What does the word ‘heart’ mean?
It means ‘corazón’.
What does the word ‘lungs’ mean?
It means ‘pulmones’.
What does the word ‘liver’ mean?
It means ‘hígado’.
What does the word ‘stomach’ mean?
It means ‘estómago’.
What does the word ‘brain’ mean?
It means ‘cerebro’.
What does the word ‘intestines’ mean?
It means ‘intestinos’.
What does the word ‘kidneys’ mean?
It means ‘riñones’.
What does the word ‘pancreas’ mean?
It means ‘páncreas’.
What does the word ‘bladder’ mean?
It means ‘vejiga’.
What does the word ‘spleen’ mean?
It means ‘bazo’.
What does the word ‘esophagus’ mean?
It means ‘esófago’.
What does the word ‘trachea’ mean?
It means ‘tráquea’.
What does the word ‘diaphragm’ mean?
It means ‘diafragma’.
What does the word ‘thyroid gland’ mean?
It means ‘glándula tiroides’.
What does the word ‘adrenal glands’ mean?
It means ‘glándulas suprarrenales’.