Terrorist Related Incidents PN259 Flashcards
Who constantly liaises with Police Counter Terrorism Command?
LFB Inter Agency Liaison Group
Role of the Duty ILO
Up to the minute information to ICs during terrorist incidents
Who will attend all confirmed terrorist incidents
How do you contact duty ILO
Via Officer of the watch (OOW) at Brigade Control
Considerations when approaching a potentially terrorist related incident
Flexibility of approach
CBRN Devices + Conventional Explosives
STEP 1-2-3
Safe cordon distances
Secondary devices
Report concerns
Safety - Do not touch
Who is responsible for overall command and control of a terrorist incident
Police IC (Police Silver)
Who has responsibility for firefighting and rescue operations at a terrorist incident
Fire Brigade IC (Fire Silver)
Terrorist Incident Cordons
-up to suitcase
Terrorist Incident Cordons
-up to car
Terrorist Incident Cordons
-up to lorry or if in any doubt
At a device actuated incident, which vehicles should be taken into the inner cordon
only essential vehicles
When is the primary duty of the brigade accomplished at a Terrorist related incident
Fire extinguished
All trapped and injured persons removed
Components of an IED
Packaging - Lunchbox or a lorry!
Filling - Explosive + CBRN
Initiation - Switch/Detonator/Igniters
Also Potentially.... Power source Safety device Timer Anti-handling device Booster
If at an incident with an IED, what else should I be considering
Secondary devices designer to inflict injury to emergency services
May not be smaller than initial IED
3 categories of calls to a bomb
No warning - Device Actuated
Warning given - Device Actuated
Warning given - Not Actuated / Made safe
When may LFB personnel search for suspect devices
Fire station or attached premisses
Minimum distances for communications equipment at an incident with a suspect device
Appliance & Main Scheme - 50m (switch off to prevent speech & data transmission)
Hand held - 10m
Can pagers be worn at an incident with a suspect device
Considerations when siting appliances at a terrorist Incident
Not in direct line of sight
Away from glass
Away from secondary hazards (parked vehicles, garages etc)
Behind hard cover
Upwind if Chem or Bio agents suspected
Secondary devices
Request police if not already attended
Facing away from incident
Windows open
If police not in attendance then IC should establish command point so that it is readily moveable should police request
Parked vehicles may become part of the crime scene if a detonation takes place
Keep control informed of appliance movements
What should IC do if receiving regular shouts to terrorist threats at a set area or premise
Vary sitting of appliances
Bomb threat information should be passed to oncoming watches (even if hoax) to aid pattern identification
Where should ICs consider as potential as potential RVP
May decide to use nearest fire station (in liaison with Police)
Considerations at a device actuated incident
Early establishment of both Brigade and Multi Agency command team, command point, RVPs
Minimal personnel in area until declared safe (of secondary devices) by police. Minimal personnel are only those required to secure public safety eg lashing branches to extinguish fire
What is the primary duty of the brigade at a terrorist Incident
Make area safe for public & other emergency services
After Rescue & Firefighting are completed, what else must be considered
Scene preservation
Incident area is a crime scene, every effort must be made to prevent loss or damage to potential evidence
Can be aided by:
Keeping personnel to a minimum
Leave non essential vehicles outside immediate vicinity
Obvious fatalities to be left where discovered
What should happen to appliances taken to scene of terrorist Incident once incident over
Other than urgent redeployment, All vehicles left in situ till examined and cleared by police
What will Police controller of Cordons require
List of brigade personnel attending incident, particularly those in inner cordon
What use is there for Aerial appliances at terrorist incidents
Looking for casualties blown distances
Evidence gathering for police
Casualty handling for LAS
Whose responsibility is press briefing and media handling and statements at a terrorist Incident
No information, photos or videos should be released until cleared by police