Weather and Climate Part 3 Flashcards
How does a stationary front form?
Warm and cold air meet and neither air mass has the force to move the other.
When two air masses meet, what is most likely to happen?
Warm air will move on top of cooler air.
What kind of weather do you get during a cold front?
heavy rains and violent thunderstorms
What does a warm front moving towards an area look like on a weather map?
A semi-circle with little circles on the them.
What are the factors of continental polar and maritime tropical air masses?
Maritime tropical - Moisture is high. Temp is high. Forms over water. (wet and hot)
Continental polar - Moisture is low. Temp is low. Forms over land. (dry and cold)
What does a continental tropical air mass look like on a map?
Red arrow coming from land (Mexico) into the U.S.
What are two things that are the same in an air mass?
Have all the same properties - humidity and temperature
What do we call people who study weather?
Will weather forecasts become more accurate in the next 100 years? Why or why not?
Yes. Technology will get better. The change from past to present that has made five forecasts more reliable and somewhat more reliable long-range predictions. The patter of reliability will increase will increase as weather technology improves.
What are isotherms and isobars?
isotherms - equal heat
isobars - equal air pressure
What direction does weather generally move in the United States?
west to east
What colors are used for cold and warm temperatures on a weather map?
cold - shades of purple
warm - bright colors such as yellow or orange
How can you tell if an area is experiencing high or low pressure on a weather map?
If they have an L or an H.
What amount of time is a weather map good for?
one day
What are some similarities and differences between tornadoes and hurricanes?
Hurricanes - formed over warm water, 10-15 degrees from the equator; 300 mile diameter; wind speed 120-320 km/hr; last about 9 days
Tornadoes - formed over flat land anywhere; .04 mile diameter; wind speed 350 km/hr; last a few minutes
Similarities - cyclones, low pressure centers, counterclockwise rotation
What is the dry line?
A line that separates high and low pressures.
Where would severe weather be most likely to develop in relationship to the dry line?
To develop right by the dry line on the side that is more moist; right near it because there is more condensation. (lower pressure)
What area of the United States is most likely to be affected by a Category 5 hurricane? Why?
The southeast because it’s near the Gulf of Mexico where pressure is at its lowest.