Water rescue and safety when working near, on or in water. PN 581 COPY Flashcards
1.2 Water operations are divided into the following 3 levels of response:
Level 1 water operations
– Operations where firefighters work within 3m of an unprotected waters edge, or enter water that is both shallow enough not to compromise their PPE (i.e. over the top of their fire boots) and slow moving enough that there is no foreseeable risk that they will be swept off their feet.
Level 2 water operations
Operations where firefighters may have to commit to water (still or moving) to affect a rescue. This includes all incidents involving people in the water and any other incidents beyond the limitations of level 1. These incidents present specific hazards and will in all but exceptional circumstances only be carried out by Fire Rescue Unit (FRU) Swift Water Rescue Technicians (SRT) who have the training and equipment to implement safe systems of work
Level 3 water operations
Operations which involve the deployment of the Flood Response Kits (FRK) where firefighters may be required to work under the guidance of FRU SRT near, on or in flood water. This equipment will normally be deployed for flooding over a wide area but it can also be used for more localised floods where significant numbers of firefighters need to be committed to the water.
What is TAR
(TAR-tactical advisor rescue)
2.1 Inland water can be broadly defined under two headings:
Still water – is a body of water that is usually contained and has no visible movement.
Moving water – is a body of water which, in either its normal state or in its heightened state, has noticeable surface movement.
2.3 In the context of water operations unstable surfaces include
mud, ice, partially frozen water or any surface that requires specialist training and the specialist equipment carried on water-capable FRUs to implement a safe system of work.
Hazards associated with water
- Surface movement.
- Strength of current/flow.
- Presence of undercurrents or eddies, whirlpools, weirs, stoppers.
- Depth of water.
- Size of the body of water.
- Temperature of water/air.
- Water clarity (due to mud silt, rocks etc).
- Pollution/contamination/biological risks.
- Entrapment in or under the water (due to, trees, fencing, cars, roots, weeds and rocks etc).
- Moving vessels and debris in the water.
- Drain covers and other surfaces becoming dislodged in flooding incidents.
- Unexpected change in flow.
- Sluice gates
Hazards associated with water rescues and operations near water
- Noise and compromised communication.
- Poor access, steep banks.
- Slippery surfaces and trip hazards.
- Electrical hazards (overhead power lines, live power supplies in flooded basements etc).
- Manual handling injuries caused by over-reaching, pulling and lifting.
- Inadequate levels of light.
- Panicking casualties causing difficulties for the rescuer/s.
- Bystander pressure This should be alleviated by crews demonstrating maximum activity when exercising the hierarchy of rescue to the limit of training and equipment until further resources arrive
4.3 As per Policy number 800 – Management of operational risk information it is essential to make sure systems are in place to identify and inspect locations where crews may have to carry out water operations in order to identify:
- the location and any name by which the site is known;
- access points for appliances and personnel;
- approach routes and RVPs for appliances;
- water depth and how this might vary;
- flow rates (normal and heightened);
- known subsurface hazards;
- any recorded occurrences of infection;
- physical hazards in, on or near the water (weirs, locks etc.)
it is important to remember that the gathering of information can be from a variety of sources from within the brigade and other agencies
(e.g. Hazardous Materials and Environmental Protection (HMEP), Scientific Advisor, local fire safety team, Local Authority, cross border brigades and the public). For sites involving water, agencies such as the Environment Agency, Thames Water, the Port of London Authority and the Canal and Rivers Trust as well as Local Authorities will hold information that can inform contingency planning. A Tactical Advisor Rescue has the training and access to Met Office and EA data sets, in particular, to aid this process
6.4 To assist with the formulation of clear objectives and an operational plan the following is a guide to the information that should be sought from witnesses
- The number of people involved.
- Where the casualty was last seen.
- Whether the casualty was wearing a life jacket.
- What clothing the casualty was dressed in.
- Information on hazards that may pose a threat to crews entering water e.g. undercurrents, downstream weirs, and subsurface debris.
Level 1 water operations
Initial actions and working near water
7.1 These are operations where firefighters work within 3m of unprotected water or where firefighters enter water to conduct operations to a depth where there is no danger of them being swept off their feet and their structural firefighting PPE is not compromised i.e. water entering over the top of fire boots
7.6 The minimum PPE for any firefighter entering water to affect a rescue is:
- Full firefighting kit.
