Weapon design Flashcards
What are the two main parts of a gun?
The carriage or mounting
The gun
What are the 3 types of muzzle break?
Built up
Solid forging
Swaged- single or double baffle
What are the 2 categories or breech mechanisms
What do fume extractors aid in?
They prevent the fumes entering the crew compartment
What are the methods or barrel construction?
Wire wound Built up barrels loose barrel Composite barrel Monobloc
What is the function of ordnance?
It provides a vessel to contain the force of the burning charge in a way that the energy produced is transmitted safely and predictably to the projectile and it imparts direction and stability to the projectile.
What is a carriage?
Ordnance that is transported on its wheels and is fired with its wheels in contact with the ground.
What is a mount?
It is ordnance that does not fire with its wheels in contact with the ground.
What are the 2 types of mounts?
Self propelled
What makes up the super structure?
Saddle Recoil system Cradle Balancing gear Elevating gears Traversing gears Sights
What are the 3 types of cradle?
What makes up the recoil system in a piece of ordnance?
The buffer
The recuperator
What are the types of elevating gears?
Worm and segment
Nut and screw
Arc and pinion
What are the types of traversing gears?
Worm and segment
Nut and screw
Arc and pinion
Rapson nut and screw
What makes up the basic structure?
Platforms Aarticulations Spades Trails Wheels and axles Saddle supports Suspension and brakes
What are the 4 types of trail?
What are the main components of the mortar bomb?
Bomb body including fuze
Tail unit
What are the two types of augmenting charges?
Thin leaves of plasticised and bonded propellant stapled together.
Hollow plastic cartridges containing granular propellant
What is the definition of a mortar?
A weapon where the main recoil force is transmitted directly into the ground through the base plate. Usually smooth bore, muzzle loaded, fin stabilized, with its own propelling charge at low Muzzle Velocity and high trajectory.
What are the types of artillery ammunition?
HE Smoke Illuminating Guided projectile Submunitions
What are the 5 basic requirements of artillery?
Range Accuracy and consistency Mobility Protection Ammunition
What are the 2 main methods used without altering the artillery weapon system to increase range?
Ballistic coefficiency
Post firing boost
Define the world accuracy
The measurement of precision where the MPI of a group of rounds can be placed on the target
What is the definition of ammunition?
All of the material used in discharging all types of fire arms or any weapon that throws projectiles, shot, shrapnel, bullets, cartridges and the means of igniting and exploding them as primers and fuzes. Chemicals, bombs, grenades, mines and pyrotechnics are also ammunition.
Who invented the breech loading gun?
Sir William Armstrong
Who is credited with the concept of a gun?
The monk Black Berthold
Who designed the first modern combustion time fuze?
Colonel Boxer
What are the types of rifling?
Hexagonal barrel and projectile Studded projectile Lead coated projectile French rifling Oval bore Vavassuer’s driving band
What is indirect fire
Firing a projectile on a ballistic trajectory outside of line of sight
What are sights for?
Allows you to position the barrel with the correct line and elevation
What are HE projectiles designed to do?
Disperse high velocity fragments and the effect is accompanied by blast
What are arty fuzes for HE?
Air burst
Ground burst
What are smoke used for?
Screening of movements
Marking of targets
Blind enemy observation
Advantages smoke
In good weather it can blind or screen
Why are illum carried at lower percentage now?
Thermal imaging
Infrared sights
Low light TV
Image intensifiers
What are considerations for delivery systems?
Terrain Effect required at target Range Mobility Nature of task Protection
What are the tasks of delivery systems?
Neutralization Illumination Counter battery fire Coordination of fires Destruction Interdiction Suppression Harassment
Definition of FFR?
A tube open at one end in which fuel is burnt and the gases escape out the open end. The momentum of escaping gases cause an equal and opposite reaction on the closed end.
The projectile flight path cannot be changed
What is ammunition?
All the material used in discharging all types of firearms or any weapon that throws projectiles, shot, shrapnel, bullets, cartridges and the means of ignoring and exploding them.
Chemicals bombs mines and pyrotechnics are also ammunition.
Two types of barrel wear
Erosive and abrasive
Why is windage a factor?
Allows the bomb to drop straight the bottom of the barrel
What is windage?
The gap between the outer wall of the bomb and the inside wall of the tube
What is a disadvantage of fixed propellant?
It has a flat trajectory
What is shot start?
When the projectile begins to move in the barrel
How can life of the barrel be extended?
Cooler burning propellants
Barrel cooling techniques
Bore surface finishes
How can life of the barrel be extended?
Cooler burning propellants
Barrel cooling techniques
Bore surface finishes