Waveforms Flashcards
What is the significance of this image?
Nothing it is a normal low to moderate resistance waveform for the CCA
What is the significance of this image?
- Diastolic reversal
- Stenosis distal
- Increased resistance
What is the significance of this image?
- Blunted flow
- Proximal stenosis
What waveform is this?
- Subclavian artery
What does this waveform indicate to you?
This is a person doing a temporal tap
What is your analysis of this waveform?
Complete reversal of the flow, due to a subclavian steal. Or a proximal steal
What is abnormal about this flow?
- Velocity is too low
- Little to no diastolic flow
- Distal stenosis or occlusion
Where would you find this spectral tracing in the diseased ICA sample here?
Post stenotic turbulence
What component of this ECA waveform is abnormal?
- Increased diastolic flow
- Collateral flow/ ICA occlusion
What is happening in this image?
- This is a low resistance waveform should be high resistance and multiphasic
- This is a dampened waveform indicating a proximal stenosis/ occlusion
What is the significance of this image?
- Trickle flow and severe stenosis seen here
What is the significance of this image?
- All we are picking up here is the pulsations of this waveform
- This is a full occlusion
What does this vertebral signal indicate? What point in the cardiac cycle does this reversal occur?
- Abnormal flow
- Indicates pre steal
- reversal in early systole
What does this vertebral signal indicate to you? what are common levels that this may occur?
- 200 is not normal 50 is normal
- This is some sort of compensatory flow