- Personal floatation device (PFD).
Fire helmets should be removed unless there is risk of head injury, e.g. low branches. If the fire helmet is worn the chin strap should be left unfastened.
7.9 When working near moving water the IC should nominate and position
“spotters” upstream and downstream.
Downstream spotters should be equipped with throw lines.
In addition the IC should appoint a safety officer and consider ordering a FRU for extra bank side safety.
Firefighters not trained in Swiftwater rescue
may only be committed to water to carry out a rescue, as a very last resort, when the situation is so critical that to await the arrival of further resources is likely to result in the loss of human life.
7.13 Before a firefighter (non SRT) enters the water to affect a rescue the incident must be escalated to a level 2 water operation and the following control measures must be in place
• A firefighter who is considered competent and capable
• All personnel must be fully briefed
A floating safety line supervisor must be in place.
• Anyone entering the water must be rigged correctly
• Consider using inflated fire hose
• Effective communications
• Keep noise to a minimum around the area of operations to facilitate clear verbal communications
• Personnel to enter the water slowly to minimise cold water shock
• Gauge the depth of the water and reduce the chance of injury
• The floating safety line supervisor is to monitor the rescuer for signs of distress and if they appear in distress or become unresponsive to withdraw rescuer immediately.
• Any Firefighter committed to the water should be replaced by FRU SRT as soon as practicable. • Send priority message detailing what actions have been taken and requesting appropriate additional resources.
7.16 Following a risk assessment, IC’s in conjunction with the FRU Crew Commander or TRA should consider the following.
- Location of casualty.
- Access to casualty.
- Stabilisation of casualty.
- Extrication of casualty.
- Transportation of casualty.
. A wade rescue is defined as:
Where circumstances dictate, it may be necessary to enter the water and then carry out a “Reach” or “Throw” rescue
7.18 The final three types of water rescue can ONLY be carried out by FRU SRTs.
7.20 FRU SRTs carrying out a wade, row, or go/tow rescues must wear full water rescue PPE consisting of
- Drysuit.
- PFD.
- Water rescue helmet.
- Gloves.
- Thermal under clothing as required
7.27 The use of the ERB’s on the tidal River Thames is a useful asset when involved in or implementing a planned search method, for the following but not exhaustive reasons;
(a) Size and manoeuvrability.
(b) Provide crew access to areas such as under piers, jetties and around static objects such as houseboats. (c) The lightweight design of the craft also allows launching to be facilitated from access points other than slipways
7.29 The tidal part of the River Thames within the LFB area stretches from:
- the most westerly point; Teddington Lock Route Card 63Ka 122 H41 Kingston ground;
- to the most Easterly point at Dayton Drive Route Card 50Md 89 E27 Erith ground.
7.30 The non tidal part of the River Thames within the LFB area stretches from:
- the most westerly point; Fordbridge Road Route Card 68Aa 121 H43 Twickenham ground;
- the most easterly point; Teddington Lock Route Card 63Ka 122 H41 Kingston ground.
on scene co-ordinator
7.44 The use of the ERB at operational incidents will cease when either
- All rescues have been achieved.
- The prevailing conditions on the tidal Thames have deteriorated to such an extent that the IC determines that further operations are unsafe.
- The area of operations has been thoroughly searched and crew(s) have not located any casualties for a minimum of 90minutes after the casualty was seen dropping below the surface of the water.
- On the instruction of the MCA or the MPS.
- When agreed at a Silver meeting between all agencies involved. Once the ERB has been removed from the river, it must be thoroughly washed using a hose reel before it is re stowed in the valise on the appliance.
7.57 If the initial call was not to an ice related incident, the initial IC must send the priority message
“Implement water operations procedure level-2, rescue path required”.
When Brigade Control receives this message they will order two FRUs with BT and Path attribute and mobilise a TRA and SM.
7.60 It is vital that the IC considers the following when formulating a plan:
- If tidal, the state of tide (rising or falling) – available from brigade control.
- Condition of the casualty.
- Distance to the casualty.
- Mud borne hazards (sharp objects and debris).
Level 3 water operations
7.66 These operations involve the deployment of the Flood Response Kit (FRK) where Firefighters may be required to work under the guidance of FRU SRT near, on or in floodwater.
