WD HCM orgs and hierarchies Flashcards
True or false
Locations representing business sites enable you to group workers and business assets ?
What allows for multi-level location structure ?
Locations hierarchies
what roles can be assigned to location hierarchies and why is this useful?
Examples include Comp Partner or HR partner. Both of these assignments will specifically be by location enabling those in the roles to support workers by location rather than by sup org
outline the steps to create a cost center org
1) create a reorg event to group all the cost center creation related activities together
2) Create a company org when you do that it will prompt you to enter the reorg event details, fill out the required fields, fill out the assign roles grid per biz requirements
3) create the cost centers again select the reorg event you created
4) create the cost center hierarchy, the subtype will be function always. assign a cost center manager role
5) assign the cost centers to the cost center hierarchy : go to the CC hierarchy related actions –> reorg –> assign included orgs.
Use the reorg event you created. In the includes org field add the cost centers you created (you can enter multiple). hit ok
Every location has a location usage/ Name 3 of them
business site
business asset
what do biz sites provide ?
time zone, time profile and locale information
What does time profile define?
the standard number of hours worked in that location each week
what determines the format for dates, times and currency and what happens if you do not specify it ?
How can workers override this item when it is inherited ?
locations locale determines this. If you specify a locale for a location workers in that location inherit the locale. If not set workers inherit the tenants locale.
To override inherited locale workers can you Change Preferences Task
what required filed is required during sup org creation ?
Primary location is required as such you must have at least 1 location in your system before creating a sup org
what task is used to set postal code validations ?
maintain localization settings task and select contact info
What allows you to use third party map providers to perform real-time address searching ? what countries is this available in ?
Global Address Lookup service.
Available in France, Australia and the UK
How do customers opt into the global address lookup service ?
Sign the innovation services addendum (ISA) and access the innovation services opt in task . Innovation services are opt-in features that go beyond the Workday core offerings
What do location hierarchies define?
Locations within a multi-level structure and often represent geographical areas. EG: a loc hierarchy of northern europe could include locations such a London and Dublin
are location types workday delivered ?
What task is used to create location types ?
NO . The values are tenanted data to meet customer requirements
Maintain location types task is used to create location types
True or false
You can design unique BP’s for sup orgs ?
complete this sentence :
____-_____ security in WD HCM drives the assignment of roles to users based on their job responsibilities
What simplifies role management and ensures consistent access control across the org ?
Role inheritance which allows user to inherit permission from higher-level roles in the hierarchy
complete this sentence:
Role assignments in WD HCM allows orgs to establish a ____ and ______ security model
Role assignments in WD HCM allows orgs to establish a robust and flexible security model
what do role assignments ensure ?
that the right individuals have appropriate access to data and functionality while maintain data privacy, compliance and overall system security
explain how roles are assigned based on the 2 staffing models
assigned to positions for position management
assigned to the jobs for job management
The employee who fills that position or job takes on the assignable role and their name is displayed in the assigned to field in the roles tab of a sup org
what happens in the position is unfilled in position management supervisory orgs ?
the assigned to field displays the position title indicating the position is unfilled
what happens in the job is unfilled in job management supervisory orgs ?
The job assigned to a role is always filled by a worker. If you terminate the worker, the job becomes inactive and no longer displays as assigned to any roles. When configured to do so, the role then inherits from its superior organization, until you reassign the role to another job.
What drives and secures each reorg task?
configurable BP definitions and security policies
true of false
Reorganization events do not use business process definitions or policies. You view and manage those activities in a delivered Reorganizations report.
true or false
reorg tasks are business process types and allow you to require approvals and cancel or rescind the process when necessary
true or false
reorg events and reorg tasks are the same thing
Reorg task are the 5 tasks that you can perform on a sup org (assign superior, create subordinate, divide org, inactivate org, move workers by org)
reorg events - used to create new org hierarchies or modify existing org hierarchies to include new orgs.
True of false
Change org assignments task is a template driven BP and each org can be secured using its own domain
explain the difference between allowed and default orgs re org assignments
Allowed Organizations
: The organizations that you can select from during staffing events. These values drive what values are available to choose from in the Default Organizations prompt.
Default Organizations
: The organization that the position or worker automatically inherits from the supervisory organization. You can change the default value during the staffing event by selecting from the prompt list of allowed organizations
How do you include workers in a location hierarchy
By hiring or contracting a worker into a location that is included within the
location hierarchy.
You are ready to build a supervisory organization hierarchy. The tenant currently has the top-level supervisory organization configured with Logan McNeil assigned to default roles and the staffing model assigned to Position Management.
The new organization will be the subordinate.
Which tasks allow you to build the new organization? (Select two correct answers.)
Create a supervisory organization, and then from its Related Actions –>
Assign Superior.
Use an existing organization, and then from its Related Actions –> Create Subordinate
You are ready to build a supervisory organization hierarchy. The tenant currently has the top-level supervisory organization configured with Logan McNeil assigned to default roles and the staffing model assigned to Position Management. The new organization will be the subordinate.
When you create the subordinate organization, which attributes will inherit from the superior organization if they are not changed manually?
Primary Location
Staffing Model
During the Change Organization Assignments task of the
Hire business process, you want the company to default into the task with the option for the user to change the default value to any other company in the tenant.
Which fields will you configure in the supervisory organization's Organization Assignments tab to meet this
Default Orgs