.
What does the phrase “You can’t have your cake and eat it too” mean?
It means “No puedes tener todo”.
What does the phrase “Actions speak louder than words” mean?
It means “Las acciones hablan más que las palabras”.
What does the phrase “Bite the bullet” mean?
It means “Hacer algo difícil con valentía”.
What does the phrase “Burn the midnight oil” mean?
It means “Trabajar hasta tarde”.
What does the phrase “Hit the nail on the head” mean?
It means “Dar en el clavo”.
What does the phrase “Jump on the bandwagon” mean?
It means “Unirse a algo popular”.
What does the phrase “Make a long story short” mean?
It means “En resumen”.
What does the phrase “Once in a blue moon” mean?
It means “Muy rara vez”.
What does the phrase “The early bird catches the worm” mean?
It means “El que madruga, Dios le ayuda”.
What does the phrase “Under the weather” mean?
It means “No sentirse bien”.
What does the phrase “When pigs fly” mean?
It means “Cuando las ranas críen pelo”.
What does the phrase “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks” mean?
It means “No puedes enseñar trucos nuevos a un perro viejo”.
What does the phrase “Throw in the towel” mean?
It means “Rendirse”.
What does the phrase “A penny for your thoughts” mean?
It means “Un centavo por tus pensamientos”.
What does the phrase “A picture is worth a thousand words” mean?
It means “Una imagen vale más que mil palabras”.