weather & climate (factors affecting temp) Flashcards
Factors influencing temp of locations
- —> Latitude
- —> Altitude
- —> Distance from sea
- —> Cloud clover
what is latitude?
- —> distance of any point on the earth measured north/south from the equator
- —> equator latitude: 0°
- —> North pole: 90°N
- —> South pole: 90°S
- —> temp differs btw places at lower latitudes and higher latitudes
how latitude affects temp?
—-> sun’s rays strike various parts of the world at diff angles
Higher latitudes:
- —> sun’s rays strike at a lower angle
- —> solar energy spread out over a wider area
- —> lower temperatures
Low latitude:
- —> sun’s rays strike at a higher angle
- —> solar energy concentrated on a small area
- —> higher temperatures
high latitude examples?
- —> London ( 51° N )
- —> low mean annual temp of 11°C
low latitude examples?
- —> Singapore ( 1° N )
- —> high mean temp of 28°C
what is altitude
- —> Height of a place in relation to sea level
- —> Temp decreases with altitude, by 6.5° C every 1000m increase
why altitude affects temp?
- Distance from earth’s surface
- —> Atmosphere is mostly heated up by the earth surface
- —> The sun’s energy reaches the earth’s surface in the form of shortwave radiation
- —> It is then emitted in the form of longwave radiation
- —> The higher the altitude, the further away from the surface of the earth that is heated by the sun
2. Density of gases Higher altitudes: ----> air is less dense ----> absorb less heat Lower altitudes: ----> air is denser ----> absorb more heat
- Greenhouse gases
- —> longwave radiation is absorbed by greenhouse gases
- —> this heat is then trapped, warming the earth
- —> greenhouse gases that are nearer to the earth’s surface absorbs more heat than at higher altitudes
high altitude examples?
High altitude:
- —> Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
- —> 4000m above sea level
- —> low mean temp of 1.4° C
low altitude examples?
Low altitudes:
- —> Georgetown
- —> same latitude
- —> located nearer to earth’s surface
- —> high mean temp of 26.6° C
what is the distance from the sea
- —> the sea heats up & cools down more slowly than land
- —> diff in rate affects temp of coastal & inland areas
how distance from sea affects temp?
WHY Maritime effect: ----> Effect that large ocean bodies have on the climate of coastal areas ----> cooler summers, warmer winters ----> small annual temp range
Continental effect:
- —> Effect that continental surfaces have on the climate of inland areas
- —> warmer summers, cooler winters
- —> large annual temp range
- —> land heats up faster
- —> sea heats up slower
- —> Coastal: air over sea lowers temp
- —> Inland: air over land increases temp
- —> coastal cooler than inland
- —> land cools down faster
- —> sea cools down slower
- —> Coastal: air over sea increases temp
- —> Inland: air over land lowers temp
- —> inland cooler than coasts
distance from sea examples
EXAMPLES Maritime effect: ----> Anchorage, USA ----> cooler summers of 15°C ----> warmer winters of -9°C
Continental effect:
- —> Fairbanks, USA
- —> warmer summers of 17°C
- —> cooler winters of -24°C
what is cloud cover
- —> it is the extent of the sky covered by clouds
- —> amount of cloud clover influences the temp
how the presence of clouds affect temp?
- —> Cooler day
- —> Warmer night
Cooler Day:
- —> clouds reflect a large portion of energy back to space
- —> clouds absorb heat radiated from the earth’s surface
Warmer night:
- —> clouds absorb more of the heat radiated from the earth’s surface
- —> prevents heat from escaping
how absence of clouds affect temp?
- —> Warmer day
- —> Cooler night
Warmer day
- —> large amounts of energy reach the earth
- —> earth’s surface heats up quickly
Cooler night
—-> allows heat radiated to escape into space
presence of clouds example?
- —> Singapore
- —> day: 30°C
- —> night: 24°C
absence of clouds example?
- —> Sahara desert
- —> day: 38°C
- —> night: -4°C