Weather and climate (responses to climate change) Flashcards
international responses
—-> Kyoto protocol
Kyoto Protocol response
—-> agreement linked to united nations framework convention on climate change (UNFCCC)
- —> reduce greenhouse gases
where, when
- —> first drawn up in Kyoto, Japan
- —> came into force in 2005
- —> targets set to reduce greenhouse gases
- —> countries involved required to reduce greenhouse gas by at least 5% below their 1990 levels
- —> additional responsibilities: helping LDC reduce greenhouse gas emissions by providing funds
Kyoto protocol successes
- —> many countries met/exceeded targets
- —> Finland, Ireland, Greece
- —> successful in encouraging sustainable development
- —> monitor & report emissions
- —> carry out emission reduction projects in LDCs
- —> Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) gave Certified Emission Reduction (CER) credits to LDCs which carried out emission reduction projects
- —> one credit: one tonne of CO2
kyoto protocol limitations
- —> countries did not meet target
- —> Spain, Austria, Denmark
- —> not compulsory for countries with low greenhouse gas emissions to provide support to other countries
- —> low greenhouse gas countries do not need to provide energy-efficient technology to other countries
- —> countries that did not sign the Kyoto protocol contributed significantly to global emissions
- —> global emissions increased by 35%
- —> China, India, USA
national responses
- —> Singapore green plan
- —> Plant A tree program
Singapore green plan
—-> launched by the Ministry Of the Environment
—-> 2002
- —> generate 60% of SG’s energy needs using natural gas by 2012
- —> natural gas cleaner energy compared to coal
- —> does not produce smoke
Sg green plan successes
- —> 2010
- —> 79% electricity generated from natural gas
- —> exceeded target ahead of schedule
SG green plan limitations
natural gas requires
- —> complex treatment plants to process
- —> pipelines to transport
- —> high maintenance costs
- —> laid underground
- —> checked regularly for leakage
plant a tree
—-> garden city fund and SG environmental council
—-> 1971
—-> maintain SG’s status as a garden city by planting trees
- —> residents encouraged to donate money to buy a tree
- —> take part in tree planting events
plant a tree successes
- —> 60000 trees planted yearly throughout SG by NParks
- —> trees remove CO2
green mark scheme successes
Green buildings:
- —> Plaza by the Park
- —> Standard Chartered@changi
- —> NLB
- —> reported energy savings of 15% to 35%
—-> this cuts down greenhouse emissions by reducing the use of fossil fuels to generate electricity
plant a tree limitations
- —> trees take many years to mature
- —> angsanas, raintrees took 25 years to reach their fullest height