How many transponders are installed?
Does illumination of the ATC FAIL light indicate loss of all transponder capability?
No – only the selected transponder has failed
What capabilities does the RADAR system have?
a. Weather avoidance
b. Turbulence detection
c. Terrain mapping
d. Predictive windshear detection
What would prevent the weather display on the ND?
a. Mode selector in PLAN
b. TERR selected ON
When is WX/TURB mode available?
At ranges of 40 nm or less
Does predictive windshear detection work when the RADAR system is switched OFF?
Yes, if the windshear switch is in AUTO
What is the scanned area of the predictive windshear detection feature?
Up to 5 nm ahead of the aircraft when the aircraft is below 1,500 feet AGL
When are predictive windshear alerts inhibited?
a. When on the ground above 100 knots until reaching 50 feet AGL
b. When landing below 50 feet AGL
How many RADAR systems are installed?