7.70 Additional to local flooding caused by burst water mains etc. London is potentially vulnerable to flooding from several sources:
Fluvial (River)
Pluvial (Rain)
7.71 A flooding incident typically has three sequential phases:
Phase 1
- This includes but is not restricted to immediate time critical life-saving rescues
- In most cases this will present the most challenging and hazardous work conditions and will be carried out by specialist FRU SRTs or helicopter.
However depending on the conditions firefighters can be utilised in still or slow moving water affecting large numbers of vulnerable people over a wide area.
Phase 2
- This includes the rescue/recovery from places of temporary safety (inundated structures/vehicles/trees).
- This phase will generally be resource intensive, as there may be a need to operate over a wide area. Prevailing weather conditions and other factors may mean people already moved to a place of temporary safety may need to be removed to a more secure location within a relatively short timeframe. This will normally involve firefighters working under the guidance of FRU SRTs.
Phase 3
- This involves the final search of flooded structures/vehicles.
- Body recovery.
- Stabilisation of dangerous structures (Urban Search and Rescue (USAR)).
Again, this will involve firefighters and specialist crews working under the guidance of FRU SRTs. Note. The response to any flood will be most effective with proper planning, preparation and forecasting
National Incident Command Structure
7.73 The role of firefighters (first responders) at flood related incidents can include:
- Rescues of members of the public from various premises or places of temporary safety.
- Search operations.
- Assessment of resource requirements.
- Other roles designated by the IC.
7.75 First responders will be clearly identifiable by
their yellow water safety helmet.
7.77 The role of the FRU SRT safety officer is to:
- Support and advise the CM or WM of the crew they are working with.
- Identify and monitor hazards.
- Ensure the appropriate levels of PPE are regularly reviewed. • Recognise and stop unsafe practices.
- Monitor for lone working situations.
- Observe personnel hygiene and barrier protection.
- Oversee welfare of crews.
- Provide regular situation reports to a nominated officer – this could be the sector commander or safety officer for the sector, the operations commander or the IC.
7.78 FRU Swiftwater technicians are clearly identifiable
by their red water safety helmet.
7.80 TRAs will be identifiable by
by a surcoat with TRA insert and white water safety helmet.
• The maximum wading depth for firefighters wearing L3 PPE
is 60cms (2 feet): in practise, this is at knee height for most firefighters.
7.82 The following is some of the equipment that may be employed at a level 3 water operation.
- 5 x flood response kit are stored at the Brigade Distribution Centre (BDC) located in Croydon as part of the bulk resilience inventory.
- Each FRK consists of 5 x 4m flood response boats (FRB), 1 x Versadock raft and PPE for up to 20 firefighters.
7.85 The following guidelines for the use of FRBs:
Flood rescue boat
- The FRB is rated to carry up to 8 adults and it can be pulled or towed by line, paddled or powered.
- For the majority of evacuation (or rescue) operations, firefighters wearing appropriate PPE will pull FRB’s. In circumstances where a power unit is required to assist with a rescue or to improve firefighter safety, coxswains must operate at a speed sufficient to make steady progress but not so fast as to create a wash that would have an adverse affect on operations and property. • A minimum of 2 FRU powerboat handlers are required to use each FRBs under power.
9.10 if the brigade is called to conduct a rescue the casualty should be presumed to be alive unless one of the following applies:
- There is strong evidence that casualty has been face down in the water for over 90 minutes.
- The body has started to decompose.
- The casualty is pronounced dead by a qualified doctor.
What are the symptoms of Weil’s disease?
- The first sign of Weil’s disease is flu like illness within about 3-4 days of the infection.
- After 6-7 days a severe headache and conjunctivitis with the possibility of meningitis follows.
- At 8-10 days, kidney failure and the beginnings of jaundice will become obvious.
What are the symptoms blue-green algae disease?
• ‘Illnesses including skin rashes, eye irritation, vomiting, diarrhoea, fever and pains in muscles and joints have occurred in some recreational users of water who swallowed or swam through algal scum. There have been no reports of long term affects or deaths in humans, but in some cases the illnesses were severe.’
The following items of equipment will be carried on the ERB’s Whenever they are deployed onto the tidal Thames:
- 1 x Navigation and blue light mast
- 2 x Cargo storage nets
- 1 x Thames storage bag
- 1 x Extinguisher
- 1 x Anchor, warp and storage bag
- 1 x Air horn
- 1 x Anchor retaining cable
- 1 x Mooring line